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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Kusanagi

  1. Sure, just tell me the Text and Picture and Ill start working on it =3.
  2. Happy Birthday young one xD (Lol he's younger than me for 3 months O_O) Happy birthday and Merry Christmas as well =P.
  3. Lol when did it came out? O.o, and... Best up to now im RE movies is Apocalypse for me =P.
  4. xD, Go yeung =D. Hey btw you could make another sig for me =), I doubt someone will aks for anything in my thread but still I dont like making sigs for myself o.o. If u can... ummm.... A Final Fantasy one =D. (clasic xD) If u can find a Render that suits of sephiroth would be great =).
  5. Well Unlike most people, weekends are pretty busy for me so Ill do them slowly =(. Heres the First one of Paramore: I made it in 2 versions so you can chose wichever you want (text or no text, since you didnt specified the text :( ) [img=http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq253/Earthbonded/drlovev01.png] [img=http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq253/Earthbonded/DrLove1v02.png] Ill be doing the joker one during this afternoon or maybe night. About the third one.... Can u be a bit more specific please =(. Oh sry forgot to upload the avatar, here you go: [img=http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq253/Earthbonded/hayleyavatar.png] Use the signatures and Avatars with the code below them, and If you want to save them dont turn them to JPG, keep them as PNG or the quality will be lower... Although If you need them to be .JPG I can turn them into it without afecting the quality.
  6. Didnt said I just started xD. I just Re-started, after 4 years T_T. thx btw =D. Please keep asking for sigs or avatar's so I can Improve a lot more ^^. Bye~
  7. If u give me 2 days Ill make the 3 of them.... (that would be for until december 7)
  8. [img=http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq253/Earthbonded/Godnomix.png] Are you using it like this?
  9. mmm why the one in your signatuer looks diferent that the one I posted? xD
  10. phew, sry for the late just read the post a few hours ago xD. Gotta say... I coulnt find any way to merge the sprite with the sig T_T here it is though: Thx and Enjoy =D
  11. God you sure are into the pro Range. I Never learned to use will C4D =/.
  12. Kusanagi

    Emy's Gallery

    ... No more pkm talking xD. *good ol' times coming to mind *-* *
  13. Kusanagi

    R4 ~Workshop~

    Hey there =P, I finally got to dowload PS and I would like to practice tons hehe, as For now I will only do sigs and Avatars =(. I hope learning emblem making soon. Please request for sigs so I can have some examples besides my own sig =(. See ya =D :jerry:
  14. ur really good yeung =(. I totally hate rendering xD. Umm so for the line you use brushes? o.o
  15. Kusanagi

    Incan and TG

    FBH count as a third, 3 cards of the same type dont stack. that means If you use 2 goldenrings +1fbh it will stack however 2 fbh + 2 goldenrings wont. (and yeah I already tested that) I dunno about thana on tss... but still Incan will work good (you need to pierce defense at most cases) and I dont find Skell workers better so long as your combo still stack, like 2 goldenrings + 2 tg + 1 FBH = still stack Also whenever a card dont stack it will still add more damage with a penalty of -5%.... so goldenring would still be better than skell worker.
  16. Kusanagi

    Buying ^^

    STR belt x2 =160 d cupon's FBH= offer me =( Tanee= offer me too =( TG= 15 Incan= ...15? (Im not rly too interested in buying xD)
  17. Um thx =D, but remember that this is a custom server, gr was modified to do -80% reduction wich is lvl 2 or 3 (or well it used to be as far as I can remember). thx about the refining ill add it once I get there =) Little update. Sry for not updating the guide in so long but Ive been sorta busy =(. small prices update and mvp skills
  18. aww... oh and yeah abstract works better than your earlier style xD. GOGO yeung =D
  19. And yeah... GOD that Toushiro Sig Is extremely good O.o... T_T Where can I download photshop CS2 or higher?
  20. alright alright post wich font would be apropiate and ill modify the guide
  21. Nope, up to now its been all wrote by me based on what I know about RO. I priced them as minimun and maximun price you will find =/, tell me wich ones are wrong and ill correct them =) Here goes a little update (check the guild in a few minutes xD) .
  22. Kusanagi

    Incan and TG

    If you plan to go Champ you need at least 3 Knucles (if you dont then maces >.>). First for Asura, Second for TSS and third for Varial (weapon breake, freeze, coma etc) Asura 2 tg 1 goldenring 1 civil cercant (dont use more than one goldenring...also 2 civil cervant is ok...) TSS Incan/thana+ phree + 2tg Varial .... cmon its said up there o.o
  23. Alright Ill up date you on bleach. Ichigo and orihime try to get away when Grimmjaw apears again barely moving, he try's to atack but then he cant keep on his released state. He trys to fight back but in an instant Noitora crush his neck with that moon-like scyte. He wasnt hit on his Heart btw. Even then hes still alive but he's not able to move anymore, and as far as now Grimmjow havent been mentioned since then... Then ichigo is forced to fight Noitora even though hes weakened and cant use his hollow state. *Yeung* Well.... its not saturated but you turned the gamma to blue =(, way too much hehe. you know if you do a gradient color layer you will get better results since it will look like the light is coming from somewhere. Its good but.... dunno... I felts it like saturated at first T_T thx for it though yeung =D
  24. aaah noo.. saturated T_T, it was good but I dont like it saturated T_T
  25. alright I updated that and the posible reason
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