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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by mzvlle

  1. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    L? ... for love lust and whetever else takes my fancy :P Tumblr or Facebook? :P
  2. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  3. Nope. Passed out Q__Q tbpm is topless right now.
  4. mzvlle

    Six-word Novel

    Better get ready, winter is coming.
  5. mzvlle

    Six-word Novel

    I dont know what to write
  6. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Counter Strike! >;3 I'm old skool xD but for the sake of this game, COD. I like the storyline better Doraemon or Hello Kitty?
  7. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  8. Not a fan of that type of music :P BRING ME THE HORIZON!! TPBM owns a YuGiOh dekc :3
  9. Bird. Word.
  10. Kohai. Traditions
  11. Cigarettes & 6-Strings
  12. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    OR. Harley Davidson or Aston Martin
  13. mzvlle

    One Word Story

    Sunlight. (period)
  14. It's hot okay! LOOL check my DP :P TBPM listens to Bring Me The Horizon.
  15. Lol true. iNab! itamzpl0x Tbpm has had vodka infused gummy bears before :)
  16. The temptation to fish in the company pond is rapidly growing!~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Captain Obvious

      Captain Obvious

      Yes, its not worth it unless you hate your job.

    3. hazbird123


      Not the right attitude mate, fish away! Just catch and release tho :p

    4. mzvlle


      @Capt: IKR!

      @hazbird Loool catch & releasing in the same pond will get your ass piranha'd :L

  17. mzvlle

    Six-word Novel

    Turn down for what?! -Lil John.
  18. abbreviations? ( Lol idk what CP means xD ) Wordplay.
  20. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Fire bolt. I don't know why. Aviators, Clubmasters or Wayfarers?
  21. What kind of asian doesn't xD hehehe playing the stereotype card! Tbpm has a fRO 5 year old coin in their bank :P
  22. mzvlle

    Corrupted Wish

    Damn. ^ Granted but the star imploded, a meteor plunged from the heavens and hit your house. You shatter your limbs upon impact xD I wish people would stop OPing in game.
  23. Need 2 Glimmer Blades 1.2k ea Need 1 Black Halberd. 700 Pm me here or in game
  24. mzvlle

    One Word Story

    Cates. (Burning Doge faec. Defnity not wow.)
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