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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Pixel

  1. Pixel

    Script Error

    @Genesis, @Veracity
  2. Hello, thank you for choosing forsakenRO! Enjoy staying at the server. Don't hesitate to ask any question.
  3. All custom cards should be working.
  4. I should answer myself. I want some specific foods (doughnut, pizza, rice, etc) right now! TPBM - Needs a hug.
  5. This should be me.
  6. Paris - The Chainsmokers
  7. Thank you guys for supporting.
  8. Don't hesitate to ask question ingame or in forum or on discord channel.
  9. It means that you cant use vote infernal cape to make it ring, because donate infernal capes are one of the requirements to get a ring.
  10. Pixel

    Quest items

    no problem
  11. Proper capitalization. You need to do the exact same words of the answers.
  12. Welcome to frosakenRO! Thanks for choosing us! hope you enjoy our community.
  13. Pixel

    Quest items

    you need to farm this items.
  14. Woah! I like it.
  15. you can reclaim the room if you are in. (For thana room)
  16. Bruno mars - versace on the floor
  17. Wow GM GENESIS! Math kinda hard for me. You're insane.
  18. wow ! you're good player now ! ^_^
  19. Beware that some people are snobs. XD
  20. NICE GUIDE! Thanks!
  21. Pixel


    just log in it again
  22. wish you can find a guild ^_^ goodluck on your journey
  23. this was too deep. *nosebleeds*
  24. Pixel

    Gepard Shield :(

    try to run patcher?
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