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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dudu

  1. 1st latin to post here, Julio you dont count LOL
  2. Dudu

    Hi! :)

    Hii! Im Edu ;D Welcome to ForsakenRO! You will have an awesome time here, i promise! If you have any questions about the server feel free to PM me Ingame on here in Forumss ;D In game names: Dudu, .Dudu, Spice, Eternal Requiem etc xD
  4. EI KIITY I SORRI! LOL This bow needs a nerf now !
  5. Hey, still having problems? Did you mixed ForsakenRO's installer with another Private server?
  6. One way or another.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cirrus


      Finland shall fall.

    3. Apo


      if edu goes there it'll fall within 7 days

    4. Danny


      One way or another I'm gonna find ya

      I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha. LOL.

  7. Dudu

    Black Ops!

    Sorry but, My PC cant run such game >: Ill keep playing Tetris.
  8. Omg Nice! I want to be like you when i get older u___u! :3 take care.
  9. Wow man u sure u pplay dis? How can you do skills with those big arms <3 I want to know u bettter :3 Fren me!
  10. Ngaa im Edu.NH1 from Wu too, let me know when you gon play. @Barbie Yes Barb, its pretty awesome and free ;]
  11. Man i dont srsly know why you posted this img, your trying to proof theres just a few LK's around? If you put it this way let me give you a TRUE example. Omg Look: Lets count the Proffesors....1...1.....1....Just me nga. Others Proffesors are just redux or slaves, i can consider myself the only prof that actually plays in fRO, others just jump in and then change to their mains. So i STILL dont see a reason of rising the LKH's %, Why? Man come on...You want a balanced server? Well start helping other classes out. Peace.
  12. Downloaded just know, im installing it, Ign of both of ya.
  13. Dudu

    New Elite Set

    Yeah me too, this set is like a downgraded version of the elite one.
  14. Hehehehe dis be my school Cardnet. I look hot i knowz :3 PS : Im to lazy to transle you guys wut does that cardnet says HEH.
  15. Omggg this is getting annoying. I know the Lk's are angry because they removed the 200% of the Spiral. But what pisses me of is............When ppl says " Omg lets balance the server more with 150% dmg or w/e. SRSLY How can you BALANCE CLASSES WITH AN OP SKILL THAT STUNS U AND LIKE IT HAS INFINITE SPAM!? I remember when i saw this halbred got out, evryone was soo happy with them cuz, they go like spam spiral and ygg and oops omg u just got coma'd. If they ever "Fix" this. Mark my words : Ill stop using prof and main that LK like Somdara said. Aaaaaaaaaand if you guys wants to balance the server and blablabla....Start with the classes that NEEDS a balance.Want me to mention some of them? No i want, ask yourself ;]
  16. Dudu


    Well i tot the answer to kill mvps for newbies it was the Wanderer set, but i think they got em wrong, so decreasing the Hp is fair Agree +1
  17. Dudu

    S>Sacred Pink Wings.

    Bumpies. Still Sellin them.
  18. Hey, I dont know if im allowed to help in this Support section but, you can fix this error by downloading the DLL's from Ratemyserver. You can get them here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=EXFQWW60 Hope it works. Edu.
  19. Omg, today is our first month and i havent talk to her. If you read this I love you .

    1. OverRated


      love you too baby lol

    2. Jenni:3


      Yea I did read it, and dw. I'll try to log in sometimes....my dad just doesn't really agree with combining me and computer.

    3. Jenni:3
  20. Omg I miss her.

    1. Josef
    2. Leaz


      edu u no u can just call me wheneva u want.

    3. Aurora


      Hope she'll come back.

  21. Tap Tap, Guitar Hero, CoD WaW Zombies, Sims 3, Zuma, Prince of Persia etc....
  22. Yeah true, a new oone will look really hot. and a Gvh recolor too =/
  23. Dudu


    Hello fellas. I was thinkin on , maybe we could change the Pvp Rooms Map, cuz like this one is a lil bit old ya know. So i suggest to change the map plz. Peace... Edu.
  24. Well imo i dont find a problem adding this but, i was thinking on changing the map =/ Its getting old so yeah, it needs a change!
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