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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Sorrow

  1. The update was seriously worth the wait, good job everyone who worked hard for this, it was about time to add a small twist and innovation to the game play. All is looking very well made. Thank you.
  2. The Emperium HP change was a great advance for our WoE. Maybe now people will start using some strategy. Castle Defense is now possible and effective. No need to change anything now.
  3. Nines...you didn't get the point. Snipers are the best ranged damage dealers of the game, they were made to deal the most damage in range, that's what they should do. And i really don't understand what's the problem in giving points and insights about the matter to reach an agreement. i'm interested in learning what others think, and my opinion is passive to changes depending on what they point me to. If conversations about the matter is getting off topic and 'baby crying', then i'll just stick with the "i agree to all that has been suggested in the first post" and case closed ^^
  4. Well Supream, for how severily hindered and underpowered snipers are at the moment, these fixes would bring them up to par with their counterpart and other tops, maybe not even that high. And don't forget that if something gets too out of hand, it can always be changed back, it's trial and error that'll get us closer to balance, no trial and Snipers will remain thrown to the moths. i'll agree with you in that first one, but only if Paladins and Lord Knights would be indeed the only ones able to break the traps. Shield is a basic equipment, you must have the shield into your damage calculation to say it is worthy, Clowns can make 150k HP go puff in a couple seconds even if the opponent has a shield, and yes, i'd like Snipers to have the same damaging potential; they're meant to. i don't think Snipers will be taken seriously until their damage is up to par to their counterpart.
  5. Sorrow


    Then again i think votes only count the IP. Isn't that correct? Meaning even if you vote with all your accounts, it'll only count one vote... BTW when i vote i do it completely, suporting the server in the way we can is only the fair for all the consideration the server has to the community.
  6. @Supream= 1-Yes it would be fair. WoE is not only composed of one person, a guild defending can bring their trappers and a guild attacking can bring their trap-disarmers, it's a team based event, think on equips not one guy VS a whole guild. Not only gives value for snipers to defend also for snipers to help their allies invading, valorizing the class. 2-You know how i call 20k damages? Not Worthy. Anyone can tank this easily, it wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't the fact you have to go DEX near 300 and go 2 FBHs to get this much, snipers have to sacrifice too much to get this damage, it's just...not worth it. 3-Yeah agreement. Skid Trap is excellent, but then again, a Strong Shield or RSX card makes it impoosible for you to do anything, with a damaging skill getting in, even if they do use these methods, you still have a source of damage...as low as it may be since both PA and CA are even weaker than Double strifing XD! 4-A sniper using a knife has no offensive potential, the use of the knife must be worth it, otherwise we'd just go Combat Knife... 5-Sessions said what i think about that. You can't compare Double Strifing to EDP+Sonic Blow. Besides Sinx have options; "i can either go 1 Dagger+Shield, two daggers or Katar", Snipers must use the bow if they ever hope to get anywhere. Also the rental One-Hand bow already proved to all of us that Shielded Snipers aren't as overpowered as everyone once speculated/divined they'd be. This change actually screws my favorite job even more since more people can use GTB. But i don't mind, it's only the fair for snipers, if all others can, even other ranged guys like Clowns, they should too.
  7. 1: i personally think pouring cards don't help at all, and wouldn't help even with this modification, but sure, i agree. 2:Traps are meant to stop movement, and thus movement skills should be also void while under its effect. So yeah, no backslide or snap off the traps and Magnun shouldn't destroy them either, the skills Remove Trap and Spring Trap exist as counters to traps, there's no need for any others. 3:i don't understand why this was removed in the first place. So yes, bring it back. It's not like FCP protects only against close range strip. 4:i think only a 20% boost would be better than nothing but still not the desirable amount. i agree, but i'd still preffer something in the lines of 500~600%. Let's no be hipocrites; this is a high rate server and the classes that get more popular are those who deal high damage, having snipers relying only on Double Strifing, a 1-1 job skill, is already a sad enough factor, it should be subastantialy improved. In therms of raw damage, Snipers are supposed to be superior to Clowns and Gypsies. 5:It's about time too; Pneuma completely blocks all attacks from snipers which shouldn't be the case; on kRO/iRO Charge Arrow also does pierces through Pneuma, for obvious reasons. If someone uses Safety Wall, Sinx can still Grimtooth/Soul Break, Champs can still TSS, even against Pneuma, Gunslingers have Desperado and Full Buster. Why must snipers be the only ones completely blocked by a single skill having no other skill option? 6:Agreed on the Knife. Every class should have at least 2 Elite Weapons to choose from, and since Bow is their main damaging weapon, their Dagger shoould be more Defense-Oriented. The Bow Suggested has nice effects, but don't forget the Weight Limit bonus. 7:Hands down, in our server the lack of shield is a very grave sin against one's own life. The only, somewhat, decent snipers i'm observing lately are the ones using the rental bow; it has a grave drawback though; the complanings about mvp cards that get dragged in to never be seem again is ever rising.
  8. Sorrow

