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Forsaken Nobel
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Everything posted by Ochibi

  1. DAMN DST it affect my fRO and Work !!!!!! Q_Q

  2. ^ cheap asf ahehge pm me in game or in forms
  3. *beep~
  4. Ochibi

    One Word Story

    Hot dawgs
  5. Hi welcome to forsaken RO .. i jz want to welcome u ^ ahaheah jz post forums nggas here all friendly ~~
  6. Well if you are gonna make a non donate c/b ring you'll be needing the quest poporing / poring rucksack etc. and yea non donate rings are like 1/4 stats of the orig c/b rings not sure.. but well if you are making a non donate ring it is a waste of requirements Q_Q srry my answer is too far away from your questn
  7. Can use debit card? lol
  8. Oh my goodness i think i hab to go~ critical thinkin'

  9. Oh my so many old players coming back nice ! we ba~
  10. nvm ~~
  11. PM Thebe ingame or mssag me ~
  12. Gurky iz spanish i think ..
  13. thats good news, welcome to the forums tho !! if u have questions just post here heheh or ask me lol xD
  14. Ochibi

    One Word Story

  15. Ochibi

    One Word Story

  16. Go knight hall yeaaa~ go 25 top right go inside top left lel my map is op
  17. Sumtimes i go full retard give people random mvp cards and hg Q_Q

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yatogami


      ppl would wish you were full retard all the time then xDD

    3. Armstrong


      That ain't going full retard at all. That's going full Santa Claus and that's good.

    4. Ochibi


      I luv u all ahueauheauh Q_Q

  18. Sumtimes i go full retard give people random mvp cards and hg Q_Q

  19. Welcome see you in game nice !!~
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