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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Poringly

    Current Projects

    OMG! The Jigglypuff is so kewl! :3 Nice one! :D
  2. Sleepy.. Lol.

    Hbu? :3

  3. Oh lol, i didnt see it. xD;

    & Hi. :3

  4. :o!

    We got the same age, but im 2 months older. :P

  5. Oh, xD! Well then, Goodluck w/ ur GM job. n__n


  7. +1 , Agree to everything. :D & Uhh, for more drops, i was thingking for more recolor Imp & Emp aura with a lower drop rate chance like 0.1%?
  8. Poringly

    :] Yep, I'm New.

    Omg, Hi! Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay here. n___n. Since nines have explain everything, idk what else to say. o.o
  9. Hi! Do i kno you? o_o!

  10. :O!

    Nice nickname. :3

    && Try click then name then reply it at their home because they wont notice that you reply to their comments. :P

  11. Hi! I saw you in game. *-*

  12. Omg, Hi! *-*

    We kinda have the same Char, my sinx name is " Illusion! " o_o

  13. & Sure! :)

    Sry for double posting, didnt read it b4. :P

  14. Please update the Staff List! Thanks! :D

    1. Veracity


      We will once all of the new GMs are settled in.

    2. Poringly


      I tho its settled alrdy. :s

    3. Nashataku


      awww thank you :D

  15. Happy bday, dood! :D

  16. Happy b'day~ :)

  17. HAPPY BDAY! :D

  18. Ahh, 2 bad. :P "1298"
  19. Happy Birthday, bud! :)

  20. HAPPY BDAE~ :D

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