So basis of this would be like a monthly event is that every month a random super quest npc will be added.
Requirements for the super quest npc could be like example: Mvp cards that are used to make elite items or mvp cards that prove useful to people, 300+ off an item that is droped by a low spawned mob, ant jaws, fang of garms, random woe drop items like wheel of unkown, omen of tempest, etc.
And the result of doing the super quest will be an item that could be branch specific each month. or maybe twice a month.
Like you can choose to make example item for priest, or champion. or switch from half way through the month to wizard or professor.
These quest would give oportunitys for new players to farm the mats to make these items and sell them, help there place in the server, while also giving other people stuff to do.