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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Kusanagi

  1. lol Amon adds already +1 to all, +10 all + 20 int maybe?. Else it would be the same worthless. Mmmm perhaps you could clone the ID's then make a quest so you can make an Upgrade of the Amon RA? (thus not having direct influence in economy)
  2. I think making it +15 to all stats and remove the int needed for kyrie would make it usefull (I think It would be a creator card since there arent that many cards wich increase INT)
  3. Wow some of them are really really good xD. May I know wich ones are made purely on PS and wich ones Hand made?
  4. Kusanagi

    Help Me. D:

    And I was thinking you were trying to be nice out of your pure heart lol.
  5. pay_dun00 gef_fild07 moc_fild22 (....)
  6. This guide is already outdated, check the final version is on this very section of the forum, If theres anything I'm missing THERE I will update it. May a GM delete this entire topic please? .__. Also if posible pin the final version :P
  7. Kusanagi

    Hellow >:3

    Aah yeah I remember... Im Ahura, or Aluxe xD Welcome Enjoy your time here.
  8. Kusanagi


    32k is normal actually when Assasin crosses dont use Shield. However if you find out damage is higher than it should be try using skolls its most likely they have thanatos card.
  9. too bad White pots have a delay and also it CAN be increased :D Bingo! , all classes have a chance against all classes. Exept super novice (suck beyond words) and Soul linker of course :P.
  10. Angeling is still there, look simple minds will say "xxx will own xxxx" , but theres always a way arround everything, also theres MDEF , Devotion , Maya, Sacrementi, as for holy light. Theres Defender, Horn card, pneuma, cloack, hide, Frenzy, Parry, flee. For sinx are so countless the options I wont bother to say them. Seriously those who say such haven't ever tried anything beside Ganging and clicking. Hooray for the room :D @Sorrow: Currently my main is "Ahura." or "Aluxe", PM me if you see me arround :P .
  11. http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/index.php?showtopic=14543 ipwnyourmom I gotta say you forking rock xD, seriously finally something thats actually worth got accepted! Finally theres some justice in this place?, Is there actuallty Hope in this Hopeless forsaken Place?, Did the Rich got a kick in the nuts with this? The answer is actually No, No and Who knows let them say it. However a Ligh has finally past through the cloack of shadows that this "Rich" people brought in and we will have to see if the light will fade along with the server cloacking in the darkness or it will slightly destroy the darkness and grow to let the true potential of this place be born. Well That is a mistery. Oh and Devotion, If you need the ID's contact me and Ill give them to you, although I will need the list of all the items you wish to ban from the place wich could be a long list... anyway I will look into them myself and send you a recomendation list as soon as I get more than 15 mins free heh. Oh and forgot to say: you rock Too Devotion :D Let the Light grow and the hope to be born Period
  12. Kusanagi


    Well is that or really live up to the hope that 4 GMs will be watching and trying to control 100 people and taking hours to make it. But I admit: True :S, although they are easy to make, considering that other stuff that was literally Copy paste took over 2 months to make its a not likely that something that actually takes some time and would only be used for a RARE event, Will be even considered. Someone was in Transcencion Tournament Event? , I have to say Herlove did a better job than any GM could have ever done back then, also it was the best Event I have ever seen.
  13. Long ago I said the same. Response: How long was this? 9 months ago Reply from 8 months ago when insisting: By "The quests is there" you meant that the script is ready but not implemented? , or its there and its magically invisible to every human eye? Meh w/e, eithweihen crothen card is already out and we could just give it a special effect to it I believe thats fair. Naght Seiger card isnt out yet but the blades and manteau are out, maybe that could be modified?. Discusing the effects could be a hard part but still
  14. Kusanagi


    Heck not really people, its rather simple Step 1: Make a NPC that forbids berry & (etc rule , e.g. = Non donation pvp), then warp you to a lobby map (copy the code from the pvp warper and add the Yggdrasil seed and berry ID to the ban list or just forbid all consumables) Step 2: Create a NPC with pvp roms and a cap of 2 players inside and upon entering the room you recieve a box with your suply's suggested amount : [75 Berrys, 1 converter each element] , also this npc should give you Full chemical protect lvl 2-3 (take the code from the private buff npc at guild hideout). side note: this npcs should be hidden by default and gms are the to activate them once the event begins, if all the rooms get full then the players are forced to wait at the lobby until a room gets empty (once a player dies it should be forced out of the room). Step 3: Particulary I myself dont know the script for this part but I bet someone from Fro Staff does and if they dont Ill find it in a while :P. At all moments there should be a NPC in the room that wont talk to you unless theres only one person in the room OR unless you get a kill in a special ladder made particulary for this. This NPC will give you another pack of suplys for the upcoming battle and delete the Yggdrasil berrys you had left (delitem 607,100). I dont really know how to script the first part but in theory it should be posible Ill check for it later. Final Step: Once theres no one in the Lobby room, the GM's proceed to the pvp rooms and recall players on the final round. At this point they have to wait until there are only 2 (or 4) survivors and then recall them to a place where they can fight alone and be in sight of everyone who wants to watch the fight (this part could require some rule enforcement about not getting in the way but I belive the Person who is gonna become a champion of a tournament requires to be taken seriously as a battle and thats why the spectators do the ilusion ). Perhaps this last battle could have another NPC that gives more berrys that the standard one (something like 150) And the GM's hand out the prizes for the winners. If done this way it doesnt take more than a few hours doing the scripts, another few hours doing the tests and then just realeasing. Well thats if you dont use custom maps (sincerely there are plenty of unused maps to do this) For this to work a minimun of 5 Rooms are needed, since theres a chance that someone runs all the time in the room delaying the process but its not likely that in 5 rooms all of them will be running. GMs job is to make sure people are not idleing in the room waiting for others to finish so they can advance withouth fighting. (or you could do a timed battle but that would mean that the npc I proposed to refill berrys would instead take you to another room thats empty [the same rooms everyone can see on the lobby] and delete berrys then send you for the purpose of deletingthe timer). *note - All of the used maps should have the following flags: NoWarpto (cant warp TO this map) NoWarp (cant warp in this map) NoSave -you will leave the map upon lougout pvp_noguild (fight is allowed between guilds) NoTeleport (Skills such as teleport and snatch wont work) NoBranch (bloody or dead branches are not allowed to be used) Its not very hard :S, as you see it can take a little time to make it more organized and faster to do.
  15. Love the consumable idea :P, particulary I would always vote just to get tickets since I dont have time to hunt them. Sugestion : 1 Vote reward = 3 yggdrasil tickets 2 Vote reward = 1 Poison bottle ticket 3 Vote reward = 10 BOS Tickets 6 voting reward = 1Glist Coat Ticket I find it fair :P.
  16. Aqua Timez adn Yui I think xD, I dont really have favorites I just like certain songs and end up liking the artist :P
  17. Kusanagi

