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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. 993! :3
  2. 9 8 9
  3. 977!
  4. Re-donateable Pandaring, Bee, Darkring, Ghostring Rucksack pls. :3
  5. Poringly

    I'm Back.

    Welcome back to teh server. :3
  6. Poringly

    About Emperium

    They're not a MVP type mosnter, Check here, or type @mi 1288 in game. Emp HP's 250m, Element : Holy , Race : Angel, Size : Small, etc. :D Hope this help. n__n.
  7. You got dumped? o_o --- http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4a8QtvOkBQ
  8. [9][7][4]
  9. 971
  10. Lol yea, GL in the Quest! :3 & If you want 2 get zeny fast, type @ali 2344 then @warp for_fild01 then kill all the firering or for_fild02 then kill all the fox, or @ali stone of sage then @warp tha_t07~09. It's hard at first, but you'll get used to it. n____n. P.s : I like ur sig and ur avy. :3
  11. you're 943 :o you're 946. You're 947. o-o ======= 952!
  12. Omg! Happy Birthday! :)

  13. I believe what he/she mean by "Soul Ring" is the "Blue Emp Aura" in our server , before I play fRO, i play a MR server which has an item called "Soul/Spell Ring" which is the exact same item as our Emp Aura ( The original color's Blue in other server ). or this'll cover it up. ---- Ouch & Yea, its kinda sad how ppl copy us. :\
  14. Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can enjoy ur stay here! :wink:
  15. 941 :3
  16. 9 - 3 = 6 !!
  17. Recommended by Lady Gaga. :3
  18. 9-3-3
  19. 913~
  20. OMG! Someone call 911!
  21. !!

    Grat's on ur promotion 2 be da Trial Senior GM. :3

  22. Happy B'day, dood! :3

  23. Happy B'day! :3

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