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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Perishable


    Welcome back, Blade. What do you need help with?
  2. Wow. this actually works haha
  3. LOL. @ nines. Yeah the weapons aren't that OP or anything. Just a small increase from Elite > Rental > Valkyrie Weapon.
  4. Perishable

    Hi :)

    Why hello, Daniel. Welcome to FORSAKEN-RO. Hi :)! Don't forget to visit forsaken-ro.net/voting while you on here. (Deygibusxcrewardscoupon)
  5. B
  6. Hello thread. Since everyone always reply on this topic. If anyone is selling a Champion Dorcus, let me know. Thanks
  7. I think in 2008 or 2009. I almost fall for one. I was chillin' at the left side of forsaken city and a guy pm'd me asking if I wanted to be a GM. He said to log off and give him informations related to juan's post. I didn't i just ignored him after that.
  8. LOL. That's what I did too. I think someone told me to do this on the forums and I did. I forgot who told us to do it. Username:suckmydick. Password:ilikeeggs12 LOL. Freakin' Kittie.
  9. Wow. This still continues? I thought it ended 3 months ago. Probably the same person.
  10. Bumping.
  11. 1. Guild Name: Pill Poppin Animals. 2. Guild Leader: Perishable. 2200
  12. Perishable


    People keep being lazy and not really voting. Keep going out. We need in! not out! Type in the caption. We would've had 1k already...
  13. LOL. I really would want to understand all this. I don't even watch naruto or anything of these. Srsly, I'm alot confused. Bankai and Sage mode to Dragon Ball Z? What the hell.. I don't understand what you guys are talking about but it sounds interesting. Where should I start?
  14. Yeah. That would work too
  15. 699 and then comes.....
  16. Perishable

    This or that

    Snowboadring! Lord Knight or Paladin?
  17. Also, this is my suggestion on Forsaken Dungeon Quest. Current Forsaken Dungeon Quest Replying with; Why not. Replying with; Maybe later... My Suggestion do something like this in this part of the conversation. Replying with; Why not. Replying with; Maybe later... If we actually tell the player that this NPC gives Forsaken Dungeon Pass, they would probably know why the NPC requires those items and actually do the quest. Know what I mean? And for the "??" we can discuss and what would make the quest much easier. How does it sound?
  18. I really like helping new players out. There was this one player I've seen this morning and I help'd him out. He was being ignored by majority of people in Forsaken City. I felt so bad for him and it got me thinking that if we keep this up and not helpin' the new players start FRO, we will just keep losing new players that comes in. All the ideas being suggested above are good so far. And my suggestion is that if we do start a team/guild of people helping newbies out in-game, the guild should be led by Senior GameMaster or Genesis. All the Veterans that are willing to help new players and wants to be part of a the new support guild in-game have to send in an application. This is different, not GMing. So not just GMs all the time doing support chat. And it doesn't always have to be chat support, we players can walk around and guide the newbies anything they want to learn and start off. Also like make our names Blue or Red? Like GMs, their name is Yellow/Gold. This is just my suggestion.
  19. My offer is 550 Donation Coupon.
  20. I @request in game and [GM]Wish said that the the new weapons are staying on the website permanently. So it's not 1-2 weeks on the donation page.
  21. That doesn't matter, Adam. It's about the Emperium being attacked and it's HP is being drained from everyone Physical attackin' the emperium. The last ASPD and high or low damage that destroyed the emperium shattered it. I actually broke on champion and alot other classes more than once. So just rush a few time. Rushing against a big defending guild is actually fun. I like how it is now. Having the emprium with more HP and not broken every 30 seconds after being shattered. You don't have to always go 2x Glooms and Dual Daggers and stuff. Just use 1 Dagger and Gr+gloom or whatever, just hope that your damage can be the last hit that might destroy the emperium when it has low HP.
  22. You should download HyperCam 3 or the latest one. It works really well and you can actually record almost everything you want for proofs.
  23. Alot does not understand that Genesis is using the funds players donate to pay and keep the server up and running. This is why we're still playing. I wouldn't use my money to pay for it either. I rather do the donation thing and get money from people who donate and pay too. If it wasn't for Donation, the server would be dead. Genesis is a good admin trying to find ways to keep his server up and we have to be grateful and respect what he does.
  24. All the new weapons are only $30. And I don't think it's a good idea to make the new weapon in the King's room. Price is different in game. People who cannot donate save up coupon to buy them from players and players who donate buy them online and sell in game to make more profits.
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