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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. Born2punish

    A new MVP

    In all fairness. His idea is alright I guess this kind of thought is not easy. So i would like to support this But yeah what Devotion said... give more details you never know what'll happen soon. :wub:
  2. Born2punish


    Welcome to fRO bro. You'll meet nice an friendly people here. Enjoy your time here :wub:
  3. Welcome to the recruitment page of Prisoners of War This guild is the new refreshed version of Coup De Grace. All I can say is people from this guild is very friendly, loyal and WoE active. Information Hometowns: Philippines America Europe Language spoken in the guild: English Sometimes Filipino Average level: 255 WOE WoE - Were starting this Saturday and then continually be doing it, ( Wednesdays and Saturdays ) Drops will be splitted equally when castle is kept Head of Members: Leader: Artificial Intelligence Co-Leaders: PinoyChamp `Sushiboy ForGvnPally `Moogle Hamlet. `zanaya Requirements: - WoE Active - Loyal - Level 255 - Must be the main. - Strong - At least geared Application Form: IGN: Level: Job: Previous guild: (Guide will be edited soon.) Now.. You may apply God bless ~ Thanks
  4. Lol :laugh: A phone with photoalbum but no CAMERA? Lol GF
  5. Born2punish


    Hai! Welcome :cool:
  6. I must admit. AWESOME GUIDE
  7. LOL epic mistake :wub:
  8. I TOTALLY agree with suggestion 1. Once, I was like.. Ooh i love this one.. and then my cousin pressed enter. I was like.. you son of.. my auntie. So i had to do it again.. So yeah VEERY NICE IDEA The rest.... is not so good. but I do like the @ali 2-4 :wub:
  9. Forsaken city thingy. Definitley I agree. @whosgm A little bit dodgy but can be a lot useful for those needing help. New jobs? Hmm.. I'll skip that Moving the mall? Yeah that would work. 1M every new account Yeah, why not. 1M every new character Very very abusive, specially for those who is a bit of a pro, because they can just make an account everyday and transfer it to their main. Very risky. Oh and umm.. The forum clean up.. It's fine by me, there are alot of useless threads. But could take a while.
  10. Born2punish


    Welcome back :cool:
  11. Well.. Me three.
  12. Simple. It's viewed alot, not replied so often.
  13. ^ Buying
  14. Buying Strength Belt for 92 coupons. Post here your IGN and ill deal you later on.. Or pm me PinoyChamp ~Thanks
  15. BUMP! :angry:
  16. Bump :cool:
  17. Selling Dark Lord card 25 Donation each 2x Orc Hero card 15 Donation each Lady Tanee card 35 Donation each Maya card 5 Donation each Eddga card 20 Donation each Please post your IGN here and your desire item and it's quantity. ~ Thanks in advance.
  18. Are you sure 6k+ will make my asura stronger?
  19. Not sure tbh. I'm a MVP type of person but i tried having full 8k SP but i still get the same damage.. And thanks rendezvous.
  20. One Last Breath - Creed
  21. How d'you get different types of skin? Not the human skin I mean the fRO skin.. Amitsu's fRO is blue :huh: HOW! :laugh:
  22. I'm just wondering.. People say that 6000 sp is a good way of making your asura alot better. Now.. I'm wondering, what does it do? It's just an SP, what does it suppose to do? Maybe just a high intelligence.. But I don't get how 6000SP helps make your asura very high :huh: Thanks for the help guys. ~Chris :wub:
  23. Recca Hanabishi from Flame of Recca Ahhh, bring back the old days :happy:
  24. Never got warned either :wub:
  25. Then fRO will be dominated with newbs if all the pros are gone? :blink:
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