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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly


    ^I dont, until now that is. xD
  2. Happy Bday! :D

  3. Poringly

    Rofl Copter!

    ^Oh, i tho he meant the Annoying Orange vid. :s
  4. 1249
  5. Poringly

    Rofl Copter!

    How's that old? It started 3 days ago. :(
  6. 1 - 2 = 4 - 5 ( 1245 )
  7. Poringly

    Rofl Copter!

    Watch this. :) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg8jISMx4dk
  8. 1 - 2 + 4 = 3 ( 1243 ).
  9. Grats to all~ :)
  10. 1 + 2 - 4 = -1 ( 1241 ).
  11. Poringly


    What kind of sig you guys want? I was trying to make it but im out of ideas , so i need some ideas! :D Text sig like 'Addicted to fRO' or smth else?
  12. 1+2 = 3 & 9. ( 1239)
  13. Poringly

    Rofl Copter!

    Wow, nice one! I just watch the annoying orange yesterday. o.o
  14. Happy Bday!! :D

  15. *Hugs back!* :DD

  16. Awesome! Keep up the great work! & Are the new activity rewards tradeable?
  17. :o!!

    you'll still be my uncle even tho you broke up with her!! :D

  18. 1225 Porings! Edit : typo. :(
  19. -Joined- :D
  20. Poringly


    Oh wow! I'm so excited. :3 Should i make a sig for dis? :DD
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