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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. Somewhere in for_fild02 that's all we can give.
  2. Selling 2 Non-Donation Dexterity Belt [20ea] Ice Scale [1][20m] Ghostring Card [5] Golden Thief Bug [25] Hollowring [10] Buying 500 Horrendous Hair [5] 200 Red Thorn Fruits. [2] Please post here your item you want to buy. or pm me ingame if I'm on. PinoyChamp
  3. Bump.
  4. I'm working on the Deviling Hat quest.
  5. Helm of Hermes + Drooping Valkyrie.
  6. Buying -700 Horrendous Hair -1000 Horrendous Mouth -500 Red Thorn Fruits -1000 Red Bijou -1000 Blue Bijou -1000 Eggs -1000 Antelope Horns -500 Baos -500 Kukre Cards -800 Authoritative Badges -2 Ant Jaws -500 Tounges -500 Ancient Lips Everytime I will buy with a ratio of 100:1 If selling contact the following names -PinoyChamp -Master of Heist -All-Star I'll be in one of these accounts. If I'm not on in either of my 3 accounts please post here with the following format. Item: Quantity: IGN: Thanks in advance~
  7. Welcome brethren.
  8. Simple, I'll buy for 10.
  9. I've seen them as low as 25.
  10. Ohh alright thanks.
  11. Price check for note head phones.
  12. For some reason, Allenszkie knows where to do it.
  13. Bhuuuuummmmppppphhh
  14. Welcome back :wub:
  15. Buying Sweet Milk [200:4] Bloody runes [1000:5] Pm PinoyChamp or post here your offers.
  16. Well it depends, but yah. It should be half of their normal donor price.
  17. What he said. Strength belt is the only 800 because the main holder of the belt can hold more than that, but imagine haveing a pure intelligence mage without any strength would hold 2 int belts that weighs 800 ea, 1600 weight, what else can they carry? Feathers? If I'm mistaken correct me.
  18. Born2punish


    Welcome to the game Rosa
  19. Born2punish

    GM Trivia

    Woah I never knew there's this many GMs :bigeyed:
  20. Gratz <3
  21. I love you Genesis. Remember to check out my signature! :wub:
  22. Go to the quest guide I made http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?sho...mp;#entry117962
  23. A quick brief on what you need.
  24. Yes there is a quest to do before you can access to that place. It's pretty easy, I'm on my way to be doing int belt. RinRin Pm me ingame I need to talk to you Master of Heist PinoyChamp
  25. One question to Rinn Are the stats the same?
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