Selling Things
2x Orc Hero Card - 15Donation Coupon each
Maya Card - 5Donation Coupons each
Dark Lord Card - 25Donation Coupons ea
Eddga Card - 20Donation Coupon ea
Post here your IGN and offer
Pm PinoyChamp
~ Thanks
Talking about castles, there will be 3 soon ya know that? :bigeyed:
Talking about WoE, what castle drops it?
Talking about Aura, FAIL [overpriced]
What da fux?
I swear Emperium Auras cost 1500 :bigeyed:
Before people trades 2 Emperium Auras for a Thanatos Card, didn't they?
What da fux happen?
I know you don't know me
But you and I have been involved in alot of topics here in the forums
and you've got a pretty nice personality
Hope to see you back soon
~ Chris
I'm just wondering because I'm working on a PVP SinX
When I'm cloaked.. and someone for example Sight/Ruwach/Detect me.
Would I appear if I'm wearing a GTB?
Most of the champions, well every champion I guess are clever enough to use mace [4]
Why would you use [1][2][3] mace if you can use [4] and + you can compound more cards in it?