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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. Thats because its far to easy to comment on you, there is a flooding rule here so im sure could get flood warning for the many many insults that can be used on your face hehehehehehehehehe
  2. I find it funny how people argue that its only 30% and that tarot fails some times....well yah that might be true but guess what when placed onto a weapon it doesn't fail....on my sniper bow its an 100% strip when strip is cast, when tarot is cast its an 100% chance to tarot. And also you can't judge effects over what effects are in actual pvp the bow is gayer than any so far =.= There should be draw backs for having the bow since it just attracts pussys to using it....(looks at the people defending)
  3. nines

    Black Ops!

    Are you on xbox sensation?
  4. nines

    Black Ops!

    Just did some major playing, yes there are campers everywhere, no there are no bugs, there are unbalances but not bugs. 1.Things I hate, guns do way to much damage and seem to have a natural silencer so they are quite as hell without a silencer and when they are silenced theres no sound at all really. 2. Turtle Beaches are pointless on black ops, you can't hear anyone walking.....even if they don't have ninja on and even if they do only ninja pro gets ride of all noise. 3. Claymores the second they detect you they blow up, no chance at all to get away. 4. kids still play the fucking game. 5. The game attracts a lot of noob campers. 6. maps usually get repeated like fckin 5 times in a row =.= 7. famas is full automatic...what the fuck is this bs? supposed to be a 3 round burst. 8. this game is placed around 1960s yet theres guns in the game totally unreleated to that time. 9. gay 10. joos POSITIVES. 1. Balastic Knife is fun as hell 2. Tomahawk is fun as hell 3. Crossbow is fun as hell 4. you can buy your perks instead of wait for leveling to get them. 5. flame thrower is fun as hell I like to burn dem joos lol
  5. nines

    Black Ops!

    Lol it could be that ur just a 13 year old kid on xbox timmy. Like all of the other millions of them you just suck at the game :P
  6. nines

    Nines Sigworks~!

    O.o I put size my render first put it on a layer then start working.
  7. nines

    Nines Sigworks~!

    Totally forgot I had this thing :O Well heres some things i've done Since last update a long ass time ago lol. Randoms Gm Signatures I've done Some of my favorites I've done recently. This is a SOTM Entry on animesuki for a theme that I know nothing about lol
  8. Not a rave? Techno is the music of mlg people u twat >.> heres one of my suggestions. Mikus video made me remember mounty oums and goood old guitarmasterx7 video so. DEATHCLOCK!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyR_iwoL_NE
  9. Some techno would be nice for a pvp bgm :O
  10. Well people say math can determine the drop rate....but even if you kill 100 you still won't get one. its a 1% out of 1. the variable of luck comes into play. oooooh look at me im smart using logic !!!
  11. nines


    Just got kinect sports :P
  12. nines

    Immmm Backkkkk

    Drew =;=
  13. nines


    Alright microsoft was always the best with just the xbox but now kinect is pro as hell, Bought one and ok 1 its a workout 2 its fun as hell 3 fun as hell for parties lol. The dance game is embarassing as hell but fun as shit the adventures is well just a time killer since it comes with kinect If any of you guys got kinect yet add my gt MTRX Deadpool.
  14. 792 more dollars till a new paintball gun :P
  15. Agree creators are kind of useless when people fcp or reduct or gr rsx the mamo mix build is ok but the mamo dmg sucks so more damage please
  16. Im currently listening to a lecture in class -.-
  17. nines


    You never disturb a man when hes on the throne. It should be against the law. ITS THE ONLY PLACE OF RELAXATION AND DOMINATION IN TEH HOUSE
  18. Gee nice description of what you want =.=
  19. Fcp for 10 minutes does seem a little gay to me but, I also think if we reduce the time it will bring more alchemist characters to the game and we can also make that class more balanced and pvp worthy. Im on for making fcp time like 5 - 7 minutes. Snipers, Keep strip. No reason to even argue its good to have for them since that was there main part before and since they don't have range strip its like 1 cell away....why take it away. Stun lock isn't a problem really because guess what snipers have. WE HAVE SKID TRAPS YAYA AND WE CAN USE THEM ON OUR SELFS YAY YAY YAY =.= Also add 50k hp to snipers, and make one handed katar and give frigg shield 20% more reducts for sniper and give me a fuckin ion lazer for my damn priest so I can fckin shoop da woop some ones ass
  20. Welcome back random person.
  21. Slow ass lol
  22. Well having thanatos droped higher would actually make sense now. People usually default skolls and since the new friggs shield does 10% less vit defense also stacking skolls thana will basically become useless aside from woe and for champs maybe. I know a lot don't have the friggs yet but it will get wide spread soon enough so...yahhhh
  23. Yah a new orange would be good. The current one looks like the fkin cheeto tiger dropped a deuce.
  24. nines

    S>Halloween Mask.

  25. seems like it kinda died a month ago...
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