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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Maiimaii

  1. B> Sinx dragonist armor paying pure leave message
  2. Hopefully we can play smooth like as before, been having a lot of lag spikes, freeze screens also. And dc every 20-40minutes. Rip activity tokens.
  3. Find me in game (Odelschwanck or broadcast for me) or leave a message here @ forums ! thanks!
  4. Excuse me, if you played lk since 2012 why are you saying its weak? Ive been playing this server for like 5-6yrs and my main is LK i nvr complained about it, its not that weak, its how you manage yourself ,playstyle, build. I dont get why people saying LK NERFED etc etc, its more like balancing. I agree about ullrs and freys adding more bb dmg but saying it weak is ridiculious.
  5. Mhm true, oh wells so far im only suggesting . And you're right about gepard, iforgot about that.
  6. Soooo, as you can see there's not much people active anymore due to their busy life. Like school, work, etc etc. some of people are too tired to get on laptop or their pc. And then i saw this RObrowsers i actually heard it from sensation, i tried to look at it , its perfect for those who's at work but want to play or chat with friend on fRO. since you can open an RO thru browser which is also available for mobiles! https://www.robrowser.com/ here's the link. About it.
  7. +999999999
  8. You making me laugh, Pain and dedz? those champs who cant kill without full asura and voked/2x themselves? GJ
  10. There is no 3rd party program allowed on this server except those things that reduce your ping suh as WTFast Pingzapper . Etcetc
  11. No problem!
  12. Yup, they should work fine on all weapons .
  13. Hello guys out there, im going to make a guild for those who need guide, pvp tips, or questions in-game. But then its not for gvg or woe or anything. It just to help peoples. Feel free to find me in-game :3. I has my ign's in my profile. But take not i do not play 24/7 .  Nerf work please. O wellssssssss thats all buh-byeeee and i might also do some events in weekends. Feel free to join. And dont forget to join our FRO Discord, make some new friends and seek for helps. OH and I DONT LIKE BEGGARS . If you want item then work hard for it, you can't just get anything for free. KthxbyeimjuzboredandijustwantnewthingslulKappaminglleed

    1. qperteplex


      Sign me up! I'll be pvp'ing soon

    2. Halion


      can i join pls? n_n

    3. Maiimaii


      Wew ye sure

  14. Traps has limit duh, 30 stacks is maxed.
  15. For some people that is lazy to read all of those comments above, USE WIZARD AND GANBETEIN those silly traps = boom gone HUEHEUE. Ganbetein or whatever you spell it Thank me later HUEHE
  16. I see, i also noticed, we got less pvper than before now, prolly work/schools is OP rn Weew
  17. Omg thissss Kkkkkkkkwkwkwkwkwkwkw
  18. And they can advetise that discord easier than us in forums xD if we only made it by ourselves , i don't think that people would come or join in xD soo yeah pleaseeee make a discord group +1
  19. Yeah true, even us could make it but its better for admins to handle it. And its easier to approach Admins instead skype. Not all people has skype or use it. Just some people had to make one because had to contact admin or ask some question. Discord would really be a big help on server and on our community. MORE FRIENDS! XD
  20. Just like i said some of them might be lazy to make their forums to seek for help, and most of gamers has discord on their pc mostly those who play Moba fps games. It wouldnt b that hard to make an discord group tho plus you can have fun chatting to your friends , listen some music, be a dj. Let your friend hear your fav music. Something like that.
  21. Let me tag you guys xD @Genesis@Veracity@Yatogami@mizel
  22. Yeah sure, we cant prevent that for not happening because its internet but, dont you think how helpful it is on server? And you can ban them from server on discord if they spam. And also you can mute person therr if you get annoyed or something, its still the same whats going on in-game, theres also trashtalks in game so yeah. But i just think this is reallly helpfull tho. And yes just like @flAzulon said. You can kick em off to server . :O Some ppl did but they bully me D: NOMOAR
  23. Oh, no no no i should be the one that thanking you because, that wasnt for free now pay me HURHEUEHEUEHEU
  24. So uhmmm dont you guys think we should have this ForsakenRO Discord group? That way it'll help newbies to ask for us easily, and since shoutout box is removed we need something like live chat. Or maybe to make more friends? Just an idea to help newbies. I can say that most of them doesnt ask for help in forums because they might think that its troublesome. So i think Discord would make them easily to ask, not just newbies, also it would fRO community and veteran players. Most of gamer have this discord im pretty sure . And its free so why not? XD let me hear what you guys think.
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