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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Kusanagi

  1. Sup bro, good luck in the F'RO :P.

  2. Kusanagi

    Dear Diary.

    dear diary, please tell: me what am I doing here? .___.
  3. I didnt had much time so Im going with something very simple xD
  4. try killing Observation,Retribution,Shelters and Solaces, loot everything and sell them in your prefered store.
  5. The problem is right now, those particular items are overflowing, and the rich will always be rich, keep that in mind. The drops are already being kept by the guild leaders and rarely given, most people try to solo castles at all moments, the point is that people join in a common effort, perhaps the rich will become stronger but thats how it is, if you worked a lot for it then why you dont deserve to have more, castle drops are becoming common, and as new comers manage to get them they notice its not worth all the time they waited for them. Even emperium auroras are in a low, there are so many that they no longer represent what they used to and since theres nothing actually better than that then cupons are being store holded and making the economy revert :S.
  6. mmmm Ill try the job in my server :P, doesnt sound to hard to balance honesty, Champions and Suras : always been masive damagers, yet neutral element and demi human reducts will always stop them. Guillotine crosses : I like the fact that the new poisons must be made and cant be bought from anywhere =), Cross impact CAN be used with daggers, however you could make it to have a side effect like draining 60% your Hp, or even better > give them non dex reductable cast time (8-10) seconds, thus making it a one time chance to kill. Rangers: for god sakes the warg "inmobile" status MUST be nerfed to a very very low chance, since the warg automatically atack with that skill and making it virtually imposible to move. Shadow Chasers: Mostly balanced, not much needs to be moved Genetic: ..... they kind of need a boost lol Mechanics: they seem fine overall Rune Knights: Definetely must have a nerf in reflecting issue Warlocks: Gtb will still own them, but they will become an issue in war of emperium, perhaps just a small nerf. Royal guards: Most of the skills will become defensive, and many are made to be party-used, however they seem to have been made quite balanced [Third skills knocks out trans skills]. Sorcerers: they dont seem a problem at all.... most of theyre third skills were meant for Low rate so they dont affect high rates at all. Arch bishops: GTB again, however they ARE usfull for theyre masive buffs, they may require a small nerf in the buffing issue.
  7. Two things I should make clear so there are no missunderstandings: God Items -Originally intended to be the very last thing you could ever get and the greatest equipment in existence; however most of those items were dumped since some of them were either : too overpowered for the time being or Relatively Useless and thus a waste of time and effort. -I dont intend to mention the old God Items -The idea on itself its to create our own "God Items" Economy cool down - Economy is becoming an issue since in order to progress the server should either get more people or consume large ammounts of the currently overpopulated economical resourses (mostly items such as cards, castle drops,etc). Now to the idea: Create our own "God Items" and as forging materials use the currently overflowing items [Emperiums/Rucksacks/Cards(?)] Example: "God Item Armor" HP + 30%, vit + 30, Allows "X" Skill, 2 Slots. Requirements: 1 Blue Emperium Aurora 1 Purple Emperium Aurora 1 Orange Emperium Aurora 1 Green Emperium Aurora 2 X rucksack [one dropped from castles and its suposed to vary depending on what are you forging] 2 Forsaken Soldier card 1 Forsaken King Armor Note*: The effects are examples as well, but that seems ok to me. From before I Sugested something better than the current forsaken sets, maybe this could be the aplication? Question 1: Should it be easier? Answer: No, god items are suposed to be hard, really hard, if they were easier that at the very most that, it would backslash the economy. Question 2: Curse you Answer: that's not a question and if thats the case, so it goes for you =).
  8. mmm I have a sugestion kind of "alike" to that but you see currently elite weapons are just fine, I believe they are ok as it is, a "God item Weapon" would be cool as well but nothing regarding the elite or at least not directly related (maybe once youve done the weapon quest you will be mentioned about a the weapons (thoug it would be for purely story purposes).
  9. Why it has to be event cupons >__<, there arent any more event rewards that you could get heh.
  10. ladder =o, I prefer places where gangers have limited resourses so I dont end up using 200 berrys to kill a single person out of 5 heh.
  11. Oh sup, mr. "Im the best creator" =D, I think I pretty much did the kos job already lol. Aluxe~
  12. Thank You =D ingame name and your last wishes? =D
  13. Id be ok even if the dispell rate was completely nerfed, but the atack modifier and unbreakable weapon was the only reason I would get a VR, else Id just get a golem card.
  14. Im gonna pierce a rusted steal spear in whoever was the ungrateful bastard complaning about a hard work thats been made for everyones enjoy.... maybe I exagerated, I would just force them Seppuku (suicide by stabing a blade trough the stomach ... then decapitation). Back to topic, I know its a great effort for something like this to be made, And I hope most people do as well (Unfortunaly Im well aware most people in this server really ARE ungrateful bastards), On the Very least Id like to thank Devotion for taking the initiative on a great idea that from the begining I though woulnt have support considering the attitude this server has against big things. ("Want something done, do it yourself and we'll see"). Well that is it regarding the thanks-giving, now Id also like to know if the plan its still on going?, It would be sad to know its been discarded over that kind of people =S, anyway also since the earlier thread was closed Id like to make this one the new discusion about it. One last warning to those "Ungrateful People":
  15. May I kos the one who made the sugestion? =)
  16. Welcome =), I wonder who doesnt like J-music heh. =)
  17. Do you mind explaining that a little more detailed? jajaja yeaaah and I must say its a great way to lure pseudo pros into suicide jajaja.
  18. literally... in the conf menu they just have to change "no" to "yes/1" LOL
  19. Kusanagi

    Thanatos For Mage

    I dont think it will make much more diference but lets face it: enough with the thanatos cards users. Those who own a thana now dont need any more help in something that they ALREADY HAVE, perhaps making something new with such effect would be better.
  20. Kusanagi

    +1 Ego.

    You all are ugly. owned lol xD.
  21. Kusanagi

    Third Classes

    Ok, to be quick, I hold myself test on the third classes blah blah blah, and well I must admit they require some testing and a nerfing before they could ever result in forsaken. The only question that matters is: Is there EVER gonna be third classes in Forsaken?. Thats it, see ya =].
  22. Go cook a cat Desi Lol.
  23. Kusanagi

    Thanatos Card

    Thanatos card do work on mvps as well, however thats not the case for champions wich by the way dont need any boost on mvp hunting. Thanatos cards works perfectly for mvp on other classes as it makes you bypass and increase your damage acording to the mvp defense wich is already a huge boost.
  24. Kusanagi

    Mw2 [ps3]

    modern warfare?
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