niemono89 Posted June 4, 2018 Report Posted June 4, 2018 (edited) As the title "spoken", I think not much explanation needed for those legend old players of iRO❤️>>>>>>U Knew it :P For new players explanation and main reason for the suggestion stated XD : We already knew matk job such as wizards and sages have those already. Why not let those brute classes job to have a fun-play matk style too? (I'm a fans of hybrid INT brute class job such as bolt stalker/bolt sinX/hybrid INT sinX *sbk+bolts play style*) There are 3 types of bolt headgears that I'm gonna suggest here: 1. Enable use of lv10 fire bolt, lv10 cold bolt, lv10 lightning bolt, lv5 earth spike. Ignores Boss-type monster's MDEF by *25-35%* and does damage accordingly, INT+50. (for mvp killing lovers, plus I'm not a fan of ASURA champ :3) *5-20%* cast delay reduction. 2. Enable use of lv10 jupitel thunder, mind breaker skill-self enabled on the user too. Disable mind breaker skill-self when equipped by high wizard, baby wizard, scholar and baby sage. Strip shield chances of *25%-30%* . 3. Enable use of lv10 fire bolt, lv10 cold bolt, lv10 lightning bolt, lv5 earth spike, double bolt skill enabled on the user too. *5-20%* cast delay reduction. Notes: 1. Those are for tokenshop varieties. For votes type bolt headgears(Halves 50% of its effects. Example: Enable use of lv5 fire bolt, lv5 cold bolt, lv5 lightning bolt, lv3 earth spike, double bolt skill enabled on the user too. 5-9% cast delay reduction). 2. Also can made as these type of mechanic: Attacks onto target by melee, range to proc the bolt auto-cast/Receive physical damage, magical damage from enemy to proc the bolt auto-cast. (the %, I'll just leave it to GM's team developer ❤️ ) 3. Because of cast delay reduction% for the bolt hats, just use the restriction of *more than *2/3* kiels slotted will disable the cast delay reduction% . 4. Those bolt hats can made it as 2's for the card slot(upper), plus can combine it with tokenshop forsaken set/vote type forsaken set ❤️ Hope players, GM team, developers love these suggestion ❤️ more power FRO ❤️ Extra notes: these bolt headgears can be equipped for all jobs :3 Edited June 8, 2018 by niemono89 Hybrid INT rocks too <3
qperteplex Posted June 5, 2018 Report Posted June 5, 2018 @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii
Maiimaii Posted June 5, 2018 Report Posted June 5, 2018 What the fuck. Im out bye On 6/5/2018 at 1:35 AM, qperteplex said: @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii Expand
Ableton Posted June 5, 2018 Report Posted June 5, 2018 On 6/4/2018 at 10:28 PM, niemono89 said: Enable use of lv10 jupitel thunder, mind breaker skill enabled on the user too. Strip shield chances of *25%-30%* Expand The hell is this. B>Wiz G set / WS G set / Ninja G set. Thanks.
