Lol im not gonna lie, I had to google both of them xD
I guess Jolin Tsai... xD
let me guess... Meteor Garden? xD
Jerry Yan, Vanness Wu, Ken Chu or Vic Chou?
I will have nightmares of this dude's face now. Thanks mitomi :th_sob: :th_wah:
Erm... KPop? The closest I got to listening to that genre is Psy :L
F4 or 5566? :P
Granted. You had it fixed but the scratched lens shattered & they wouldn't replace 'em.
I wish that [GM]Genesis moves to the UK, forcing the server clock to run in GMT+0 :D
surprise attack hug: What actually happened...
Plot twist: I wasn't distracted and blocked it like...
I'll have you looking like... ta-daaaa!~ :th_e14: