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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable


    LOL. I got so bored, so I made it up. But like charlie said!! It can happen!!!
  2. Perishable


    I am so bored right now. If you're bored, read this story. A Street, Canada. Somdara: Crazy sh*t! He's lucky they didn't shoot his ass down right there. Gerald:Thats what he gets for f*cking killing someone. Kevin: ahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahahah hellll yeahhh hahahahahhahahahaha Somdara: Do you remember how Hitler and his nazi thugs behaved? Gerald, Kevin: Yea Somdara: Thats one of those good old fashioned 3rd world country beatdowns. Gerald: dat juz crzy!!! Kevin: I wonder wat he do though.... Somdara: He was a theif and he killed someone. Kevin: But why the whole mob gotta mob his ass like that? Gerald:Maybe becuz they luv the girl or guy dat he murdered? Charlie: No no no. The guy got caught f*king with some donkey.. Somdara: Yeah right, SMD. Charlie: ya menz. den da F*king plane drop bags of rice and it fell on him from 300 ft up from da US Helicopter. Somdara: Dude, what the hell are you smoking. Charlie: iunno. It can happen man Kevin: charlie, you r f*cking stupid. Charlie: take a f*cking joke you piece of shit.. Damn, take sh*t too damn seriously! Kevin: ur f*kin stupid hes a murderr he killed some body retart "stoled a sheep or somthing" ur a stupid ass. Charlie: like im suppose to kno that.. they should kill that motherf*cker... ahahaha it was f*cking funny. I was close man!! donkey > Sheep ahahah Gerald: jesus!!when you kill someone be ready for jungle justice.. Somdara: Wild apes haha A hobo : hate black shit... Back to Africa and there live and die. Somdara, Gerald, Kevin, Charlie: the f*ck?, who u? da fk u want? A hobo: you herd me. Somdara: Dude. You mind your own bussiness. A hobo: dat nigga got off lucky, i would've left with his nutts. He murdered this wealthy family. Somdara: Ah... So that's why these angry mobs is like up on him.... and how the f*ck do you know? Kevin: wat does dat have to do with the crzy mob? A hobo: I was there. Charlie: kjbekjahuuuuuuaaaaaa why the fuck were they so pissed about:)))))))))))))..fuck trashcan in the fucking head..one guy hit him with a fucking table!!!!fuuuucckkk:))))))))) Somdara: oh yeah! the f*cking table lol Kevin: f*cking animals LOL Charlie: They were trying to turn him into a shishkabob. Kevin: here we go again.. f*ck u charlie! I dont want to hear this anymore. Somdara: Ok guys, STFU. Right now, we're trying to find out what really happen. Gerald: all i herd waz Why did you kill him, you didn't have to kill him" Da murderer: "I didn't, wasn't me" "But you've got the pistol, they gave you the pistol" Da murderer: "No, you got it all wrong" That's pretty much it. Somdara: Dude. ._.; Even though he murdered someone, I was all like "Damn". Angry f*cking city mob LOL Charlie: thats because he cut of a womens boobs then killed her. the guy needed her breast to drink milk. he was poor cuz he nid milk Kevin: Oh my f*cking god! Charlie, this sh*t aint funny u piece a sh*t! Charlie: :D! *Smile* Somdara: LOL. F*cking charlie man, don't you feel bad for the guy? Charlie: n0p! I herd da murderer died cuz they cut his head off and took off his clothes then fragged him. Kevin: Wow, im bout to kick ur ass man. or get an angry mob like dat on u, u f*cking jew. Somdara: LOL, you're being f*cking racist now. You guys are F*cking ridiculous. A hobo: hey can u guys spare me some money? i been here all day and im hungry.. please man? Kevin: >.> Gerald: LOL! this hobo man Somdara: Yeah sure, here. a hobo: haahahahah you guys r f*cking stupid!! I was the murderer and people thought it was that poor guy.. I needed the money so I can escape the country. thank u guys anyways. Somdara: Holy f*ck!! what did I just do. Gerald, Charlie, Kevin: nice move dumbass. To be continue!
  3. True. I love you huy TPBM claims huy as da best too!
  4. Ice Pick + 1 Dagger or 2x Daggers with Emperium Breaking cards combination. Both are still good!
  5. If you're talking about Ghostring Card then [8].
  6. I don't think they do Guild Forums anymore. If not, they should close this topic.
  7. I think you should re-send in the amount you donate and the stuff you want.
  8. Perishable

    This or that

    Dying by a murderer. Water or Fruit Drinks
  9. Perishable


    Welcome to the server Allerz.
  10. I'm not black!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in the shaded area!
  11. I'll take the Avian and Wizard Set if no one did yet
  12. LMFAO. I ordered pizza from dominos. I wrote in the Expression about how we felt about the pizza and stuff. I typed in, Disgusting!!! You guys need to make a new sauce because your sauce killed my cat. They delivered my pizza and gave me a note saying, Sorry about your cat, from domino's. LOL. We didn't really mean it ...and the cat is not dead. I feel bad now .... :(
  13. Perishable

    Hey! :d

    Hello, welcome to Forsaken Ragnarok Online. Hope you enjoy the stay. Hope to meet you in-game.
  14. Oh, hi! We should hang out sometime.

  15. Welcome back. Old days, I KOS'd you. IMY.
  16. Perishable

    Dear Diary.

    Dear Diary, Today is a nice day to go out and chill with my friends at the beach. The End.
  17. Lol freaking pat. Well you get what he meant.
  18. Me too.
  19. I love [GM]Memory with a Passion.

  20. Don't worry, lol. I was kidding. I don't hate anyone. It's just a game. People take it to serious.
  21. No. And this is not your thread. I'll talk to you later.
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