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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Kusanagi

  1. umm ive been out so long from desing... yeah its rly good ^^. though I would say... Light usually expands so I supose would be better if u make a partial gradient layer so it wont look so light centered... dunno its your stile its still good as I said xD. Only thing I didnt liked was the font ummm I'll vote whenever I get the hang of this again :( SEE YA :jerry: ( I just love this icon xD)
  2. Kusanagi


    For me is simpy the best manga-anime (especially manga) ever seen, well that goes as for me Id like to know what do u people think. If u havent seen bleach...SEE IT NOOW o_ô (*subliminal publicity flying all over*) SEE YA :jerry:
  3. I sold Lord of deaths i had =(, no longer i can do that, anyways im kinda bad at pvp xD. Mostly all i do is go battlemode and change equips while sonic blowing arround xD
  4. Well I just kinda got bored ingame so i decided coming back to sum forum activity ^^ Im new to forums and hope geting allong with ya all :jerry: also... is there a graphic design section in this forums?, I used to love creating signatures and all just that im way to rusty now :sad: well thx for those who welcome me =D
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