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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by CAMAbed

  1. How no have Harp[4] donation for buy. The mine suggestion is for make one Harp[4] donation what give stat good for make competition with other weapons. How the other players have the weapons the gyspsy stay more weak. can add chance of coma how have the Magical Legendary Mace[4](biochemist), or Tarot. i unkow. But i know what the gyspsy need a Harp[4] donation good for stay more strong.
  2. Can close this topic. i got the item.
  3. Buying ONE Minstrel song cheap. The order of preference is: Jade/Green/White/Blue Send Pm with offer for nick-name in game: CAMA~Mestre ~CAMA~Sniper~Hunter~ Bomb in your head CAMA~Wicca 
  4. Card Sold. Can close the topic.
  5. Card Sold. can close the topic.
  6. The Battleground event of Saturday begin a little late. Saturday - 6:30 PM server time until 8:30 PM server time. The War Saturday begin 8:00 PM. This make who play war lost the event because is together and have less persons in battleground for play. The my suggestion is Change Battleground of Saturday of 6:30 PM server time until 8:30 PM to 6:00 PM server time until 8:00. This suggestion is for make the Battleground of Saturday 30 minutes more early for Battleground Event time no stay together with time of the war of emperium.
  7. Selling Rata Card [7k] See the effect in link's ¹ ²: ¹ = https://ibb.co/ko2tiU ² = https://ibb.co/dK4OiU Nick's name in game, try found (save point: @go 7): CAMA~Mestre ~CAMA~Sniper~Hunter~ Bomb in your head CAMA~Wicca
  8. Selling one piece of Eira Card per 15 000 Forsaken Tokens. The effect in SS: https://ibb.co/jzDp0e Pm for nick-name in game: CAMA~Mestre ~CAMA~Sniper~Hunter~ Bomb in your head CAMA~Wicca 
  9. ill go make stock of your piece what u want, dont worry. topic atualized. more help, only talk here or pm in game.
  10. Selling>. Hideous Dream = 80 tokens per piece (ammount limited in 2 pieces for sell) Valkyrie Rangrids Card = 50 tokens a piece (only one piece for sell) Baphomet Card = 10 tokens per piece Detardeurus Card (DETALE CARD) = 15 tokens Amon Ra Card = 9 Tokens (per piece) Eddga Card = 25 tokens (per piece, only ) Maya Purple = 10 tokens (per piece, only 2 for sell) Hatii Card (Garm Card) = 10 tokens (per piece, only have 4 for sell) White Lady Card = 25 tokens (per piece, only have 2 for sell) Kraken Card = 20 tokens (per piece, only have 4 for sell) Atroce Card = 10 tokens (per piece, only little ammount of pieces) RSX-0806 = 20 tokens (per piece, only have little ammount of pieces) Lord of the Death (LOD) = 35 Tokens (per piece, only have 3 pieces) Nick's name in game, try found (save point: @go 7): Asura Gross ~CAMA~Sniper~Hunter~ Bomb in your head CAMA~Wicca
  11. i try again using crystal mirror and continue normal. i got the friggs.. thx per guide
  12. I trying make Friggs, but i stay lost. I cant pass to step 6 because i stay stopped some bug in step 5. The friggs say to me:"You must travel through all of the realms and extract oaths from every creature and object not to harm my favorite of sons. This is the only way to prevent his death. Once you have finished, return to me with all the oaths and I ill repay you handsomely. Oh please, you musn't waste time. Make sure you get all 8 oaths and bring them to me." I unknow what need make to pass the next step. I have all items, but maybe have some bug. Somebody can help me?
  13. I trying found the map for_map16, but i not found it. Maybe have a good soul willing help a player. Somebody can help and say how go to for_map16? thank you.. since now thanks.
  14. My Char: Asura Gross I kill a kiel and drop banana, but only appear banana in end of list (the items more hard appear in end of list) what happened ??? I use Firolock + Eddga card for kill kiel ( no can drop banana of lady tanee because i not use this. SS prove the drop of banana of kiel d-01 . the banana appears right at the end of the list, just where the letter appears when it drops. Very strange, someone can explain to me what might have happened to me to drop the banana and right at the end of the list where the Kiel-D-01 Card usually appears. OBS:(the other guy make a last hit of kiel) https://ibb.co/g65bGT
  15. Please, if you can appreciate my suggestion to make the game more democratic would be of public utility.


