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Forsaken Elite
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Everything posted by TheScientist

  1. Omg this forum is driving me nuts!! I can't even send friend request or private message T__T

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Veracity


      Have you already sent a lot of PMs today? There's a limit to how many you can send per day.

    3. Aerofox


      @Veracity He isn't able to. He also couldn't send a friend request :c

    4. TheScientist


      The private message is working now ! But I still can't figure out how to send friend requests :3

  2. Sometimes you gotta accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheScientist


      Wow, didn't know anyone could read this cause I dont have forum friends. How do I delete this now? It's kinda embarassing lol

    3. AsBloodRunsBlack


      Lol yea agreed, nice quote

    4. Aerofox


      Consider me as one. :)

  3. Which of these are taken into account for winning? 1.) Most publicity it gets (more likes and/or shares) 2.) Best screenshot and description 3.) More posts = more raffle entries = greater chance of winning? Good luck to everyone joining! :th_go:
  4. @Mike please respond if you want to cancel the deal so I can buy from others. Thanks
  5. What's your IGN? Message me in forum if you want, I could actually get Bragi from donate if we can work out a deal
  6. @Demolisher0110 Wow I'm so sorry, hopefully you haven't donated yet because I found donator yesterday and got my cape today. But thanks for making an offer! I suggest you make a pub "Donator here" and you should find other people in game!
  7. Buying: - Clown Blessed Ring, Jacket or Scarf - Bragi's Lute [1.6k] - Clown Infernal Cape [1.9k] || Jacket [2k] || Scarf [2k] - Wooden heart [100:5] - Cecil Damon Cards Got everything! :-)
  8. Not interested with Sky Blue or pvp toks but thanks for making an offer! :)
  9. Buying: Clown Jacket/Cape L. Immaterial Arrow L. Arrow of Wind L. Fire Arrow Leave price and IGN or pm Mini Strello Click Here --> http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30790-lf-donator-b-clown-blessed-set-wooden-hearts-3/
  10. S/T> Skull Aura = White LHZ + 2k tokens Leave IGN or pm Mini Strello SORRY CLOSED
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