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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Harmony last won the day on June 3 2020

Harmony had the most liked content!


About Harmony

  • Birthday 09/11/2015

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  • Location
    Music Room
  • Interests
    Cute Monsters
    Sociable People
    And of course, making MUSIC

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    ForsakenRO GM Team

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Hero (6/10)




Community Answers

  1. Debatable. There are skills that with only a small percentage increase, could produce drastic results. (E.g a 5% inc on final strike would boost it BIG, also another, there’s Moring card which boosts bolts so having it with divine HG is something to check) also, Stalkers have Lightning spear of Ice skill now, not Heaven’s Drive. We’ll see how it goes with careful testing ?
  2. Announcement!! Theme: June Weddings Date: June 2020 Entries: 6 3rd Place: Forum name: @JamalStylin Entry: Click here to view ~ Prize: 70 Event Tokens 2nd Place: Forum name: @subodh4u Entry: Click here to view ~ Prize: 100 Event Tokens 1st Place / Champion: Forum name: @Xaloko Entry: Click here to view ~ Prize: 150 Event Tokens Congratulations to the winners!! You can claim your prizes to any member of the GM Team!~
  3. ?June Weddings? Start date: June 18, 2020 End date: June 30, 2020 Read the mechanics, and follow the rules! Post your screenshots with a cute caption!~ It's half a year already. Lots of people are getting married, and love will be in the air! Dresses, cute shoes, tuxedos and guys showering to celebrate the union of two people in love~ ? Show to us what your dream wedding will be like! Lots of flowers~ Beaches~ Shotgun wedding ~ Spread the love. Weddings are also for everyone. No matter what you are, or who you are, everyone deserves to be loved You can now post your entries!!!! Good luck and don't forget to have fun~ ?
  4. Hi! i need your help! i chose wrong the legendary weapon of the quest ? you can change that? (sorry for the poor inglish :c)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BnLden


      Hey! Happened to me too ? Hope you respond to my request as soon as possible ?

    3. Harmony


      @BnLden Look at the bar above, you'll see Vote & CP, Browse, Activity, and then you'll see Support. Click that. Then look at the right side and click New Request. Then, put the necessary details in there, preferrably with a screenshot if you have one. Not 100% confident it'll get exchanged but you might as well try.

    4. BnLden


      Hey @Harmony! Already did yesterday, just waiting for a response.

  5. Hi @kashi68! When you get the Vote Valk helm, it'll be originally blue which you can exchange at the Knight Hall through the Legendary Color Exchange NPC. Have fun!
  6. Hi!! This should be at the Support centre Click the link and make a request: http://forum.forsaken-ro.net/support/ Thank you!
  7. Welcome to our ForsakenRO community!! We hope that you have fun and am looking forward to meeting you! Come by at the Help Desk if you need help! :D
  8. Happy Holidays everyone!!
  9. Happy Halloween everyone!
  10. The way I feel.. Start date: September 13, 2017 End date: September 30, 2017 at 11:59 PM We are strictly enforcing the rules! Read the MECHANICS, and post your screenshots here! What are you feeling right now? Are you happy? Sad? Anxious? Confused? Share your story by taking a screenshot at your favorite place! Summer is ending, and as much as I'd like to deny it but I fell in love with the ocean waters. To be alone at peace, even for just a short while is undeniably relaxing. It's now time to face a new chapter, and I had time to rediscover myself to actually fight for what I believe in, and I believe in myself.
  11. Harmony

    Msc Winners

    Theme: Be a winner in the Casino! Date: August 2017 Entries: 13 3rd Place: Forum name: Mel Mel In-game name: Mel Entry: Click here to view Prize: 30 Event Tokens 2nd Place: Forum name: Koai In-game name: Printemps Entry: Click here to view Prize: 45 Event Tokens 1st Place / Champion: Forum name: Master. In-game name: master_fire Entry: Click here to view Prize: 70 Event Tokens
  12. Announcement!! Theme: Be a winner in the Casino! Date: August 2017 Entries: 13 3rd Place: Forum name: Mel Mel In-game name: Mel Entry: Click here to view Prize: 30 Event Tokens 2nd Place: Forum name: Koai In-game name: Printemps Entry: Click here to view Prize: 45 Event Tokens 1st Place / Champion: Forum name: Master. In-game name: master_fire Entry: Click here to view Prize: 70 Event Tokens To claim your reward, message me here in the forums or look for me in-game! Thank you all for joining!
  13. It would be helpful if you can provide us with the script files, and for my own opinion, I would rather have something new for the cursed/blessed/guardian than having a variety of similar ones.
  14. Closed!! Thank you all for your wonderful entries! Winners will be announced soon! Stay tuned!
  15. I'd have to say that I'm not a big fan of this event, although it would really be amazing, but I can guarantee that it wouldn't be messy. Although we can somehow do this at times on the Monthly Screenshot Contest.
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