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Everything posted by TheScientist

  1. GUARDIAN RING QUEST REQUIREMENTS COMPLETION OF Fate of the Gods II: Quest Beginning [Part 1] Fate of the Gods II: Blessed Ring Guide [Part 2] WARNING At the end of Part 2, you must talk to Thor to give all the items that you had been asked to collect but do NOT talk to Odin instead you will have to talk to Heimdall STEP 1 Talk to Heimdall arena_room 101 87 STEP 2 Talk to the Jotnar Snake and give her the following items: for_map108 127 107 REQUIREMENTS 600 Bradium [6224] 500 Amethyst [719] 400 Blue Jewel [7576] 400 Opal [727] 300 Yellow Jewel [7577] You should receive a False Gjalhorn [18317] STEP 3 Return to Heimdall and show him the False Gjalhorn. arena_room 101 87 He will then ask for the following items: 2000 Blood Thirst [6470] 1000 Jotnar skull [18320] 400 Mystic Horn [6023] 1 Gjallar [18318] [Drop Rate 50.00%] 50 Bloody Coin [18319] STEP 4: Return to the Jotnar snake. for_map108 127 107 Once you talk to Jotnar Snak NPC, you're about to enter the raid. This is the Beginning of the FACEWORM RAID NOTE You do not need this raid if ever you have all the REQUIREMENTS This Raid only intend to Farm the requirements at STEP 3. It might be necessary to do the raid at least twice to complete the 1000 Jotnar skull and 50 Bloody Coin You can get the Gjallar from the MVP (50% drop rate) STEP 5 Go back to Heimdall and give all the requirements at STEP 3. arena_room 101 87 After giving all the required items He will give you the QUESTED GUARDIAN of your choice. YOU HAVE TWO OPTIONS DONATION DONATION CAPES [EXCEPT RUCKSACKS & BALLOON] NON-DONATION QUEST RUCKSACKS & WHITE QUEST RAW GUARDIAN QUEST EFFECT REVISED BY: [GM] JOYBOY CREDIT TO THE OWNER :th_e11: Share this guide to others if you find it helpful! I'd really like to see more guardian rings in the server. I don't know why there hasn't been a guide but here it is. I tried reaching out to GM Veracity or Ares but they haven't responded to me. I talked to GM Genesis a month ago and he said it would be fine to post a guide for this so I hope this doesn't get taken down. It took me less than an hour to do this one but I hope it's easy to follow and again if there were any changes please correct me in the comments section ?
  2. i'm not active in game but i can get on when you're online. What time do u usually play?
  3. I would sell the set for 3.5k pure or if you have other trade offers in mind just post here i'll think about it
  4. update** T> Sniper B. set / Sinx B. set = Lokis [r] / Freyrs [r] Or +sniper c. set / sinx c. set = THANATOS CARD
  5. B> Berzebub cards 2 pcs Prof Highness staff paying pure! Leave your ign here please or pm Baby Strello
  6. No it's hard not because it's new but the quest really is hard. Just one of the materials is bloodthirst which you can only get from lhz_dun04 at 10% rate and you need 2k pcs. The best deal u can get for that if u buy it would be 10:1, even so thats already 200 tokens. Then there's the faceworm raid, I've done all the hard raids in the server but this one actually requires full party and need thana users. On top of that, you first need to do parts 1 and 2 of blessed/cursed ring quest which means doing both GOH and aegirs raid before you can even start the guardian quest My point wasn't to keep the stats as it was when it first came out, as I said before it is op. What I'm trying to say is if they decide to nerf the damage or the delay they should also make the quest easier Going back to the topic, what they were trying is to have is high damage slow cast so yes it is supposed to have asura's damage lul. MEWO
  7. I have seen the guardian ring for Gunslinger myself right when it first came out and I would say that it is OP. I agree to what Rayray and GM Ares is saying, the high damage should stay but it should have a cast time to balance it out. Otherwise if we just nerf the damage then it would just be like any other long-ranged skill (Full buster, double strafe etc..) so no one would bother to make it especially with how hard it is to make guardian rings
  8. Can someone please delete this comment ^
  9. I'm also looking for accessories (URDS, FREYRS, LOKIS). I can trade Any Set = accessories + tokens
  10. Selling List: Clown Soaring Bird [1.3] LK Halberd [1.3] LK Freyr Blade [1.2] Bjorn's Blade [1.4] Stalker B. Jacket Set [3.5] Clown B. Ring Set [4.1] Champ B. Ring Set [4.2] Sinx C. Slayer Set [4.2] Priest C. Slayer Set (2 strike eagle) [5.5] Super Novice C. Slayer set (2 white rabbit) [?] +10 LTD Blue Cat Ears [2k] Gold Emp Aura [?] For trades please check this link http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/33087-trading-list/ If you plan to buy more than one item I would be willing to negotiate for less Comment here or pm me in game IGN: Mini Strello
  11. Trading list: T> SinX C. Set + Sinx B. set or Sniper B. set = THANATOS CARD __________________________________________________________________ Choose from any of my sets: Clown b. ring set LK b. ring set [halb/freyr blade] Ninja b. ring set Champ b. ring set Sniper c. jacket set To your: Bio b. set Pally b. set __________________________________________________ Choose any of my weapons: LK Freyr Blade LK Halberd Clown Soaring Bird Valis Destroyer Voluspa Staff To your: O. Hels dagger Eirs Book J. Rage Prof Highness Staff Feel free to mix and match and make an offer. Comment here or pm me IGN: Mini Strello
  12. where can i find this book? xD haii kyle :)
  13. Hi Maii :)) Have u used this in a fight and were you actually able to inflict coma on target? Would this weapon work as good as Edge or would it be better to just get a [4] slot weapon and put 4 LOD cards?
  14. For those asking about HP cursed build, here is a quick guide! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/33038-battle-priest-guide/

