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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Ebisu last won the day on August 3 2019

Ebisu had the most liked content!


About Ebisu

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Hero (6/10)




Community Answers

  1. I agree with these changes, only disagree with Final strike 5% Also the Kuluna change, it can be tested ✌️
  2. Ebisu

    Appeal to unban

    Make a ticket
  3. Protection Cloth: Blessed: 19505 Cursed: 19485 Guardian: 19525 Warm Cat Muffler: Blessed: 19042 Cursed: 19022 Guardian: 19062 Cat Ears Cape: Blessed: 18884 Cursed: 18864 Guardian: 18904 Angel Scarf: Blessed: 18963 Cursed: 18943 Guardian: 18983 You can test them out in the playroom, go to @go 25, then click on the warper, choose Custom Maps -> Playroom. Then talk to Spoiled Little Girl and pick the option to try on an item, then use the IDs i sent you above.
  4. Hey Victoria! 
    where've you been? 

    Friend of yours El (Elzio - Sione) is trying to contact you, hope you're doing well :)

    1. Victoria


      What's the matter?

    2. Calcifer


      Forsaken Angel ♥

    3. Victoria



  5. Presents... Forsaken Lair Introducing a brand new custom dungeon for Guilds. In order to get into the Forsaken Lair each guild willing to go inside will need to pay 1.000 forsaken tokens to get access to the dungeon FOR ONE WEEK. There's 4 different maps where you can hunt monsters, farm Forsaken Lair tokens and find some new MvPs inside. Fight Night "1v1 me for account" is now easier to settle with our new event Fight Night, this is simple, a small map where two players will be able to duel to death while everyone else is watching! Volund the Smith This new NPC will let you trade in your extra Valkyrie weapons and Infernal Capes for extra stats for your WHOLE ACCOUNT Valk weapons Tier 1: 2% ATK / MATK Tier 2: 4% ATK / MATK Tier 3: 6% ATK / MATK Capes Tier 1: 3% MAX HP Tier 2: 6% MAX HP Tier 3: 10% MAX HP New Monthly Collectibles Six new monthly collectibles are now available in the Tokenshop:Popcorn Hair, Cat ears of Love, Peony Ornament, Sakura Mermaid, Anniversary Hat and Strike CaptainAvailable for a limited time only, so get them before they're gone! Tokenshop Sales 60$ for 3 Valkyrie Weapons! Available in the Tokenshop for a limited time only. Choose up to 6 books for 80$! Available in the Tokenshop for a limited time only. Changelog Removed pvp tokens and books as reward for BG. Left pvp tokens in KVM only. Reduced skill delay on Professor's Fire/Cold/Lightning bolts. Fixed a bug where you'd get double rewards in Tierra Valley. Cant Backslide in Flavius/Tierra anymore. Disabled the following reduction items for Professor class : All feather beret colors, Legendary SGW, Grand Peco Hairband, Fluffy Wings, Improved elephant hat , Eidelic Wings, Ghostring hat Refined Devi hat, Combat Knife ,Sacred Wings, Laughing poo poo hat, Improved Poring tower hat. KVM pvp token price went from 45 KVM tokens to 65 KVM tokens. Stalker Cursed ring and its variants: Increase matk% from 15% to 25% Non-Donation: Increase matk% from 10% to 15%. Stalker Blessed ring and its variants: Increase 10% ranged damage Taekwon Cursed ring: Reduce Tornado kick damage from 350% to 275% Star Gladiator Guardian Ring: Increased Counter Kick damage from 100% to 175% Non Donation: Decrease Counter Kick damage from 175% to 100% Thanks to Ebisu for headgear selection, testing, and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Tenjin for testing and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Moogle for testing and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Moon for the login screen. Coding and fixes by Genesis. And as always, thanks to our awesome community for their suggestions!
  6. Ebisu

