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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by nines

  1. Razer Mamba mouse, Razer Lycosa keyboard.
  2. Heres a kooler version of post your desktop. Ima post the SETUP the thing on the right is my newlaptop just got it today Alienware M15x
  3. 2x Tg Phree Incan or if you can 2x Tg Phree Thana. What I use on my prof is 2x kingring phree thana and works good and on other one 2x dwl phree incan. Works pretty good :O
  4. Already suggested something like that. Level 5 and 3 is possible you can even give level 100 :O, I do think the damage is still kind of low atm for prof stave so it could use an increase but adding items to increase the damage instead of changing the weapon.
  5. Critical sword comes with a price to =.= you can't use incan or thana so its just a power house its mostly just for fighting champs and even then you don't have double attack so you do hits lik 5k higher but only singles. The 20 dex would make it seem more like a dex sword So I guess I can agree on adding that, and the dex bonus doesn't do much for damage really.
  6. Umm lets try a no, to making it so its a dagger. The damage of it being a sword is already good and you don't need to adjust your stats for aspd since it adds aspd. So theres a dmg boost plus all the stats. If it gets turned into a dagger? Jesus sinxs could default a shield and just rape everything in sight in reduct mode again. The 20 int I actually like since edping is a bitch on sp with other buffs etc also metor spamming. realize the effects of changing the weapon, the sinx weapons are balanced and fine, they add a good bonus for dmg etc etc and keep the class so its still good but not fukin chuck norris. You only really got one person agreeing on this and there just like you this suggestion is all about your self not balancing it for other people.
  7. Buy a valkyrie weapon. Or wait till the next update see if there will be new donation items and buy and sell for a lot then just buy the rest off players. when valk weapons came out I made it so sniper bow cost an emp + qpons Lol so you'll be able to sell them for quite a bit :P. Thats assuming there are new donation weapons. if its armors or what ever just get the reg valk weapons and sell those.
  8. Im not going to re upload mine, Im a gold member on that site. Your kind of a douche if you go reupload your source.
  9. *Me kissing gms ass* Source: Here
  10. nines

    Post Your Character!

    Wow look at ugly ^^^ Heres the legend assassin as you all know him
  11. nines

    Post Your Character!

    Nines's army of doom characters.
  12. nines

    Cloak Bonus Cards.

    Adding a card for stave crasher bonus for cloack.
  13. nines


    Yay i've got gms agreeing with me huzzah!
  14. i do the bumpy bump i put my bump in your bumpity bump.
  15. So basis of this would be like a monthly event is that every month a random super quest npc will be added. Requirements for the super quest npc could be like example: Mvp cards that are used to make elite items or mvp cards that prove useful to people, 300+ off an item that is droped by a low spawned mob, ant jaws, fang of garms, random woe drop items like wheel of unkown, omen of tempest, etc. And the result of doing the super quest will be an item that could be branch specific each month. or maybe twice a month. Like you can choose to make example item for priest, or champion. or switch from half way through the month to wizard or professor. These quest would give oportunitys for new players to farm the mats to make these items and sell them, help there place in the server, while also giving other people stuff to do.
  16. nines


    Simpe suggestion. Change it so its an actual survival not tank and hide and mob. Remove the 4 boxes on the sides of the maps and make it so its just a cube everyones locked in. and they can work together to kill the mobs or do what sinxs do and just backslide like wimps -.- Parties would prove more useful, we could put a time limit so if the limit is reached everyone gets a 10 eqpon prize and etc etc.
  17. nines

    Cloak Bonus Cards.

    For all elements. For all bolts. Quest for all of them.
  18. nines

    Cloak Bonus Cards.

    What? It says 10% so sinx would get 10% if the sinx is in a party and uses enchant poison on a party member they get a 20% damage bonus with poison element
  19. Well we have cards that go into cloak that do 33% minus dmg from certain element. Why not have cards that we can quest for to do 10% more damage with this certain element for melee users or toss users and 10% more damage with bolt skills. Example Deadly Toxin Card Effects: 10% More damage with Poison Element. (If used by class other than sinx 20% bonus) (Give sinx more of a support role also for elementing there partys) Gale Force Card Effects: 10% More damage with Wind Element. Etc Etc All Eles These do seem like they would unbalance pvp so there should be draw backs to using these cards, of course theres the obvious thana or asura will own you but its not a major bonus so maybe Example Napalm Breathe Card Effects: 10% More damage with Fire Bolt, Decrease Vit Defense by 10%. (Ray effect not needed since magic class use these they will have energy coat) Etc Etc all bolts. ~Edit Adding~ Heavy Stave Card (Gotten by event qpons) Effects: Increase Damage done with stave crasher 25% Decrease Vit Defense 10%. Hp +2%. Agree Disagree Suggesitons Critiques?
  20. Should be. It isn't though.
  21. I move for a new rule to be added when entering a sotw entry. Post the source of the tutorial your following. -.- anyways im going to vote for #8. It keeps in theme with the game and in theme with movies, has great balance with the render, has a nice flow to the sig and looks badass without over doing it.
  22. nines

    Over Weight

    In other topics suggesting new source editing suggestions veracity has said that we don't have enough scripters to do this atm. I agree that the over weight crap is annoying but. If we added what you suggested heres how it can be abused. Devo drops 400 yggs, devos players picks 400 yggs up now he has atleast 600 or so yggs or 1200 seeds. he'll walk slower sure but he and his devo will never drop =.=. Simpler suggestion would be to have a weapon made that every player gets when they make there character that gives lvl 30 enlarge weight limit, and when equiped it deletes all yggs and seeds on the player, to void abuse in pvp. But be useful for when turning in quest that require a lot of room. a lot simpler to do and more useful.
  23. nines


    Lol, you go sister. Start bitching and make a rant because some one posted on your topic going against you. Aces! /no1
  24. nines

    New Sinx Weapon

    Only sinx can use them means its there main?................................................... Im astounded by your logic.
  25. nines

    New Sinx Weapon

    In this server daggers are the main build, Sonic Blow is just something to do if ur bored or what ever, or if your rich enough do do daggers and sonic blow lol.
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