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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly

    I Draw Stuff.

    Oh wow. its awesome and pretty. *-* :DD
  2. Lol, Ikr! :D

    && Thanks. :P

  3. ^What they said! :D & Shouldn't this be in the suggestion section?
  4. I'd like to vote for [4]Accel [x]Creativity - 4 [x]Technical - 4 [x]Execution - 5 [x]Aesthetic - 4 [o]Total point - 17 I like how he made the sig black & white with some teal and other color in it and how he made glowing around the champ which is amazing! :D Good job!
  5. Happy Bday!! :D

  6. :o!

    Happy bday!! :D

  7. Ahh, awesome. xD;

  8. Ahh, i see. xDD

    Soo, what're you going to do then? :o

  9. Mmm yea. xD;

    Have fun~ :3

  10. Uhh, make the new quest?

  11. That place is amazing. *-*

  12. Meh. xD;

    Soo, where exactly are you goin? :3

  13. Lol, rly? I dont think so. xD

  14. Ahh, 2 bad. No GF? :3

  15. Mmm, i dont have any ideas to balance the server. :(

    && Cool. Thank you. :D

  16. Oh wow, Awesome. *-*

    Alone? w/ GF? or w/ Fam? xD

  17. that's y i ask you first before makin it into a suggestion topic and annoy lots more people who did the update. xD

  18. Nah, it's not harsh at all. Yeah i'm glad & appreciate that you guys finally added a Vote Raw and Quest Raw. It would be lot more better if there's recolor for it xD . But still, something must be done to balance the server imo. I kno how you feel, people keep asking for changes in every updates but still, something just keep buggin me :s . Sorry if I upset you or anything,

  19. Vera, don't you think the current Vote raw & quest raw reflect % is too low?

    1st. the Avian > Vote Raw : Avian has 2% more reflect and 1 slot.

    2nd. the Quest raw need more than 2k item to be farm for a small reflect, its kinda unfair? x.x;

    Well, i was going to make a suggestion but before that i need a Gm opinion. xD;

    Thanks for reading & answering. :)

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