    Thanatos Npc

    i think the idea is sweet :3 *Wipe of excess coupons. *New activity for bored ones. *Exclusivity of the spawned mvp. *Much more viable than doing the Thanatos summoning quest all the time... i agree to the suggestion :3 Although i'd suggest the price to be something like 5~10 in Event coupons. "Bloody Branch coasts 5 too" yes...and it summons forth any MvP, and all the others have a 10% chance of being worth the while. Personaly i think if it coasts much more than this, it'll be a wasted effort for no one will use the NPC. As for limits, i'm not quite sure, but i'd say 30 minutes sounds reasonable...and one hour at max.
  9. i don't know max...i think it's already too convenient having the NPCs available on our main city, it is already pretty easy as is. With one NPC that delivers everything in a silver platter right in the starting point takes away the little exploration we have. Besides the layout of fcity is quite pleasing and easy t remember after a single trip. And our guide NPC can distinctly show where to find buildings.
  10. Shanoa, from Castlevania; Order of Ecclesia. She has all the characteristics needed, ranging from apearance, powers, personality and background <3 Although we still have Jade Curtiss from Tales of Abyss, Yugo from Bloody Roar, John Talbain from Darkstalkers, Kula from The King of Fighters. These guys form my top five with Shanoa in the lead xD
  11. i don't see why not, in fact, this would only help. So...unless there'sa good reason for that, i'd like this change :3
  12. S>Elemental Katars[3] 250 qpons ea! Have all elements ^__^ jk... ............................i miss the socket enchanter.......................... /cry
  13. Because those were your affirmations but it appears you have no solid evidence/argument to back up your point of view. Also, i never said everyone disagreeing is because they have the item, i just said 'most'. No problem though, if you're frustrated with the 'qq' so much, remember you're free to leave this thread and never come back to read anything here. I'm having a fun time "qqing", analizing some nonsense and weighing what everyone says and waiting for something plausible that proves this suggestion is as bad as you guys make it look like...it's a win-win situation for me; if it stays as is, it'll still be my beloved FRO, if it changes, then we have a new spice to my beloved FRO. So i vote for the more fair/fun side of the pool, untill someone proves me that the suggestion is going to either; *Screw the gameplay as a whole(which apparently it'll not...since you guys don't need the card to pwn everyone and it is so easy to counter, isn't it? o__O) *Make new players leave(opportunities to obtain the best card in the game without having to 'donate your house' for it...seems like new players starting from scratch would like that...) *Make older players quit(which they shouldn't since their items won't be taken and since they are so good they can easily counter the card, more people having it won't affect them, right? O__o) BTW If i ask Genesis why the drop is lower than other cards, he might tell me "because the card in unbalanced so we've lowered its drop rate" i can live with that; it isn't an hipocrite answer. Me included, the ideal would be having no thana in the server at all, it is an item that makes no sense. But i can't agree to a server wipe of them one time they're already in circulation, people traded, it moved the economy of the server, wiping it out would be unfair to all those who did busyness on it.
  14. I've already asked to cut off the hiprocresy please. The facts of the matter such as the very same drop rate disagrees with you; if it isn't the greatest card, why only its drop rate is so low while all the others, including GTB, are 10%? If it isn't the greatest card and it is so easy to go around it, why is it such a bother to think about rising its drop rate? If it is so simple to counter it, there's no problem in having more around huh? Then again, the opinions given here seems to be a bit biased. People who actually visit the forums are players who are in the server longer, most of those who are against it admit to be thana users themselves...i'll be asking some newer players in-game about this matter, if most of the new guys think this is fine, then i'll change my mind about this and agree with you guys and leaving the card's drop rate as is, if the new guys aren't happy with the situation, i'll direct them here to heat up the discussion a bit more... A server with veterans is nice cause it shows it is good enough to keep some players in long therms, a server whose population doesn't grow shows new guys are less likely to stay long therm themselves because of the odds pitted against them.
  15. Hnnn...what gives you the right to say that? It's not like everyone is against the suggestion. @Edu.=i keel thana userz 2, itz not hardz when dey take oph GTB. xD!! That's not the point my friend...
  16. Get this perspective; loyal player of FRo for two years, killing Thana at regular basis, not getting its card so far. How's that fair? You don't need Thana to win, but just admit it; it is powerful and its ability is a big edge. If it wasn't powerful it wouldn't have its low drop rate correct? So please, no hipocresy. It's not about wanting to be better, its about being equal.
  17. Let's make a shield card that sets equip def+VIT def to 0~-1(Satan Morocc/Gopinich Card :D). i have a problem with skoll; can't use sinx card, which is a key on my playing style xD Alternatively, we could tag Thana users to have a big 'T' appear above their head when they equip thana xP Maxlittle, your suggestion is, overall, good. But your latest three options weren't very happy; there's no way the card will be risen to 10% drop rate, we need to work with more realistic hypotheses. Wiping items from the server is always no-no. And i'm sure no one would like the third. Let's try for a rise to 1%~0.5%...
  18. Well, here's something to reflect upon; Violence is against you too. Being a pacific wolf will always be better than being a lamb. We're not criminals, peace is important as is respect for others, but the strength to protect these is necessary. For yourself, and those you love. Believe me, i learned these the hard way xD
  19. Acid Demonstration can be element enchanted. Marine Spheres have 1 mill HP. Plants have the HP of a MvP, attack equal to their Creator's Matckx5, same aspd and hit. Geographer's Heal=500k. :3
  20. Unforgivable... Still, i wonder who among those telling her to shoot the guy are actually brave enough to do it xD so easy telling when we're not involved...feeling understood though! My sympathies are with you Annie. i've beaten guys like those half to death because they have physically abused girls on my sight even if they're strangers, and i've always wished every abused girl could have someone like me in the immediate vicinity...i have a sister and i know i'd wish someone to defend her if i'm not close by when she needs. Contrary to the advice many gave here, i'll tell you to avoid carrying any kind of weapon, statistic says most girls who do carry weapons for their self defense, end up being victims of their weapons instead; guys who attack girls are cowards, cowards will use anything in their reach to achieve their 'superiority feeling' and whatever they want. Unless! You could carry a bit of sand/salt on your pocket :3 a bit of that to the eyes could give you enough time to run/an opening, low probability of backfire. i'll pray for your speedy recovery and safety. Keep up with your training, i have a thing for girls who are able to kick a guy's ass <3 LOL XD PS; after slapping someone in the face, backslide plox. xD @Armani=Please don't make me lose respect for you. Someone who attacks a girl because she said 'no' doesn't deserve any kind of consideration. A girl deserves her space, it doesn't matter if she's superfluous or not.
  21. *Stave Crasher breaks shield at 30% chance even if the target has FCP. *Amplify Magic power can be used consecutively rising matck in 50% over the previous one, no limit. That would surely solve my GTB problems forever <3 lol
  22. For one of my favourite classes; Stalkers! *Let them copy one skill for each level they have of Plagiarism(10 skills at Level 10) :3 *Give Counter Instinct the a duration of 30 seconds instead of 3 hits, and it should also work for any kind of attack suffered regardless of weapon, works vs magic and physical. *Chaze Walk/Stealth never stops even if they get hit with area attacks, can attack and use skills like on Cloaking, maya p can't see. Ahhh...dreaming is so good x3
  23. Sorrow