    B> Somebodys Love

    I'll sell you mine
  7. You can use The Paper card that has the same exact effect
  8. For sure, we're willing to improve all of the unused rings so they have the same relevance as the rest. Just tag me on any thread/comment with suggestions and i'll check it out.
  9. Just implemented a hotfix regarding Norn's blessing for Paladins The 200 vit cap was removed only for this class They have an unique effect now, when you wear 2 norn's blessing of the same stat, you will get 6% damage reduction Also, PvP tokens in KvM were lowered from 70 to 45 kvm tokens, and we added PvP tokens in Flavius for 70 flavius tokens
  10. 35% physical attack to all elements, just like Turtle General.
  11. Presents... Divine Headgears Divine Grace Usable by Swordsman class branch Limited edition HG stats + 10 VIT +10 STR -- Lord Knight -- Increase Brandish Spear by 10% Increase Bowling Bash by 10% Increase Spiral pierce by 10% -- Crusader -- Increase Martyr's Reckoning by 10% Increase Shield Chain by 10% Divine Instinct Usable by Archer class branch and Gunslinger Limited edition HG stats + 10 DEX + 10 VIT -- Archer -- -- Clown -- Increase Musical Strike by 10% -- Gypsy -- Increase Slinging Arrow by 10% -- Sniper -- Increase Focused Arrow Strike by 10% -- Gunslinger -- Increase Tracking by 10% Increase Full Buster by 10% Divine Pride Usable by Mage class branch and Super Novice, Soul Linker Limited edition HG stats + 10 INT + 10 VIT -- Mage -- -- Professor -- Increase Cold Bolt bolt by 10% Increase Fire Bolt bolt by 10% -- Wizard -- Increase Napalm Vulcan by 10% -- Super Novice -- Increase Mammonite by 10% -- Soul Linker -- Increase Esma by 10% Divine Might Usable by Merchant class branch Limited edition HG stats + 10 STR + 10 DEX -- Whitesmith -- Increase Cart Termination by 10% Increase Napalm Vulcan by 10% Increase Throw Tomahawk by 10% -- Creator -- Increase Mammonite by 10% Increase Acid Demonstration by 10% Divine Oblivion Usable by Thief and Ninja class branch Limited edition HG stats + 10 STR + 10 VIT -- Assassin Cross -- Increase Soul Breaker by 10% -- Stalker -- Increase Bowling Bash by 10% -- Ninja -- Increase Final Strike by 5% Divine Fury Usable by Acolyte and Taekwon class branch Limited edition HG stats + 10 STR + 10 INT -- Champion -- Increase Throw Spirit Sphere by 10% -- High Priest -- Increase Holy Light by 10% -- Taekwon -- Increase Counter Kick by 10% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nosveres Card New card for those who love raiding! Deal 35% more damage to all elements and grants the user with 10% MATK , works ONLY on raid maps The price of this card is 10 PvP tokens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introducing the brand new Paladin Cursed Rune Vit + 5 , STR + 5 Increase damage of Shield Chain by 20% Increase damage of Martyr's Reckoning by 20% Compounded on Weapon This item is available in the tokenshop for 20$ ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Releasing 2 new colors of our Aqua and Yin Yang auras exclusive for PvP You can get these in the Token Trader inside Fcity for 50 PvP tokens each. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ForsakenRO Golden Mystery Box! Don't forget about our LIMITED TIME free gift for every $150 spent in the Tokenshop! Each Golden Mystery Box has a chance of obtaining one of the following rewards: 3% Mint Yin Yang Aurora 4% Black Ice Emperium Aurora **UNRELEASED** 4% Blue ice emperium Aurora 4% Maroon Imperial Helm 4% Jade ice emperium Aurora 4% White Imperial Helm 4% Red ice emperium Aurora 4% Black Imperial Helm 4% Teal Imperial Helm 15% Valkyrie Expansion Redemption Ticket 15% Assorted headgear Redemption ticket 15% Enchanted Headgear Redemption Ticket 10% Weapon Exchange Voucher 10% Cape Exchange Voucher Also we have changed Mystery Box from #4 to #5 Grand Prize is Black Ice Emperium aurora (1%) and Teal Imperial Helm (3%) ======================================================================= Clown/Gypsy Unable to use Freebie headgears to achieve 90% after-cast delay anymore. Super Novice White Rabbit Reduced ATK from 30% to 10% Bash damage increased by 20% Legendary Novice Weapon Reduced ATK from 25% to 7% Bash damage increased by 15% Norn's Blessing (Blessed accessories) 10% damage reduction is disabled if the user has more than 200 BASE vit. (Bonus vit points are not counted) i.e: User has 199 vit, 10% reduction works. If it goes 200 or higher, 10% reduction is disabled. Battlegrounds Double the requirements for PvP Token purchases using KvM Tokens ( From 35 to 70 kvm tokens ). For_fild01 Disabled Ninja Shadow Leap. Quests Fixed issue with Forsaken runes quest Fixed issue where Star Gladiator class couldn't do its Legendary Weapon quest. Thanks to Ebisu for headgear selection, testing, and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Tenjin for testing and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Moogle for testing and coming up with fixes. Coding and fixes by Genesis Previews by Barbie And as always, thanks to our awesome community for their suggestions!
