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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Dudu

  1. ^ Ogod u made me cry of happiness LOL. jk jk xD Thats just exactly what im sayin! DEX Type stalkers has LOTS of ways of survivality, they can use Poring tower, sacreds, skell aura ( OP redux ) and still get enough aspd to spam DS or even BB or FAS. But the actual MATK Stalker cant to that, you need to add tons of agi to make it 195 aspd, in DEX type...none....Theres tons of reasons why MATK Stalkers are underpowerd compairin to the DEX Class types. Ty Sorrow for the supporting post
  2. Dudu

    Empty Bottles

    If theres no cobwebs in mall, then remove AD bottles? Or Traps? Come on Fiber Lock doesnt last more than 5-7 SECONDS, not like ankle snare or w/e that rly last a bit longer and you can make rows of them, plus addin cobwebs, as Adumdum ssaid, wont kill you.
  3. Ahem, I do think Stalkers deserves this change, they do way LESS dmg from Dex type Stalkers plus, the DEX type cant get his Dmg null'd *poiints at gtb". If they wont require Kiels, wat else can a MATK classe use for headgear instead of maya p? Fsold if they are gtbin and u want to melee them but, stalkers has Full Devistment so no need to Hit them, and since they only got 3 slots, id use 2Kiel and Maya P. Thats my opinion tho. heh
  4. Im agree on this one, 1b is just to low for the massive amount of Bc's that merchants does per week. 2b plz.
  5. Dudu

    Count To 3,000! ;d

    STFU JAY! ;3 JK 1130
  6. Fuck, my, life.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nelly


      o_o ysomean

    3. TensaZangetsu


      not mean just being real lol

    4. Xtopher


      I have a few guns I could loan you. How far away do you live again?

  7. Everything about you resonates happiness. Ily <3

  8. Ok so. Ive been playing Soul Linker with a Soul Linker Highness and the atk its effin awesome. They have lots of ways to survive but theres a lil problem. You know that SL'rs are MATK based since they get Cold and Fire bolt, and Stave Crasher for gtb users. BUT the Hp is kinda sucky. Why? Atm im using 135 Vit and i only get 157k Hp and i found that a lil unfair. So my suggestion is to Buff Sl'ers HP in the next update. If you have anything else to add or, something to discuss about THE TOPIC, feel free to post it ;D. Edu.
  9. B> White Butterfly Aura! Someone donate for me D; !!!!

    1. D.Vampire


      I'll do it, if i can do it. :D

    2. Kittie


      Pay me 2k tokens.

  10. Dudu

    "manly Auras"

    I love the Fire aura. We need a manly aura mengz, we need to ask the spriters if they can do some srs job on dis u no?
  12. Dudu

    Hi, Sup.

    Dudu.- Clown
  13. @Veracity: When i meant "pvp wise" i meant to nerf/upgrade weapons or change some effects or what so ever, since 90% of fRO is pvp-based.
  14. Ohhh, dats awesome! Imo, I don't like the new event rewarrds since like they look too common, but that's just me! Congrats on the update tho, oh and in part 2 you guys should make it pvp wise.
  15. I kinda don't understand dis, so besides de 2 week laddeR, we will have to save tokens To get the prize??
  16. You can download the episodes from here.
  17. Almost 3 years of madness in fRO!

    1. D.Vampire


      I know, how ya feel bro. :D

    2. Anarii


      nearing the 4th year of madness.. ug

  18. Dudu

    This Is Just Sad

    So i guess ill meet your grandson.
  19. B> Sacred ? Wing

    1. Ryuk


      How kind that you're buying me an sacred wing !

  20. i liek dis, +1.
  21. Dudu

    This Is Just Sad

    Ive been spotted! Hahahahah jk. This is just a BIGass fail. LOL i just saw the entire post, and she even has the same siggy n shit LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
  22. Dudu

    Sap daughter.

  23. Where to get a Laughin PooPoo Hat? D;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -R e i
    3. Hikayu


      made it ..its easy :3 buy poo poo hat ish hard to drop =_=

    4. Everglow
  24. Omggggggggg this be soooo awesome. I love the profs card ;3 I + 2 on dis.
  25. Dudu

    Mike Rotch

    Epic LOL.
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