    Whitesmith Job.

    It wasn't an assumption, it was a...notion of common sense xD What you said is also true...howerver, then we bump into the other balancing factors for power of the skills; backlashes and conditions. Asura requires 5 spirit spheres and Fury state present, it has a considerable interruptible Cast Time and a long sting of cool down/delay sprites. It consumes all the remaining SP, voiding natural SP&HP recovery for 5 minutes after its use even when sit. For low rate standards(how RO was created to be) this is, by far, the skill with the most backlashes. Now, Bowling Bash, it consumes 22 SP at Lv 10, and that's about it. Cart Termination, uses up 15 SP, requires the uses to activate Cart boost AND consumes also up to 1500 zenny per use. From this point of view you can also say that Cart Termination should be stronger than Bowling Bash; not only it is a skill of a superior job, it also has more requirements and conditions.
  24. The idea is pretty good. i think one good mob to add a bit of flavor to the event would be Geographer ^^ a kind of 'trap' instead of just a full on chazing army of mobs. Also if the monsters AI could be programed to change targets every so often could add even more 'surprize' to the escape.
  25. i'd also rather the server be clean from thana, after all, the card makes no sense whatsoever, but that ain't happening. So the only solution is turning it more available to other players. Fair is equal opportunities to all, no thana or abundant thana. The mid therm, what is actually happeneing, is an elite of 'glitch abusers' who hold an unfair advantage over the rest, be it in pvp or by trading the server's most inflated item.
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