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Forsaken Elder
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Everything posted by mrferret

  1. But the Tokens in Tokenshop still has no double multipliers... How much you buy to get DOUBLE?
  2. PM ME in game MrFerret. Sell for 2.2k Toks or T>Bragi+1k or Pally Bset or NDB Ring[800]+NDC Ring[700]+Friggs[700].
  3. PM ME in game MrFerret or Friggs+300 toks or Gold SW[1]+200 toks.
  4. 1 more suggestion to any of the BG maps... Make it a time limit. What that means is after the room is open, once the players click on the registration chat box the timer goes off. After a specific waiting time the map will start. For me personally I dont care if the team is balance or not. It's better than waiting 15-20mins per map. Plus, win or lose you still get tokens from the specific rooms.
  5. Agree on this one. Need other rewards to replace the PvPtoks and Dtoks. Since the room is UNUTILIZED, it should b either remove or change the mode. Mostly the main reason. But even newbies are afraid of joining BG. Plus, if you gather all the players online and put them in BG it'll be packaf. But players seem to not care for free PvPToks, Book or Ice Emp. They want to do the harder route. Time is also a main issue for BG. But even if they implemented more BG Time it wont change due to I know who the BG Regulars are. Even I only started about 2-3 months ago and I'm a regular. But we'll see if they want to open BG more and see how it goes. For me personally since its a bit dead I suggest open it 4-5 days a week. From there do a statistic on which time has the most players joining BG. Then open for only those specific times.
  6. Plus only fully geared players can enjoy KvM to get PvP Tokens and mostly thats the only map that's a bit active in BG, KvM. For newbies or semi geared will only go for Flavius and Tierra. Now, everyone is stuck with trying to get toks to even buy OP PvPToks and DToks.
  7. I know this is a bit of a stretch but I think PvP Tokens and Dragon Tokens should be implemented back to Flavius and Tierra map. Trust me... It will make BG less dead than now. Anyone is welcome to disagree but until this is implemented BG wont be the same ever again. The changes that was made is not a good one to say the lease.
  8. Does Thana increase Tracking dmg like FB do?
  9. I'm looking for NDG Ring myself... I need to know the stats on that ring... Have only seen both Donated and Non-Donated Blessed and Cursed Rings only... and the effects/stats of Donated Guardian Ring thread exist in forum.
  10. Thanks bud... Well... If it's in demand you can OP them but need a baseline price. That's why no. 3 exist.
  11. I know implementing this will take a long time. So, I'm not hoping that much but it's good if we have this in game. Would be a game changer in the Game's Market.
  12. The picture of the Macho Glasses description looks cool but the sprite looks like its peco peco wings/ feathers glued on a frame.
  13. This is not something that everyone will agree on due to a lot of players love to lowball when buying and Overpricing when selling. The way I see it we need an NPC to control the market price. 1. Baseline Pricing - The NPC will list certain item and each item you select will tell you the "baseline" price of that specific item. Players will determine whether to decrease, maintain or increase the value of the item but do remember no one likes lowball and overpricing stuff (eg; IF non-Limited Imperial Helm has a baseline price of 500, then players can buy at 450 or sell at 550-600). Having this "baseline" prices will help newbies and veterans players alike to determine the price to sell it on (avoiding price scams from Lowballer Buyers/ OP Sellers). Plus, the GM can change the "baseline" prices whenever they choose to according to demands of the item. 2. How Hoarding Affects The Item Prices - Some players/ guild hoards most of the items which makes them hard to get. Hoarding affects the tokens and item not rotating. This is unhealthy for the game's economy. It's killing the game's market. This is not what we want the game to be. If they continue to do this then we wont get to own any of the items or tokens even if the game is not low on them. 3. Able To Know Total Number Of Item In Game - The NPC will also list out the total items exist in game. This helps to prevent hoarding and OPing the value since the game is not low on that specific item. It wont show who owns the item just the total number of that item exist in game. I really hope that GM will look into this cause this what makes the in game market dead. Hoarders and the unnecessary OP sellers dont understand how marketing works and mostly selfish. They mostly ruin the market by using multiple alternate accounts/ characters to BC the price and spamming them like no tomorrow. If you guys have anything to comment or add please do reply this thread. Thank you and Happy Holidays to everyone!
  14. Hahaha... PUBG fans huh... If the sprite exist in any server it wont be a prob to implement it. But if it doesnt then they'll just use the Welding Mask Sprite but described it as Level 3 Helmet (PUBG)... Hahahaha...
  15. I know that its not easy to implement new HG into the game but if there were more variants players might online more eventho afk to get aToks. But having a lot of variant with similar stats will give more option for players to choose from. For me personally the 2 HG that needs variants are Kafra Headband and Machoman Glasses. Make Kafra Headband Variants suitable for male char and variant for Machoman Glasses (cause it's ugly tbh) like picture below: Robotic Eyes Sleepy Blinking Eyes (Animated) Feel free to comment if you guys think these 2 Activity Token Headgears deserves the variant love just like the Ship Captain Hat.
  16. Like irl we have certain items market in certain prices. Take oil prices for example, the prices of oil goes high if we have few and goes back down if we have plenty. It's also nice if that particular NPC will list out how many of certain thing exist in game so that we know if its in demand or flooded with that particular item.
  17. +1 for most of it and I would like to add another suggestion to the list. 3. Having a Market's Guild (The one that controls most of the market price of things) This is not something that everyone will agree on due to a lot of players love to lowball when buying and Overpricing when selling. The way I see it we need an NPC to control the market price of all the items. Like the NPC will list certain items and each item you select will tell you the "baseline" price of that specific thing. Players will determine whether to decrease, maintain or increase the value of the items but do remember no one likes lowball and overpricing stuff. Having this "baseline" prices will help newbies and veterans players alike to determine the price to sell it on. Plus, the GM can change the "baseline" prices whenever they choose to according to demands.
  18. Oh... I tot u exchange them at Token Trader Hall. Should be a good move to bring more participants into joining Events.
  19. These are similar to that of donated ones right? I'm just curious so now we can get donated items via eToks? I need to join more Event... To get em HGs...
  20. 935... We need to keep this going guys... Infinity is a long way to go...
  21. Ho ho ho~~~ Merry Christmas from my wife and I and a Happy New Year to all!
  22. Yes but it wont be a ring... Instead Sword but different color than the original one. Only Infernal Cape will make it into a ring.
  23. It's ok. You guys have tons of work... Sometimes something as minor as this will get looked over. That's why you guys have us to point out what's missing. All good. Can't wait to see the changes.
  24. The Amad I just kno it's spelled Amdarais cause I was confused y i cudnt look for it using @whereis....
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