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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Poringly

  1. Happy B-day Kax! :)




    && Where's dad? I haven't seen him in ages. = w=

  3. :o! who's mario btw? o-o. I'm still the same old me. :P

    What kind of animation? :3

  4. 1087
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S08KonZiew4
  6. and the other headgear too ( The one with no slot ), they're kinda pointless w/o slot. x.x~
  7. Happy B.Day! :3

  8. Happy Bday~! :D

  9. Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :) Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%. We got lots of quest here, try checking the Guide section for some guide & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting. To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another. Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03! We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D Our system here's Token instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :) Ask me if you got other question. P.s : Yea' its kinda long, well basicly, they're just some info you'll be needin in this server, since some off ppl here will ignore you if you ask em. o,..o! ( No Offense ). :D
  10. !!

    *Stalk back* :D

    Hiiii!!! Am gud, thx for askin? and you? :3

    Everthing's okay, and im still the same old me. :P

    howboutyou? You still w/ Bass? :3

    && Hppy Mom day 2 u 2! :D

  11. There's more Chat box & Afk ppl in fcity than the usual! o-o

    1. Dudu


      Its called, activity tokens.

    2. Anarii


      the hoarding of

    3. Danny


      activity tokens.

  12. Remove ur gear first, since they give enlarge weight limit, after you remove it then skill up the enlarge weight limit until you see the skill you wanted. :) Edit : i think you should move this topic to support section.
  13. -image change to smaller size- :D
  14. Wait, do we have to talk to a NPC to get the activity token or we'll get it in our inventory automaticly? P.s : Great Update guys! Can't wait for the 2nd part! >>:3 Edit : If the European / Asian WoE is fused, is the time going to be change? or it'll stay as it is now? :\
  15. ^Ill done it 2mrw, its kinda late here. x3 && the smaller one is uglier than the original size. :C
  16. Note ; The mom in the image's the biggest pea which is in the left side of the image, the other is her kid. :3 Image Stock ; [x] Background ; [x] Ign : S&H. n_____n Edit :Sorry, i kno i'm not allowed to edit it but its kinda important. The size of the sig's actually 214x472 , when it has to be 300x450, & when im making the sig i still tho the max size is 500x500,, i just realize that the size's over 450 when i post this thing. I hope its ok, tell me if you want me to make the smaller one. x.x~ Edit 2: Image changed to smaller size. >>:3
  17. 1062..! P.s : I think you should edit the first post too. :3
  18. Hi! Happy B'day, Mac! :D

  19. Hell No! :( Agree! :3 1052
  20. Poringly

    Aloha =D

    Hi, welcome to the server! Hope you can have fun here! :) Max Lvl = 255/255, Max Stats = 300, Max ASpd = 195, Rates = 6k/6k/1k, Mvp Card drop rate = 10%. We got lots of quest here, try checking the Guide section for some guide & You can also vote for use at forsaken-ro.net/voting. To go to the main town, type @go 25, and we use @warp to move from one map to another. Try @whereis command to know where the monster you want to hunt is, ex : @whereis mummy , and it'll give you moc_pryd03 or smth, then type @warp moc_pryd03! We got some custom filds too! for_fild01~06. :D Our system here's Token instead of Zeny, ex : B>Tao[20] it mean that the person's buying Tao gunka card for 20 Token, 1 Token worth 20~25m Zeny. :) Ask me if you got other question. P.s : Mmmm~ GL in the farmin & leveling. :D
  21. 1027 ----- Topic should be change to " Count to 10.000 " not " 1k " :o!
  22. What does that even mean? o-o ------- 1017
  23. o_o!

    What're you peekin at? && Hi. :D

  24. D: I was just abt to post it. :c
  25. 995!
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