niemono89 Posted June 5, 2018 Author Report Posted June 5, 2018 @qperteplex, @Maiimaii Wb to my suggestion thread ❤️ Both of ur bashes were improving myself alot anyway ❤️ Fell free to visit again, I really welcomed both of u too :3
niemono89 Posted June 5, 2018 Author Report Posted June 5, 2018 (edited) @Ableton Jupitel thunder skill is wind element(wear wind armor to avoid it, equip strong shield/RSX-0806 for anti-knock back effect) I added strip shield % there for a good reason(GTB users), and the mind breaker skill-self is just an extension(some players may find it OP alot 1000% :P) and thats it ❤️ Note about mind breaker skill: Attack the mind of the enemy to cause mental breakdown. This decreases enemy's INT MDEF, but it ups their MATK. Success chance is (55+5*SkillLV)%. This is basically Provoke for Magicians. Edited June 5, 2018 by niemono89 Risky to get higher matk damage and self MDEF down is great :3
qperteplex Posted June 6, 2018 Report Posted June 6, 2018 @niemono89LMAO. You don't PVP alot obviously to know how OP wiz is with MB. Without MB they are good still, with MB they can destroy a party with 1 LOV if you are caught off guard @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii
Maiimaii Posted June 6, 2018 Report Posted June 6, 2018 On 6/6/2018 at 2:36 AM, qperteplex said: @niemono89LMAO. You don't PVP alot obviously to know how OP wiz is with MB. Without MB they are good still, with MB they can destroy a party with 1 LOV if you are caught off guard @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii @Maiimaii Expand Have mercy, I'm so done with her suggestions. Never made a proper one XDDDDD
Ableton Posted June 6, 2018 Report Posted June 6, 2018 She didn't get my joke. I guess i aint funny. T_T
niemono89 Posted June 6, 2018 Author Report Posted June 6, 2018 (edited) @qperteplex, @Maiimaii Almost forgot about that MB for matk user :3 Plus thanks for the reminder ❤️ Edit a little bit for the first line-post anyway ❤️ @Ableton u're cute, no worries ❤️ Edited June 6, 2018 by niemono89
c0okiee Posted June 7, 2018 Report Posted June 7, 2018 (edited) dude ur suggestion for Having Bolt fire & ice bolt lvl5 (not 10) is good for hats then we cld use it like u said on hybrid int build chars.. and use diff play styles It might be fun really. But AMG jesus all ur other suggestions... they make no sense to me sorry. -1 for all the crap except for ( fire or ice Bolt hats lvl5 bolts maybe with 1 slot +1 ) Edited June 7, 2018 by c0okiee
niemono89 Posted June 7, 2018 Author Report Posted June 7, 2018 @c0okiee A few valk'weapon of other job already have lv5 bolts, such as biochemist, soul linker, bard, dancer :3 Not gonna condemned ur best suggestion lv5 bolts hat for hybrid str+int jobs. But still, I think tokenshop type bolts hat should be getting lv10 bolts, if other thinks that extra buff such like MB, double bolt were OP. (Im try to be understanding as possible xD) Please think again=matk job have bonus INT. Melee job aren't :3
c0okiee Posted June 7, 2018 Report Posted June 7, 2018 (edited) id sit and explain to u why it shld be lvl 5 but unfortunately if u dunno why... Honestly i feel u shldnt be suggesting stuff u dont know. Try to be more informed on stuff ur suggesting. Reason why most valk weps have lvl 5 bolt? its not caz dmg is op on lvl 10 its caz of Cast Delay with lvl 5 is better its much faster,much more efficient and dmg isnt that far behind 10. Plz try to understand im not trying to demean u or disrespect u. Ur free to convey ur thoughts here and so are we free to bish about them and then ignore them. And No lvl 10 bolts plz makes 0 sense again Id rather have lvl 5 bolts and %proc chance on attack/or recieve dmg if this hat is gonna be a donate hat. Cld make it for fun/ trolling classes Edited June 7, 2018 by c0okiee 1
niemono89 Posted June 8, 2018 Author Report Posted June 8, 2018 (edited) @c0okiee Regarding on ur explanation :3, this adds me a new line of idea to made this lv10 bolt hat more efficient :3 please view it later for the first line post XD Edited June 8, 2018 by niemono89 thx cookie <3
c0okiee Posted June 8, 2018 Report Posted June 8, 2018 uhm k -1 either way des all i can say sorry. The classes that require lvl 10 bolts have it allready giving lvl10 wldnt make sense caz the spam is so slow and if u want it for a brute class (str/dex class with low matk) low dmg with sl0w as shit cast. what is the point of it we cld ask for better sugestions sorry. I really do suggest for once u think or ask sm1 elses opinion before u post caz most of it makes 0 sense to us leading us to not take yuo seriously at all.
niemono89 Posted June 8, 2018 Author Report Posted June 8, 2018 @c0okiee Thx again for the opinion :3 Anyway, lets just wait for GM's team to review this thread. maybe those lv5 bolts hat would gave them some guided idea ❤️
Yatogami Posted June 9, 2018 Report Posted June 9, 2018 I'd have to agree with the rest of the community on this one. Im sorry but it seems like they disagree with your suggestion. But I will give this to you tho, this gives me an idea thats even better thats based on bolt type ? You all will have to wait and see