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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by mzvlle

  1. +1 to this but as previously mentioned in another post, it should only be implemented on job classes that heavily depend on it... I.E. linker for both Taekwon & HP. If you give a support pet to say a Job that's heavily used in pvp (LK, Sniper, Prof, WS, Champ, etc..), it could be classed as too OP/Broken. My view with this suggestion~
  2. MEGA WOWTRUTHZ0RS!~~~~~ O___O" Tpbm doesn't respect Moon-Moon
  3. Hey kid, wanna buy some WOW?~~~~~ -Alpha Doge
  4. [43]
  5. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  6. Chocolate O_____O"~ Fat.
  7. mzvlle


    The plan was to drink until the pain's over. But what's worse? The Pain or The Hangover?
  8. mzvlle

    Corrupted Wish

    Granted but your siomai had some badly prepared blowfish & you died. I wish I could speak another language.
  9. mzvlle

    This Or That?

    Milk. Can't mix protein with bread after a session. PS4 or XboX1?
  10. Or am I being a blind noob that can't see any of the images with the cords? :3
  11. No warp coordinates nor clues as to where the nova are located?
  12. mzvlle

    One Word Story

    (is it me or none of these sentences actually make full sense... thefuck.)
  13. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  14. Good luck to everybody applying :)
  15. mzvlle

    One Word Story

  16. neveS-ytrihT
  17. Royal Mafia + Influence Alliance. Beautiful <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Honourable Mention: Awesome guild that had less than 10-ish people.. R.I.P. <3
  18. Make me one please :)
  19. Congratulations!
  20. 35.
  21. False.... I'm not Shrek... Nor Bacon. TPBM prefers a high G string than a low G string... In a ukulele.
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