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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Perishable

  1. Leave name & Offers.
  2. Marin [500] Drops[650] GR[700] Bat[400] Don't have Darkring. Purple Butterfree not for sale.
  3. Seven One Five
  4. Nines sig is mad ugly lmfao. nga think hes good.

  5. Let me just do me. And you do you. Next time I'll do a 550x550. Not a small sig.
  6. Perishable


    Marc card is not for nothing. It's for something. Use it. You don't need tao all the time. Go GR+MARC.
  7. Movie : Protégé Adobe Photoshop CS3 And click this here
  8. I'm inactive. I only come on sometimes on woe days. Just coming on to stay in the know of what's new with the server.

  9. Indeed they're fine. But people are now using rucksacks, avians, mouthpiece, and so on that gives a slot. This is like that too but wings. Wings with slot allows people to card it and use it and express coolness/cuteness (don't think it makes sense but yeah) of all kinds of imagination of beauty for their character's sprite and colors. I don't see why not? It won't be overpower or anything at all. Rucksack gives + 10 all status and a slot. Wings won't be over that. Is there a reason you don't want the wings to have a slot? :( I really hate leaving them behind in storage and not use it for useful things because of better stuff that gives better status.
  10. Suggestions! Annihilation PvP Event -Give more time zone host of Annihilation Event. ( European, African, and Asia time zone. ) Treasure Chest -Fix Gravity error for Treasure's reward. Give the item sprite of a shirt or something. Then have us use magnifier to magnify it. People tends to forget to autoloot so when we obtained something, a gravity error occurs. Forsaken Taekwon Weapon -Give [4] instead of [3]. ( Weapon Slots ) Irish Hat- ( Unreleashed Headgear ) -Please give this hat 15+ all status. It was 40+ all status and it had to be nullify due to overpowered status hat. It was an unreleashed headgear and we used to donate for it. Vote Reward -Sun and Moon Aurora (120 Vote Rewards) Lower it to like 30 - 40? This is because they have to get both of them for day and night. Omen of Tempest & Wheel of the Unknown -Make a quest that requires these that we got from treasure chest monster. Not the godly items but like something we can use these with? Butterfly Wings ( Donation/King's room wings) -Please give these wings a [1] (slot) please. Aquaring, Firering, and Goldring - Release in-game please. Up for Donation or Vote Rewards. Anything. Support! Robo Eye (Unreleashed Headgear) -A gravity error occurs when you hold shift and move your character to make it move up, down, left, right, or any position you move your character. ( When clicking on your mouse to move your sprite up, down, left, right, and so on. ) Please respect my suggestions and do not start a flame war just because you disagree with any of the above.
  11. Perishable


    8000 Donation Coupon
  12. That's pretty nice. How much did you get that for?
  13. Perishable

    Lk Weapon

    Spamming spiral is like spamming infinite Avs. Geez...
  14. Perishable


    Real Name : Somdara IGNs : S*C*O*O*B*Y Perishable : Assassin Cross Perishable. : Champion Everything : Sniper Secret : Paladin Junichi Uematsu : Gunslinger Reduct : Lord Knight Circle Circle Dot Dot : High Wizard Alky : Soul Linker Justice : Assassin Cross Star Galaxy : Assassin Cross Secret Bear : Assassin Cross Penishable : Clown Unbreakable : Sniper Reduction : Creator Immortality : Gunslinger Skill : Lord Knight Warchief : High Wizard Champion Kidd : Champion Sunbi : Champion Infinite : Paladin CocaCola : Assassin Cross Weapon : Stalker I started this server when I was in 7th Grade. ( 2007 to Sept. 4th, 2010 ) Taking a break or probably gonna quit. Gonna' focus on school this Junior year. I am not going to mess it up like I did in the past 2 years. I'll be back whenever I'm not busy with school and the other world. I'll be on the forums to stay in the know though. ForsakenRO have been the best and first Ragnarok Online server i've ever played. ( I've learned everything about RO here in ForsakenRO ). I love my people on FRO and all the haters. They mean everything to me. Like or dislike me, both have the word "like" in it. Remember guys, lead your dreams. Don't follow it. I will log in sometime to visit and say what's up to my people and maybe pvp and help gang alittle. To my boy, Genesis. I really like your server, Jorge. You've been my B35T Admin for 3 years. And I really appreciate every work you put into the server trying to keep it up still. I am thanking you for the best server ever! Keep up the amazing work. I'll be on Facebook, MSN, or AIM. Peace out, y'all. Take care my people, wish you the BEST. Goodbye, ForsakenRO! Ya boy, Somdara Be back on holloween or thanksgiving to play alittle. Just visiting
  15. 2000. IGN, Perishable.
  16. Perishable

    This or that

    R&B SMD or SMV?
  17. Perishable

    This or that

    RPG Facebook or Myspace?
  18. Vanberk isn't good with Ice Pick and Thanatos. Critical of Ice Pick or Thanatos damage doesn't work. The rest is fine. Good job!
  19. Perishable


    Gloom Under Night Orc Skeleton Desert Wolf Ice Pick Fallen Bishop
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