  12. Presents... Four new monthly collectibles are now available in the Tokenshop:Predator Mask, Red Riding Hood, Roast Mask and Star Mermaid!Available for a limited time only, so get them before they're gone! NEW! ForsakenRO Golden Mystery Box! Introducing an exclusive LIMITED TIME free gift for every $150 spent in the Tokenshop! Each Golden Mystery Box has a chance of obtaining one of the following rewards: 3% Mint Yin Yang Aurora **UNRELEASED** 4% Black Ice Emperium Aurora **UNRELEASED** 4% Blue ice emperium Aurora 4% Maroon Imperial Helm 4% Jade ice emperium Aurora 4% White Imperial Helm 4% Red ice emperium Aurora 4% Black Imperial Helm 4% Teal Imperial Helm 15% Valkyrie Expansion Redemption Ticket 15% Assorted headgear Redemption ticket 15% Enchanted Headgear Redemption Ticket 10% Weapon Exchange Voucher 10% Cape Exchange Voucher Introducing the new Streak System in Guild vs. Guild! This is a system to entice new guilds to compete in the GvG event and to entice players to beat dominating guilds. The idea is that when a guild wins more than 4 GvG events in a row, they will enter into a Double Streak status. If the guild wins 8 GvG events in a row, they enter a Triple Streak status. Streak Status When an opposing guild wins against the guild on Streak Status, they will get DOUBLE or TRIPLE rewards depending on the defeated guild's Streak. Example: Guild Tomato has a x3 streak after winning 10 GvGs in a row, Guild Parrots joins the event and beats Guild Tomato, they get 3 GvG tokens and 540 event tokens as a reward, breaking the Streak Status of Tomato guild. Any guild that attempts to abuse this system IN ANY WAY will be disbanded, and the guild leader will be permanently banned. Introducing the new Emperium Arena, talk to the Warper NPC in Forsaken City, Custom Maps and test your Breaking skills! Improved our Guild Package exponentially! Now our guild package give the following items: Rental Forsaken King Armor Rental Forsaken King Shield Rental Forsaken King Cloak Rental Forsaken King Cloak Rental Forsaken King Boots 2 Rental Belts Rental Cat Ear Hat 1 Forsaken Seed Dungeon Pass **NEW** Rental Blessed Ring (Same stats as ND Blessed Ring) **NEW** Rental Cursed Ring (Same stats as ND Cursed Ring) **NEW** Rental Guardian Ring (Same stats as ND Guardian Ring) **NEW** Rental Emperium Aurora (Same stats as Limited edition Emperium Aurora) **NEW** All legendary weapons of the class that opens the Guild Package box. Players older than 60 days in the server cannot claim this package ======================================================================= Clown/Gypsy Unable to use more than 2 kiels anymore. Dragon armor's Max HP +10% was removed. All gypsy guardian rings now give the correct stats. Creator Creator Cursed ring removed Max HP from 25% to 5%. Reduced Mammonite damage from 350% to 250%. Brutal headgears: [Creator] Removed 10% HP bonus. Whitesmith Guardian ring variants: Reduced damage of Napalm Vulcan from 300% to 180%. Added 900% Cart Revolution damage to entice hybrid builds. Skoll card Increased vit defense reduction from 40% to 60%. Orc Lord card 2 Orc lord cards no longer stack. **We might revert this for the Paladin class ONLY** War of Emperium Payon Castle treasure chests: Added violet emperium aurora drop : ID 17096 Added violet imperial helm drop : ID 17788 Added violet eidelic wings drop : ID 17097 Added purple emperium aurora drop : ID 15654 Added purple imperial helm drop : ID 15671 Legendary weapons Created the missing legendary variants of the following Valkyrie Weapons and added them to the quest NPC: Hrist Wing Bow Nari's Harbinger Nerthus Shuriken Sorrowbringer Beyla's Rampage Thanks to Ebisu for headgear selection, testing, and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Tenjin for testing and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Moogle for testing and coming up with fixes. Thanks to Moon for testing and coming up with fixes. Coding and fixes by Genesis Previews by Barbie And as always, thanks to our awesome community for their suggestions!
  13. Soon™
  14. Introducing the new Streak System in Guild vs. Guild! This is a system to entice new guilds to compete in the GvG event. The idea is that when a guild wins more than 4 GvG events in a row, they will enter into a Double Streak status. If the guild wins 8 GvG events in a row, they enter a Triple Streak status. Streak Status When an opposing guild wins against the guild on Streak Status, they will get DOUBLE or TRIPLE rewards depending on the defeated guild's Streak. Example: Guild Tomato has a x3 streak after winning 10 GvGs in a row, Guild Parrots joins the event and beats Guild Tomato, they get 3 GvG tokens and 540 event tokens as a reward, breaking the Streak Status of Tomato guild. Any guild that attempts to abuse this system IN ANY WAY will be disbanded, and the guild leader will be permanently banned.
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