AND I FOUND.. a bunch of cute little monsters..
These cute little monsters, is the key in reaching max level in this server.
In Novice Training Ground when we were noobs, we trained with these monsters,
and when we needed to reach trans job, we were leeched by our friends/guildmates in
for_fild06, with same cute bunch of monsters.
Everytime i saw cute monsters such as those, always reminds me
that we were once a noob.
Sometimes I wear this Jumping Poring Headgear
as a remembrance that we all started as humble noobs, and whereever we
are now, what ever gears we wear, we should stay humble.
(Imagine how i gathered those monsters? They're not aggressive, if i hit them they'll die. Took lots of effort gathering those mobs to take SS, /heh)
IGN: Seree