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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Aerofox

  1. Left: my bag Right: paper meh, still not survivin.
  2. Aerofox

    One Word Story

  3. ate the 9 - 8, who is still alive
  4. Aerofox

    One Word Story

    chicken. (PERIOD)
  5. Aerofox

    One Word Story

  6. Aerofox

    This Or That?

    Pure. again, thanks to my complexion. Coffee or Cocoa?
  7. memories :3 and that memory contains why my brother won't tell me how to get Mewtwo. TPBM has drank coffee from Starbucks.
  8. Parry is what makes LK rise above the tier of classes. No matter what job, it really is hard to battle a LK with high vit + parry as his defense. I doubt that they'll return the usage of Parry for Freyr's Blade.
  9. Aerofox

    This Or That?

    Deviling. Poopoo looks like s*** Angeling or Deviling balloon?
  10. Granted, on your first time hovering in the sky, you hit an airplane blade then /gg. I wish I can believe that I can fly.
  11. ate the six - seven
  12. Aerofox

    One Word Story

  13. Aerofox

    This Or That?

    Choco, as my complexion is the same color as chocolate. :3 Spear or Sword? (calling out LKs who love Parry)
  14. I main the Sniper class, and I REALLY disagree with this. If we nerf the shields for snipers, it's like we're pushing the class to be as identical as a Gunslinger. -1
  15. It's sad to see one of the good and wise guys go :/ The forum won't be the same anymore without Forum~ Gonna miss ya mate :(
  16. okay I got a new keyboard, so I'm back in this. Mitomi = mji9tokkkm9o9i
  17. Aerofox

    One Word Story

  18. Oh. wow. (and i bought 1k chivs already. gg) *proceeds to delete and recreate Not A Novice*
  19. Aerofox

    One Word Story

    claustrophobia. (period)
  20. Aerofox

    This Or That?

    Pie, so that when people ask the flavor, I can say... PIE FLAVOR
  21. how about no TPBM will gear my super novice for free.
  22. We should do this with more people.
  23. Talk Dirty Ace Attorney
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