  15. So I finally got my HP cursed set! For those asking for my build here it is GEARS: Headgear Upper: Expansion hat/Vote helm Mid: LHZ/ROP Lower: High Priest Cursed Ring/Scarf/Jacket Armor- Forsaken King set or Vote Set Shield- Friggs King Shield Accessories- Lokis with runes, Str Belts CARDS: Headgear- Kiel, F.sold, Maya purple, Amdarias/Bijou card ->Spam skills such as buffs = use 3 kiels + F.sold/maya purple ->For pure damage= go with amdarias/bijou cards since kiels aren’t necessary to spam your offensive skills -->If you can afford, bring all the headgears and cards you want but personally I just use the 3 kiels + F.sold Armor- TGK+GR, TGK+Puppetring, 2TGK etc.. Cloak- Raydric/noxious + Skoll (default) 2 raydric, 2 noxious etc.. Boots- FBH + Sohee card (asura) 2 FBH (sonic blow) Weapon- (Sonic Blow) 2TG + Mao Guai + Thana/Inca (You may replace one of the TG with VR for dispell) (Full Asura) 2 TG + Mao Guai + Goldenring Shield- Usakoring,GTB STATS: Dex- 150 total for insta cast Agi- add until you get 195 aspd Int- wear Sohee + FBH and add INT until 6k SP Str- 270-300 make sure that the sum is divisible by 10 (e.g. 289+171) Vit- put the rest in here Advice/Tips 1. Start with Asura weapon and boots and wait for Asura Strike. For some job classes they don’t have enough HP and they usually just die 2. If your damage is not high enough switch to Thana weapon to force skoll, 2FBH boots to increase sonic blow damage but remember that 2 FBH means low SP thus low Asura damage so don’t forget to switch it up 3. Always put buffs on (Blessing, Inc Agi, Assumptio, Impositio Magnus) and use elemental converter. If you keep getting dispelled you could try GTB shield since you have assumptio and you may be able to tank opponent's damage. 4. Use Decrease Agi when chasing enemy, and Ruwach if they are cloaked 5. Use Safety wall against melee attacks and Pneuma on long range attacks 6. For tanky players, usually they deal melee damage so just spam Lex Aeterna. If you have Friggs Shield you would reflect some damage, and this would count as normal attack which could trigger Sonic Blow or Asura. If you spam Lex, they will receive twice the damage 7. If you still can’t win try wearing the blue ifrit ring and hopefully coma your target 8. If you really can’t win, just go bring holy water and use Basilica then chill ***Props to Kyle/Yatogami for showing me this super fun and awesome char. Feel free to comment below for any questions or if I missed anything :th_swt3:
  16. I completely agree on this, Kaite would be overpowered and could easily kill magic classes. How about change it back to warm wind for bio and magic users? With the recent update, bio's mammonite is viable so warm wind would be useful for that. For magic users (HP, prof, wiz) they have to use converters for stave crasher so warm wind would still be useful for them. As for Snipers and Gunslingers, they don't need warm wind cause they have different ammos so what about something less powerful than Kaite like Magnum Break just to push enemies off Pneuma?
  17. GM Genesis! You rock sir, keep up the good work :)

  18. Wow such an interesting twist! Can't wait to see new builds in the server !! :)) i have some questions.. 1.Is this part at the end of blessed ring quest? And that means we'd have to do the same raids as Blessed quest? "Talk to Heimdall in arena_room before talking to Odin and Thor at the end of the quest to unlock the new Guardians of Asgard quest and raid!" 2. Does recolor only apply to Ring of the Guardians or also to cursed and blessed? 3. Will there be an update soon or are these all the ring effects that will be changed for now? Sorry I have too many questions >.< Good job GM staff keep it up !
  19. Thanks for the helm. I love it <3
  20. Buying>> any brutal helm Please leave price and item name here or pm me in game: Mini Strello **I GOT ONE
  21. hahaha good one. I meant the richest in-game not in real life xD But since you're here mind me asking how much in estimate is the net worth of all your items if converted into tokens?
  22. So I've been looking to buy my first emp set then I found myself curious on who are the richest players in the server (edit** in-game) This is what I've heard is on Top 10: 1. Perishable 2. Soo Woo 3. Niss 4. Ramon 5. Cowcaine 6. Mizel 7. Pat Flowers 8. Lowel 9. Fitz 10. Mike (from RTF guild) How accurate is this list?
  23. Hodor Hodor Hodor :'(

    1. Coquelicot
    2. Danger


      He held the door, I couldn't hold the tears. T_T

    3. kyoshiro029
  24. still have voluspa?
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