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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ares

  1. I'm a "classic person" so to name a few, I like Violin Concertos by Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, and Tchaikovsky.
  2. Great ideas so far. Keep 'em coming guys!
  3. I know you'll hate me for this. But I'm sorry.. Truth hurts.
  4. Hey guys! I want to hear your suggestions for this month's Theme on our Monthly Screenshot Contest! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30700-this-months-theme-for-march-msc/#entry323739

  5. Hey guys! This will be my first time to be open to suggestions on this month's Theme for Monthly Screenshot Contest! If ever you're curious what is MSC, click here. Post your suggestions now! Quote the Theme you like and give it a "+1"! I shall close this topic on March 6, 2015 at 00:00 server time.
  6. Many participants for today's Survival event! The second to the last standing player The Survivor
  7. Hollister is right, you won't be helped here.
  8. I got 300 PMs saying I'm cute. Thanks everyone!
  9. Expect more events to be hosted by the God of War! Here's what we had for Mindbreaker!
  10. Congratulations to Akhilesh, Aerofox, and Hed Kandi for winning the Monthly Screenshot Contest! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30528-screenshot-contest-theme-be-my-valentine-february-2015/page-2#entry323547

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thePast


      ^that would be too complicated and takes too much time, and they're the judge, everyone has their own opinion, so....

    3. hedkandi


      Zombee is mine terrible as well? D:

    4. Ares


      @Zombee It's subjective. That's why there are chosen judge for this and there's a certain criteria that needs to be followed.

  11. 3rd Place Forum name: akhi In-game name: Akhilesh Entry: click here to view Prize: 10 Event Tokens 2nd Place Forum name: Aerofox In-game name: Aerofox Entry: click here to view Prize: 25 Event Tokens 1st Place Forum name: hedkandi In-game name: Hed Kandi Entry: click here to view Prize: 50 Event Tokens
  12. Ares

    Msc Winners

    Theme: Be My Valentine Date: February 2015 Entries: 18 3rd Place Forum name: akhi In-game name: Akhilesh Entry: click here to view Prize: 10 Event Tokens 2nd Place Forum name: Aerofox In-game name: Aerofox Entry: click here to view Prize: 25 Event Tokens 1st Place Forum name: hedkandi In-game name: Hed Kandi Entry: click here to view Prize: 50 Event Tokens
  13. Congratulations for the following winners of MSC for the month of January! 3rd Place Forum name: thePast In-game name: Gemini Entry: click here to view Prize: 10 Event Tokens 2nd Place Forum name: Krenis In-game name: xKrenis Entry: click here to view Prize: 25 Event Tokens 1st Place Forum name: coffee break In-game name: pimpim Entry: click here to view Prize: 50 Event Tokens
  14. It's been years.... Stop this madness.
  15. Welcome to the server. I hope you'll have a blast here.
  16. I will ban anyone who comments after me.
  17. people are persistent.
  18. Are you sure you're not having trouble with your ISP?
  19. huh? why do you guys keep on spamming on this thread?
  20. I will announce the winners of the Monthly Screenshot Contest on the 27 or 28th of February. Good luck guys! http://www.forsaken-ro.net/forum/topic/30528-screenshot-contest-theme-be-my-valentine-february-2015/

  21. Come on don't panic. He still has Chrome. LOL
  22. I hosted Password event today.
  23. Nice wallpaper. Make sure you're not using the hotkey.exe in-game since third party programs is prohibited as written on our server rules. My superiors knew about this and asked me to give you a warning.
  24. In-game: I'd kill anyone on sight if I'm too bored to host events.
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