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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Lol xD;

    Other than that? :3

  2. Mmm, Whatchudoin~? *-*

  3. They're awesome! :3 But its kinda too complicated. o-o
  4. Poringly

    Hello Everyone

    Hi! Welcome to the server! Hope you can enjoy your time here! :D Oh wow, you found dis server from RMS? tat's nice. :3 && If you need anything, you can ask me or check the fRO wikipedia for a start.
  5. Thanks Nelly? xD

    & HI! ;D

  6. Wb, sir! You meet anyone you know yet?
  7. :o!! Awesome! Thanks! :D
  8. Goodluck to all participants! :)

  10. Nice update! :3 Keep up the good work! :D ---- Edit : Meh.
  11. Poringly

    Heeey! ~

    ^I hope we can meet in game! :3 && Nice sig in SOTW. ;D
  12. :O!! Here's my entry for this week : Ign : FakeLove</3 Source : [x] | Text : Candy cane | Brush : Cute faces from brusheezy.com

  14. Poringly

    Heeey! ~

    Hi, welcome to the server! I hope you can enjoy your stay with us. :)
  15. Nice<3. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-sxSd1uwoU
  16. Hi, welcome to the server! :) Hope you enjoy your stay here & Click me for tips
  17. Awesome! Keep up the good work. :D & Since when did the price for the unreleased headgears change to $10 , i tho they're suppose to be $5ea ( except wings ). Edit : @Veracity : i think you put the wrong image for Black frog king hat & Blue aquarius diadem
  18. Happy Bdae~ :3

  19. I'd like to vote for [8]sookyay Creativity - 4 Technical - 3 Execution - 4 Aesthetic - 4 Total points:15 I like how romantic the render she use & how she made the background & the text very romantic which match the render she use. Good job!
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