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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by Ableton

  1. Im not sure but i think that feature is available only in renewal server. Fro is pre-renewal. Just practice your battle mode. You'll get used to it eventually.
  2. Ableton


  3. Ableton

    Mystery Boxes

    What are the possible goodies inside the Tokenshop's Mystery Boxes?? Thanks.
  4. Unfortunately, your inventory is full. Your reward should be automatically goes to your inventory, but it's full that's why you didn't receive it.. RIP minigame toks.
  5. Dusk and Summer: "Hey!!, it's our birthday!!" Forsaken Raider: "Really really????" Dusk and Summer: "Oh yesss! Let's celebrate!!!" Forsaken Raider: "Great!! LET'S SLICE THAT CAKE!!!!" Dusk and Summer: "OMGGG!!!! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!...." */wah
  6. It just came across my mind while doing my routine hunt s. This gigantic scythe from our guy over here: Looks nice for a cape variant? What u guys think? Yey or Booo?
  7. These ppl only think of damage. Not considering everything. Like u said, seed carrying capacities, max hp's, survival/redux skills, offensive skill's spam rate, etc. They are like "oh, my WS C damage is lower than Snipers or GS, noooo!!!! this is so nerfed. This is useless!!". Being balanced is NOT all about damage.
  8. Your specific character only, or you can't entirely log in? If one specific character only, you can try to reset its position. Log in here - https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/ -->> "My Account" -->> select your errored character -->> "Reset Position"
  9. Ableton

    Wabbit fix Plz

    Yes and No. Yes, coz Gepard is <3. No, most ppl uses keyboard/mouse. Lol.
  10. Looks nice. Tho i wasn't around when these 3rd job sprites are enabled in the server. I want to know why it's disabled now. Probly buggy or glitchy?
  11. Agree. These guys just want their WS C to remain OP so they have an easy life.
  12. While it is true that this build is so effective, I still find that sinx, in general, is left behind as a dreaded killer. Hafta spend twice or thrice as much comparing to other classes, just to make the class viable.
  13. She didn't get my joke. I guess i aint funny. T_T
  14. Regarding the Spiritual Whispers. @qperteplex is correct. The prices are so high atm because of the new quest released, the demand is high. There was a time these SW are just around 2-3 toks. Few months from now, prices will drop when the demand gets low.
  15. The hell is this. B>Wiz G set / WS G set / Ninja G set. Thanks.
  16. Imagine token as a coin. This coin is the main fro currency, equivalent to 12 million zeny each (on the average). So you use this coin to buy stuff from people. Donate system is our way of funding the server, y'know to keep it running. We give certain amounts and in return, the admin will give us some stuff (in-game necessities) as a reward.
  17. I somehow agree with this. Gotta get urself bijous and go dual weaps just to make it at least on par with other killer classes, which kinda sucks. Imagine the Champ G and TK, they owned the meele pvp scene. What's left for the Sinx? Not even a glass cannon. Just a "glass". Lol.
  18. Why not DS? FAS is aoe, im not sure if it'll be a little OP. I hope you're aware how broken WS C is. If not, that's a problem. Things have been explained already.
  19. This seems better. We already have something similar to this, aside from thana summon scroll.
  20. Well, im not quite sure if that's possible. Maybe, it is. But the random picking aint fun, at least for me. Just IP ban instead of account ban a player after a turn until the next turn as usual.
  21. Oh, this Kenji. Only pro in sinx, but not in keeping a womans heart. Lol.
  22. Ableton

    OP range classes

    Yes, it's better to only buff DS (blessed build) for snipers, not FAS. That's what makes it more broken. You can't even stone that thing using puppetring. Indeed an ultimate killing machine.
  23. Exact 300 base stat is mostly not good. What if your bonus stat is, for example, 8. So 300+8 = 308 --> not divisible by 10. That +8 is wasted.
  24. If you divide your total stat by 10, you must not get a decimal answer. Decimal means like = 38.2 or 49.6 wotever. Example: Str: 292 + 58 = 350 --> this is divisible by 10. Now, if you divide 350 by 10, the answer will be 35. No decimal value. It's not like 35.4, or 35.7 and stuff.
  25. It isn't released yet afaik. I think it's just a test item or whatever you call that.
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