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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Kusanagi

  1. 1- Good idea, yet as far as Im aware only 2 people can do that (or 1?), it doesnt take too long but well if theres a reason for the @uptime command removal it should be so that people cant complain about such. 2- Its most likely that its a host server, as such they cant add more ram but they can change the host plan, however doing that means that the host will move the data into another server wich can take from 30 minutes to a few hours in the worst case scenario... I dont see it that bad, yet then theres the need of money... LOL not happening. PS: the server isnt that bad anyway =S 3- Yeah maybe... only they know. *4- * Ping times depend on where the hell you are but in the end 100-120 pinging times are good enough for smooth play, when the server lags those who are on the very edge of that (those who are far from the server) they lag, those who are close will have higher ping times but it will not be easy to notice since its most likely they will be still under smooth going. *5*- This is a suposition but maybe they are doing changes in the DB wich we cannot see and thats causing the server to lag?
  2. There should be donation items that are worth over 100 cupons as well to remove cupons from the server hold =S.
  3. so it doesnt work in IMG files? =(
  4. I know some people who really have a big colection heh. I myself do not really own any mange besides 2 Volumes of Ruroni Kenshin wich who knoes where are they hiding xD.
  5. LOL he should finish the quotes so it could be understanded lol.
  6. Kusanagi


    I dont quite know you but well, welcome back =).
  7. the idea is pretty simple, in this server the balance revolves arround the money you have in order to somewhat balance the messed up battle system. What do I mean by fixed casting? Exactly what it says, skills wich cast cant be reduced via DEX, however cards such as Beelzebub will work. And by GTB piercing? A modified Skill wich uses INT/M atack to calculate damage with Extremely high power outcome. We have Stave crasher for that you know? I said EXTREMELY HIGH power outcome, at any rate if you believe so then be my guest, go die hopelesly. It will become overpowered since you can make it 0 cast with card's Modifiying the skills would only bring more problems to an already troublesome Idea, adding new skills into a single skill tree isnt exactly the plan either, so the best way would be to make an ACCESORY wich allows the use of said Skills (Yeah... if this is made then it would be recomendable to make many in diferent elements), Withouth 1 Accesory is not posible to obtain instant casting time through cards. What's the point? To bring balance to an underpowered class that suffered the damages of the high rate system: Wizards and profesors particulary were meant to be very strong but really time dependant and strategy made, giving them fixed casting STRONG skills would bring back some pvp use for this classes besides gang helpers.
  8. interesting Idea Apo.... bring back the slot enchanger as it is for now would also help heh.
  9. Kusanagi


    Alright! souds good but on all seriousness I dont spect this to happen in less than a year.
  10. OK before I get to the point Ill do a brief review on this. This server is basically run on donations, wich means the highest posible level you can get is to the forsaken kings set in matters of normal equipment. That cant take much longer than 1 month and people try to reach new levels, get castles, pvp ladder, yet then thats it, you got to the highest you can but you are still just like anybody or pherhaps less than people who didnt made as much effort as you did. In any other server there's always something that is so big, so hard to get, so epic that is only hold in the hands of a few and is not usually sold no matter what you try, that's what creates hope into others knowing theres a greater level to reach at the cost of an Epic ammount of effort. Ok here goes the idea Create a set much greater than the Forsaken king Set with certain backslashes (raw power in exchange for giving up strategical advantages[Freeze,speed,Higer defense,etc]), Maybe even weapons wich are extremely strong but do other backslashes (High HP drain,full SP drain, etc) and can be used by other classes unlike the elite weapons. The Real important thing about this issue its that this kind of items should be things that just cant be gotter by being rich, that just wont be easy to get even if you put efford endlessly for day's. It must be soemthing that you need friends to help you, something that you will need Skill, Patience and yeah money help. However, we know donations are the main running on this server so no matter from where we see it the Forsaken King Parts must be an item needed to make the item. Sugested items: xx Dark Ashes (Item dropped at every 40 floors in the endless tower Orc Hero Helmet (the most anoying quest ever in ragnarok history) Forsaken King Piece (perhaps this way it could be considered an upgrade) Wrath of Valkyrie (or any Castle only loot drop) xx MvP card (perhaps regarding the effect) Voting Item (It doesnt need to be one that we already have but it could be, also this is because this items cant be traded or bought) xxx Mini boss drop (plenty to choose from) xx Bloody branches (event obtainable) *note* "xx" means the digit ammount. Even Thanatos is now hold by such large ammount of people due to many reasons, so theres a need for an even greater level. Well thats my idea, and even though I know its a very cheap shot to aim for it to be accepted I Believe its worth a try. Comments?, Ideas?, Flames?, Curses and cry for eternety? heres to express them all =).
  11. Ok I have It done... however I gotta say I really dont understand you motto xD. I coulnt find a good mix on Black so I did in white, also its on blue however I can change it to turquoise if you want, I simply did the base color blue since its the best I can work at. Enjoy =).
  12. I guess I can do it for fun heh... Ill try stay tuned.
  13. Kusanagi

    I Draw Stuff.

