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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Odd

  1. ^why you keep getting lost? :th_heh:
  2. what shell?
  3. </3
  4. Odd

    Count To Infinity

  5. Odd

    This Or That?

    Caterpillar, not really creepy for me haha Leech or Centipede?
  6. Odd

    One Word Story

  7. :th_swt:
  8. :th_e10:
  9. hihi
  10. To avoid confusion I suggest put a notice at the MVP room or at the bulletin board that states the floating rates are now activated or the time when will it activate or when will it end(server time) because other players have different timezone. I also encountered last month that it activates late Sunday evening and i wasted all my zeny Sunday morning knowing that the floating rates starts at Saturday.
  11. :th_heh:
  12. Odd

    B>lokis Seal

    bought lokis seal, please close this topic, thanks.
  13. Odd

    B>lokis Seal

    with or without runes will do, please comment your offers, thank you. :th_no1:
  14. Odd


    All items mentioned above are all sold, thank you for the people who bought the rings, please close this thread.
  15. :th_ho:
  16. :th_bo:
  17. Odd


    Nope, still low
  18. mind never.
  19. 2.8 pally B.ring
  20. Odd


    sorry too low
  21. Nope.
  22. we can't delete post, wait for a moderator to closed topics.
  23. Yes.
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