  16. A suggestion that probably most players approve. Everyone knows how difficult it is to find Valkyrie (id: 1765), to drop the Spiritual Whispers. Many players try to summon Valkyrie (monster-id: 1765) with dead branch (item-id: 604), but unfortunately according to the site ratemyserver.net is not possible. My simple suggestion is to add Valkyrie (monster-id: 1765) to be able to summon with dead branch (item-id: 604). Placing Valkyrie to be summoned with Dead Branch would make the possibility of Spiritual Whispers drops more democratic (item-id: 17148). Valkyrie: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=1765 Summon List of Dead Branch: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=random_db&op=2
  17. Please GM, y can apreciate the my post? its a suggestion for make update in MVP of gld_dun03.


    1. Genesis


      I'll take a look :)

  18. best duggeon for get zenny its tha_t08 dropping Stone of Sage (using two card Vesper and Two Kiel d-01). Using two kiel and two vesper you can get 100 000 000z per hour. And for sell item for get Forsaken Tokens its good item of item God. Spiritual Whispers, Hideous and Essence of Hatred its good for sell per good price.
  19. I saw the database of iro wiki and ratemyserver.net (renewal) and change the number of mvps in mapa gld_dun03 . In database of irowiki change the where of one map of map. The GM could trade Maya for a Baphomet as it is in the updated game. Information of where of Baphomet: http://db.irowiki.org/db/monster-info/1039/ http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=re_mob_db&mob_id=1039 And information of where of Maya: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=mob_db&mob_id=1147 http://db.irowiki.org/db/monster-info/1147/ OBS: you can see if click in "Renewal" in ratemyserver.net .
  20. But the active PVP on the MVP map helps item concentration, strength, and power, leaving the distribution of items less equitable. That is, if it creates a strong tendency to become stronger and stronger. And the strong suppressing the chances of the weak also become stronger and stronger. And the weak each time has less chance of victory. but concentration of items, strength and power make the game with distribuition unequal and increasingly unfair. In my opinion the PVP on the MVP maps leaves the game boring, predictable and unfair
  21. The game tries to be democratic by making warp available to everyone. But there are guilds and strong groups that only hunt MVP's, and they hunt in packs. These groups that hunt MVP's together protect the monsters they hunt for only the group to kill the MVP's. Soon people who hunt alone will have less chance of killing MVP monsters than people hunting in groups. That's why people who hunt alone are at a disadvantage as all maps have PVP on and strong and dominant groups have a better chance of staying victorious in the MVP dispute. To make the MVP dispute more democratic the ideal would be to put PVP OFF on all MVP maps. Only so any beginner (weak) or initiated long (strong) have the same opportunity. The PVP ON on MVPS maps only helps strong players who walk in groups, while weakening the chances of anyone playing alone to get mvp. In this way, the rich (and strong) will perpetuate and remain rich. And the poor will tend to remain poor (due to disproportionalities of numerical and qualitative forces). The only way to democratize and make the MVP's dispute fairer is to drop the PVP on all MVP maps. Just leaving PVP OFF on all maps will really democratize the chances of ascent of people who play alone to kill MVP. In other words, PVP ON on MVP maps helps concentration of items, strength, and power. While the PVP OFF on MVP maps helps the democratization of the drop since large groups could not suppress the chances of anyone playing alone. I know that if they keep PVP ON on MVP maps they will only maintain of concentration of items, strength, and power. And the MVP's dispute will remain unbalanced for large groups. https://ibb.co/hPU3n7
  22. can closed or delet this topic.. i make the ticket...
  23. The player in question tries to call me adjectives perojarívos continuously without reason. This not is first time.. is recurrent this players disrespect the rules of coexistence of the game. Only have two SS the last Recurring verbal insult only shows how disrespectful he is to others because to feel good he needs to try to lower the self esteem of others. Before these SS's he had already insulted twice, and those unnecessary insults are totally impertinent and violate the rules of good conduct of the player. I hope someone takes some action, because what is not lacking is the player offending others atoa at all times. And I hope that the staff will dedicate an area in the forum focused on these subjects.
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