    Great job ette xD
  14. Well Im going so early on this because I have to say this years Halloween event was really disapointing :S The ammount of "MvP's" (wich arent even worth calling mvps) was execive and the prizes werent worth the time and money that needs to be used to clear through such a masive amount of them. I believe the whole idea Of an Invasion is to unite people ito fighting it, not to separate them since they all want the prize for themselves and coulnt care any less about letting the others get something. Even so that way its fine, people who want for themselves thats ok but the most common case is that they kill the weakest mobs and let the others take care of the pseudo MvPs since its just too much pointless wasted time for something that you got already with the weak ones. (I know some are not obtainable that way but still the concept its the same) Heres the straight sugestion> A good event for Christmas, not just a masive throw of monsters into "X" Map , or generic Mvps with no skills but a ridiculous amount of HP that pretty much reserve them for very wealthy people who dont loose anything using larges amounts of Ygss and time for something that would ever hardly pay for what you used. The Items The candys are just perfect for normal drops and stuff as such but for mvps its just not really worht it so I believe adding Equipment as drops (in low chances) could add some more exitement to this and could bring some teamwork up since its not a 1 time use item. It could be really anything, from just-for-the-looks headgears to a custom gear made up for this particular event (wether its nerfed after christmas or not is up to the staff). MvPs Summoned The normal monsters can be as many as sand in a beach that doesnt matter but the mvp is what brings life to an invasion, although some "normal mvps" would still be ok but in small quantity and adding them some fairly good drops, but there always have to be a super MVP fashioned for the event!. Instead of a horde of mindless "MvPs" wich are actually just copys from the mobs (however since the mob_skill ID isnt updated as well with the new monsterds ID they dont hold any skills) I believe an MvP is suposed to be something challenging that can literally wipe an entire party if caught off guard, but this mvps do not hold any skills and thus all they do is atack with a low power of atack :S, after all its not that hard, I myself made an mvp wich I considered imposible to defeat by less than 20 people organized. this were the aspect I used MVP: 500m hp ghost property armor break - lvl 10 Earthquaque Coma Sonic Blow Area Stone curse pulse strike endure Summon Slave Call slave - idle over 20 seconds/ chase over 30 seconds invincible - hp <5% (all atack, skills, magic, will do no damage for 2 minutes) power up - hp <5% Mob: <suport mob> [2 summoned on summon slave] 50 HP | 100 DEF (all atacks will aways do 1 even with thanatos) Heal - ally safetywall - self Asumptio - Ally Agi down - Enemy <Phisical Mob> [2 summoned on Summon slave] 10m HP Holy Cross Stop [basojin string trap that prevents from moving or using asura] Divest Shield exile (sends a player to a random location in the map) <Magical Mob> 6m HP Reflect Shield Lord of Vermilion Meteor Storm Dispel Soul Syphoon Thats my setup for the MVP I made of course theres still the delays and other details but thats the basic I did for a decent mvp. as for the sprites, theres plenty to choose from the mob DB we would just have to change the names and choose one acording to the theme. The Event itself 1 Mvp with low drop rates for a gear could come up to a casuality in wich you get absolutely nothing besides the usual candy's, so this event would be quite good to hold several times a day and Im pretty sure people would agree. It can be hold just like last year> in a custom separate map , and other rules are free to be placed I think. So how does it sounds to you Forsaken RO Comunity and Staff?
  15. Yeah welcome :) , check my quick guide to everything if you need anything =).
  16. So we achieved an agreement?
  17. Kusanagi

    Build Keeper

    Great Idea, Im all for it at least :).
  18. Kusanagi

    Hall Of Fame

  19. Im in favor heh, I just stated the facts about Stalkers, "they are useless for pvp" thats the resume to my post. I believe its good that they can copy trascendent skills as well after all thats why the option is there in the conf heh.
  20. Yeah... but well you see Im not too into Photoshop for now :S, Ill be getting more involved from now on though :P
  21. Lies! share the place! /gg Lol I saw you logging out yesterday from my list and I was like "hey didnt he left the server?"
  22. Da hell man! I was gonna take your place xD. Good to see some veterans return =D.
  23. Kusanagi

    I Draw Stuff.

    =D, I swear If you can Do this Ill make an statue to workship you here XD
  24. Kusanagi

    I Draw Stuff.

    You rock so freaking much Ette XD.... mm could you do me a favor please? =(. I made a drawing myself but as a matter of fact I noticed I suck beyond words on using photoshop for coloring and cleaning xD. Could you please color it? =( , GOD I WOULD OWE YOU SO MUCH XD
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