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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Born2punish

  1. Hai welcome back !
  2. Born2punish


    Heya dude. Welcome to the server. Are you sure you downloaded the right thing?
  3. Was gonna say..
  4. Lately, GM's only host quite a few events.. Unlike before, every 3-4 hours there's an event, but now it's rare to experience an event. I do like events so much, it's what keeps me going aswell on playing fRO, except woe and mvp hunting.. Where are teh GM's? :bigeyed:
  5. Yeah I suppose, but isn't granting the suggestion is the reward like what Gen and Sorrow said? But yeah a token won't hurt.
  6. Born2punish


    Nice to know LOL
  7. Thanks to whoever moved it there. Speed potions tickets. Same weight as Poison Bottles Sells more in large quantity. So yeah.
  8. Born2punish


    LOL! Pinoy? Italian?
  9. Try this buddy. http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/download/skinslist.asp
  10. Born2punish


    Hey there :P
  11. * yo pick up the phone! * WAZAAAP!
  12. bump
  13. Hey umm. Where can I see the fRO wiki? and my sexeh guide? :P

  14. Hey Hello there! You'll see lots of sexy people ingame. LOL. If you need any help/questions pm me Crip or PinoyChamp
  15. Born2punish

    HI fRO

    Welcome man.
  16. Born2punish

    3 words !

    But if you
  17. Desiiiiireee, how does this game works? o.O
  18. Alright, I'm not quitting. Just letting people to know that I won't be active for 2 weeks due to that my laptop is getting fixed as the USB port is broken. So all of'ya upthere ill see you after two weeks mang <3
  19. Are you the leader of Influbuse? And so it means you don't WoE too? Euro WoE is coming anyway.
  20. bump
  21. At least someone understands :3
  22. ....Maybe..
  23. Born2punish

    My Shop

    Oh removed I thought you meant *added* my bad sorry mang <3
  24. Born2punish

    My Shop

    Another flower aura mang? :bigeyed:
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