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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by CAMAbed

  1. According to the logic of the elements, the ghost wing is giving wrong attack percentage. It was to increase ghost damage by 5% (and not increase poison damage), as the immarterial arrow is what does most ghost damage. (Ghostring - Ghost - 200%).http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?mob_name=Ghostring&page=re_mob_db&f=1&mob_search=SearchWhere can I post a topic to ask to suggest this change? Only element poison increases damage in poison ( http://ratemyserver.net/re_item_db.php?item_id=4447&small=1&back=1 ). Only element Ghost increses 200% of damage in Ghost. And only the staff can trade the status.
  2. but the Forsaken King Shield say what give stat. Why say this if no give stats?
  3. someone can say how many round and how many mvp have in Room of Hell? And what monster have inside of Hell? I only see one MVP Mistress of Shelter. Have how many rounds and how many monster normal and MVP? And if someone know. what monster normal and mvp have? if someone can help, is for good help. thx
  4. Maybe can be one error. i get Forsaken King Shield Today. Now i have all set. But The shield no give stat of set of 10 all stat and +5% HP. The Vote Forsaken King Shield no give the stat how u can see in SS's. Why. Someone can help? Stopped the effect of Vote Forsaken King Shield?
  5. for make this quest need make this quest (blessed ring guide)" ? or can make quest blessed ring without make "Fate of the Gods II: Quest Beginning"? "?
  6. According to the logic of the elements, the ghost wing is giving wrong attack percentage. It was to increase ghost damage by 5% (and not increase poison damage), as the immarterial arrow is what does most ghost damage. (Ghostring - Ghost - 200%). http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?mob_name=Ghostring&page=re_mob_db&f=1&mob_search=Search Where can I post a topic to ask to suggest this change?
  7. I die in the step 13 to 14... now i need wait. How long do you have to wait? You must turn over the 666 Cursed Seal, 1 Breath of Spirit and 50,000,000 zeny for enter in the room?
  8. thanks for all.
  9. Link error. dont can open the link. The link what try send is this ?
  10. The NPCs say only this: Ever when i say with " [Forsaken Knight Master] "only apper her sayd this: "You're still a bit small to be talking to me. Come back once you've proven yourself!" for_king 99 158 When i sayd whith "[Distressed Citizen]", her say only this: "Oh, oh...who can help me?" Talk to the Distressed Citizen and offer your help, fcity 179 178 when i sayd with "[Traveleling Citizen]", her say only this: " *A traveller is whistling cheerfully* " Find out if the Travelling Forsaken Citizen has seen anything suspicious, for_fild05 291 319 When i sayd with "[Mischievous Man]" her not say, and no speaks anything. No have how can talk with her. Interrogate the Mischievous Man, for_fild04 176 126 When i say with "[Mischievous Man]", her too not say, and no speaks anything. No have how can talk with her. Follow him to his hideout, cmd_fild08 128 195 When i say with " [Missing Child] ", appear this: " *A small child is crying* " Talk to the Missing Wife and Child, cmd_fild08 81 188 When i say with " [Missing Wife] ", apper this: *The lady looks as though she is distressed.* Talking with "Missing, in cmd_fild08 82 188 Ever when i say with " [Forsaken Knight Master] "only apper her sayd this: "You're still a bit small to be talking to me. Come back once you've proven yourself!" for_king 99 158
  11. Please admin, i need help of one Admin what know of Script of Forsaken Knight Master (NPC).
    see the topic for more information


    1. Genesis


      You really don't need to pump your topic hourly and tag staff members to get your question answered...

  12. I Know... Please, leave one admin answer what know of the script. Need help of who know of Script of NPC. I know what the quest Forsaken Knight Quest is a prerequisite for Legendary weapon (i know this). But no this the question. My question is for ADMIN what know all script of the [Forsaken Knight Master]. You say the what the forum already said. please, I need help from an admin who knows the NCP scripts, to help me out courtesy.
  13. I need help of a ADMIN what know of Script of NPC, for know what the NPC need for change the talking. ( I unkow if i make the quest of knight or not, for this the question).
  14. I make one legendary weapons for my champion. But now i try make the quest (legendary weapon) for Sniper in same account. ( I unkow if i make the quest "Forsaken Knight Quest " for the Sniper). The Level of sniper is 255/255. The NPC Forsaken Knight Master say only this: "[Forsaken Knight Master] You're still a bit small to be talking to me. Come back once you've proven yourself!" What can make for her change the talking? Can someone help me? Name of Sniper(Ingame): CAMA~Hunter
  15. The pet Incubus has an item to equip, the ' Masked Ball '. But do not give to equip the item on Incubus. Not even the maximum level of intimacy can equip. Must be some mistake. Can you solve the bug to equip the item in the Incubus pet?
  16. How use the pass?? Is there any access to the dunggeon that the pass releases? if so, where is the entrance to the dungeon or entry npc?
  17. The item equipe where, Headgear top, mid ou low?
  18. Where stay the submerged palace? And for what is?
  19. This item is equipped where (headger top, mid or low)?
  20. can sommon Thanatos with Ocus -Pocus (skill de High Sage)?
  21. the item equip in Headgead top, mid or low?
  22. Someone help me? What Token is used for exchange Tokens for Card Kiel D-01 ? and where stay the NPC trader of cards MVP for tokens?
  23. someone can say where stay NPC Trader of Tokens. where is he? coordinates and map?
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