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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by sshinytoyguns

  1. I HATE HATE HATE YOU!! ....kidding, bby! TPBM is born in 1984.
  2. FALSE. Awesome girl as I can ever be. :D TPBM is afraid of spiders...
  3. Granted. Here have yourself a gum from under a classroom table. ;) I wish I was a bit taller...
  4. ^ Nah. I think it's me, Augustus. ;)
  5. Currently listening to some amazing songs circa 1930s. My Funny Valentine - Frank SInatra <3
  6. Tumblr! ALL THE WAY! Bacon or Sausage?
  7. somebody give me motivation to finish alyxia's blessed ring quest. >_<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rayray


      honestly, when we did the ring quest, we just dual cliented the priest and clown. just make sure they have sinx card

    3. sshinytoyguns


      yeah. i'm probably just going to post sprite hiring once i get to the raiding part. i plan to grind all weekend. must turn my ADD off. XD

    4. plok123
  8. Of course! I actually saw your PM in game. So sorry, I wasn't able to respond! Ferris bby! Can you invite him (I'm pretty sure you'll be online before me)? I'll be online later after work. I really, REALLY need to finish Alyxia's blessed ring! XD
  9. I adopted more guildies! Welcome Ray and Deliw! :laugh:
  10. Ray, I'm not AFK atm! And about the PKing, you're free to do so, but just keep it at a moderate rate. I honestly PK the shit out of people, but only when they constantly hunt me down and strike first. :p
  11. Welcome, Fritz! :laugh: FYI to all interested to join us: - Jenova Project is very small fRO guild and we keep it that way. With that being said, you can join your top 3 characters. - We are not active WoE/GvG guild. We'll WoE, but only for giggles. - Some joined us and left right away, because they think we are "boring", nobody's online, etc. Well let me get this straight, (1) we are NOT ALWAYS online and (2) read the bullet point before this. There ya have it! :) I DEMAND YOU FIX THAT RIGHT ABOUT MEOW! XD
  12. Welcome to the guild, Syllam! Heya Dominion! Syllam and I are currently online. PM Alyxia anytime or leave me a message in my chatbox! :laugh:
  13. Yep. The other one left too...lol... XD
  14. Granted. But then you actually realized how much you love them the more you see them. I wish zombie apocalypse would happen, so I can be one kickass chic.
  15. Haha! You know I am an old fart... :p I really enjoyed watching Gundam W, Majikku Naito Reiasu, and (Original) Tenchi Muyo as well! :laugh:
  16. I should be able to Ray! Alyxia is always on, but afk. I'll keep an eye for your sprite! :laugh:
  17. i have 78 wooden hearts and 16 elastic bands. come get it if you want it. :))
  18. LOL. well, one of the dudes you invited left. XD
  19. lol! i really, really love how you advertise our little home! :))
  20. I will online spank you when I see you in fCity! ):< XD
  21. ^ What he said.. :p Yeah, we'll WoE for sh*ts and giggles fa shoo! :D
  22. Lol! Hey now, Ferris! You play nice! :p
  23. Thanks!
  24. I'm a ma'am. :3 And no we don't do WoE or GvG. :)
  25. Ooops...that was bossy huh?? No...that's my mama hen mode. :D
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