    ROP appearance

    Instead of talking about colors and effect's you should look at the bigger scheme : Fix the Sprite bug. Or Oficially name it as the "Ultimate Defense against Gangs" wich is what I consider it as for now. PD: Im not sure If I was completely clear but the second part was Ironic...
  18. LOL ... Man dont you wanna get an arm or a kidney as well? The age of overpricing seems to be gone :S
  19. My 2 cents: Make a Novice-class-only card that increase HP by 100k [Armor] *Why not %? : vit would make the value higher :S * sounds quite fair to me :P , after all They do not have elite wepons that benefit them and thus they woulnt need the -50 DEF from Tao. Thana may be a problem but that goes as for every class.
  20. for the sake of not letting a sugestion die. Yes add something more worth to satan morroc at low chance :S, maybe something that could challenge the chances of even thanatos card but equal its usefullness ( meaning some drop at 0.01 -0.05% but with some very good effect).
  21. Ill trade for white .__.
  22. Kusanagi

    rip sprites

    its not actually "legal" to do it but they can be taken by decompresing the grf files and then looking at the right folder.
  23. so you are gonna do it in the src? =/ , I believe creating new IDs with the effects would be much easier a error proof still :P. As for wide degrade... there would be no need in this method. After all the armor will still be +10 (it will give defense) but it will have and extra effect added since its scripted into the item and not in the upgrade. Example: +10 Lvl 1 Forsaken king Armor /\ | defense upgrade WAIT A MINUTE! Easier Idea came while writing this xD You just need to create ONE duplicate of the forsaken kings pieces with whatever name, add the script bonusrefinelvl at certain lvls of upgrade (or even better just do the bonus something like this : bonus bMaxHPRate getrefine*0.5 That one makes the armor to give +1% HP at every 2 upgrades. However its just an example on how it should be done the bonus can be whatever it fits. The only problem about doing this is making the npc after all they require new catalyst and the ultima upgrader should completely ignore this items in order to make it work. Then voila, job done in less than 2 hours (well exept that they would need to add the items on the Grfs wich well its not all that hard but requires people to do it lol, else they would get errors when looking at the armors (unless a temporary compy is done). Why didnt I Thought that before xD. Anyway thats my idea if you need help doing the codes (doubt it but still xD) Ill make them and test them on my server :P. Oh yeah and thats only the way to do it, then its needed for you to decide the bonuses
  24. Wings come in all colors shapes, likes and tastes so there are a lot to choose from :P. People who havent fought Satan Morroc yet should be arguing here :S, 600m + a plethora of status changes, coma, magic atacks and a Pain of a mob = Big Pain to kill. Also I believe this particular mvp spawns once a day right?. Maybe If we add something droped at 1% chance that would make it. Also if we add moc_fild21 and moc_fild22 to the nowarp AND nowarpto Mapflag it would make it more fair (making people need to party in order to fight it and not die hopelesly). Side note: Satan Morroc casts Hells judgemente wich forbids resurection to the character wich means even with priest's they would have problemas fighting something that has a very high chance of killing you :P.
  25. I dont wanna be a partycrasher but... its not that easy to make lol. You have either do a massive recode on the upgrade system or create new item IDs with said bonuses (wich means only one lvl of upgrade with fixed bonuses). everything else is easy :P. But indeed its a good Idea :S ONLY if your equipment can be broken. I dont consider it as a loss, after all you know what you are facing and if you are planing to do it you will do it on your own risk, and If you were to just need to hunt the items over again then it would cause an overflow in the items with such bonuses (Unless the chances were to be so low its not even something people will bother under normal circumstances). Well said in short: 1- With chances to be broken and fixed decent bonuses (5-10% [insert variable]) 2- Absurdly low chances and items considered hard to obtain. 3- Castle loot drops (wrath of valk,etc etc etc) needed to be used in certain amount with no breaking chance. After all the point of the upgrading its that it heavily relies in luck and even with effort its not a certainty. That of course if This was really going to be implemented.
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