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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Mitomi

  1. Mitomi

    This Or That?

    WHAAAt no evo...lol why not my fav nissan :( I'm a camper LOOOOL gimme Sniper rifle 8D Halo or COD ?
  2. Mitomi

    One Word Story

  3. Kung Fuuuuu Panda 8D
  4. Here's a funny Meow :D and another :D
  5. lol who? what? no? this !!! :3 :D TPBM Likes my song!
  6. Mitomi

    This Or That?

    Aston Martin...i hate motorcycles... .>.> but i would sell the ugly aston and buy a Frikkn GTR ! (/*^*)/ now im talking bout cars so.. Mitsubishi Evo, Skyline or Supra? 8D
  7. Mitomi

    One Word Story

  8. Mitomi

    One Word Story

  9. OEh~ Yummeh! :3 And YEs but only cuz then i get presents >:3 muwhahhah okii i'm kidding...i'm too old T__T) alright... TPBM ever ate a weird animal? (lol im just making it interesting 0.0;;;)
  10. Boredom question! : If u had 1 Million what would do ? :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rayray


      Hire musicians to follow me around and give me theme music whenever i do something.

    3. Royals™


      Start my own syndicate group and hire some goons.. :V

    4. Amicable


      wait 1 million what ;o If it was 1 million subscribers or followers on twitter, instagram, and youtube. then shoot...id be happy hehe

  11. Aww...So CUTE :D it needs this!!! ~LOve LOve Love~ CONGRATULATIONS! :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv: :th_lv:
  12. Mitomi

    This Or That?

    OMG i wan charmander toooooo !! My charizard will own everyone! 8D 0~ Avengers or X-men?
  13. Mitomi

    One Word Story

    Butt XD
  14. Mitomi

    One Word Story

  15. Mitomi

    This Or That?

    Chi Chi, Bulma or android 18?
  17. LOL YES :3 TPBM ate...Noodles today? xD
  18. 8D yes? TPBM is bored...Just like meh? :D
  19. *LICKS*
  20. What......?! O__O...lol.....No..? TPBM likes doritos 8D
  21. Mitomi

    This Or That?

    The Jabberwocky! cuz its awsummmm 8D ( Bleach ) A Shinigami Or A Wizard ? ( Fairy Tail )
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