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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by TheScientist

  1. Hey I have purple zodiac aura, if anyone wants to trade colors please leave your ign and aura color :th_gawi:
  2. Hey I have purple zodiac aura, if anyone wants to trade colors please leave your ign and aura color :th_gawi:
  3. Hey I have purple zodiac aura if anyone wants to trade please post your ign and aura color :th_gawi:
  4. Wow. Now that you mentioned it that's so true! I haven't been in the MVP rooms for several months but when i take newbies to show it the only one open would be Room 2. I guess the GMs did this on purpose tho i'm not sure why I just tested, I entered Room 2 and waited until time expired. No one entered the other rooms and yet I was the first one out
  5. Can't wait for the legendary counterparts for the new weapons. When's the next update D:

  6. Half an hour left before the 12th hour and i got disconnected. sadlyf :(

    1. Nas


      Ya it does hurt

  7. Updated the links for other guides. Guild is currently full but still active!! If anyone really really wants to join just message me or come to prontera and i'll try to make space :)
  8. +1, I wish you wrote this guide earlier, i just made my pally recently! Great guide and easy to read :) Just wanna say tho, watch out for clowns and gypsies. We have debuff card from Tarot that would remove your defensive buffs even with GTB on. So yeah i guess just don't get caught off guard and you wont die (yes i reused your pun cause that was my favorite part haha)
  9. iFake vs Ice In My Veins

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kyoshiro029
    3. Roi


      Nothing w/ me ? :)

    4. TheScientist


      @Roi, i have a bunch of videos of Ice duelling other pro champs like you! I was too lazy to upload so I only uploaded this so far X-D

  10. Great update!! I've been waiting for this Order of the dragon for a while now :)) :th_e2: Just one thing I'd like to say regarding the Combat Knife. With the nerf, it would be better to use Frigg + Laughing poo poo than Refined deviling + Fknight shield because the only reason people use refined deviling is because it stacks with combat knife. I personally don't use redux anymore but that's what I used when I was just starting. Redux build is a great for newbies so they can join WoE and other events. Without the combat knife, friggs shield would be essential for redux build and that would be a bit expensive for the newbies. So please reconsider this :) P.S. PK is activated again at go 15, was this on purpose? XD
  11. I need 2 l. hels please, im not sure about the price. pm me?
  12. Well these are definitely some rules to spice it up
  13. Selling Evil Marcher Hat for tokens or trade!! Stats can be found by clicking here --> https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product=halloween-headgears-2 I'm selling it because I wanna try new looks but it's a great hat! Comment here or pm me: Mini Strello :th_e20:
  14. Tried pvp ladder first time this week and got #1!! Next up on my fRO bucket list: break an emperium X-D

    1. lights_of_purification


      Congrats Matt! Buy me a beer to celebrate it will ya? :D

    2. Nas


      Waw..be our breaker then :D

  15. Thanks for sharing this!! :D I'd really like to see you at fild sometimes, I don't think I've ever seen you in game >_<
  16. Not a lot of newbies "will knew the logicness"
  17. 1. Do not go there if you don't want to die. No one is safe, not even babies or GMs 2. Do not talk sh*t if you can't back it up 3. Do not randomly hit people if you do not want to be ganged 4. If you need to test your damage, ask the person first so he can wear proper gear. If you attacked and he died, you better get yourself ready 5. Pick up fights you can manage otherwise you'll just end up miserable 6. Understand the meaning of KOS (Kill on Sight). If you are kos by player it means he will kill you once he sees you. No questions asked 7. Do not interrupt duels, you will be ganged and kos. Just watch and enjoy :D 8. Know the people you're dealing with. If you gang someone make sure you are ready when he calls his gang and don't cry when you get outnumbered 9. Realize that there are trolls everywhere. They pretend or appear to be ungeared but are actually baiting to fight you 10. There are no rules or guidelines at for_fild01. Just go kill everyone and anyone to your heart's content. If you're getting ganged and kos everytime you step in, just make a new character. Problem solved :D **note: these are not meant to be followed religiously, I just find these are what I generally observed from going there often What are other things you find annoying or amusing at for_fild01? Comment below ^_^
  18. Recruited a farmer who can make 10-20 tokens per hour using wiz completely ungeared. F*%*ing unbelievable lol

    1. Aerofox


      gear isn't equivalent to skill, mi amigo. look at my minstrel LOL

    2. lights_of_purification
    3. TheScientist


      he was wearing forsaken wanderer clothes, no kiels and a wand from mall. if i was to start like that i'd make like 1 token/hour LOL

  19. Variations Variations guild is intended to help newbies hone their skills in PvP. This guild is not for BR, GvG or WoE it is purely PvP just for fun! Everyone is welcome to join, just come to Prontera (@go 0) for invites or pm Mini Strello :th_no1: Rules: -No bullying. If you are fully geared you should be fighting someone in your level -No trash talking. Jokes and such are fine but we don't want anyone to get too heated up because this is all just for fun This guild is still active but currently a newbie guild to help those new to server. Those who want to join please come to Prontera or pm my character ign: Mini Strello Some helpful links: Completely new to the server? Click here --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/31397-newbie-guide-101/ QUESTS: Once you reach max level (255/255), become forsaken knight and receive Knight Set (Helm, Armor, Boots & Cloak) Here is the quest guide --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/storyline-q/forsaken-knight-quest-r36 Make Legendary Weapon --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/customs/legendary-weapon-quest-r134 Make Gauntlets --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/headgear-quests/legendary-gauntlet-quest-r131 Other quests --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests MORE GEARING UP: Vote to get equips! --> https://forsaken-ro.net/cp/ (I recommend getting mid headgear aura +20 stats, then get Forsaken King Set, then get Cape) Farming and getting Zennies!! --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/29737-collins-zeny-making-guide/ HOW TO BECOME STRONGER: Read guides in here --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/31256-job-guides-compilation/ DON'T WANT TO FARM? Fastest way to get geared up if you can afford it is to donate --> https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/ If you're not sure what to donate for, I'd be here to plan with your budget and goals WHAT ARE BLESSED/CURSED RINGS? Those are lower headgears which are specific for each class. Go here to view the effects --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/customs/cursed-blessed-ring-effects-r140 If you want to do the quest, click here --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/page/wiki/_/quests/storyline-q/fate-of-the-gods-ii-quest-beginning-r138 **NOTE** Donate Cape + quest = Blessed/Cursed Ring Vote cape can NOT be used for the quest Donate cape = 40$ from tokenshop or about 2000 tokens buying from players EARN TOKENS BY RAIDING! Part of the quest in making the ring requires finishing raids. Raids are too hard to do on your own so there is a need to hire raiders If you want to become a raider go to this link --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/28317-beginner-raider-sniper-guide/
  20. Buying legendary weapons: L. Clown lute L. WS hammer (2pcs) 2 L. Hels (sinx) or looking for farmer to farm materials to make legendary weapon! Comment here or pm me- Mini Strello
  21. Are there other inviters just in case I don't find him/her. Where is the base? the convo with abe on your sig made ME laugh lmao!
  22. is this still active? I haven't seen very many of your members in town!
  23. I'm buying DONATED halloween headgears like these ones --> https://forsaken-ro.net/tokenshop/?product=halloween-headgears-2 I am BUYING: -MINISTREL HAT -SKULL HOOD -EVIL MARCHER HAT Please message me or comment in here the price, item name, and your IGN :th_thx:
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