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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Prince_Jester

  1. -1 on this. Champs Delay in skills thus depends on your ping ^^, It's not how the game runs :)
  2. +1 on this eventhough I don't have a ninja xD I just like to have a fair play in-game ^_^
  3. +1 on SquidySquid's Suggestion, Now that's One good Suggestion ^________^ +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
  4. No worries with that ^^, HELLO there btw :P hehe
  5. wahahaha!! curse you faiz =)) is there a cat tail ?? just wondering :P hehe
  6. Buying : Raccoon Tail [offer] Trading: Dragon Wings + [offer] = raccoon tail ~~~~~~~~~ reply please ~~~~~~~
  7. Here are the coordinate suggestions on where you could position the healer in alberta: alberta 184 150 alberta 184 145 alberta 196 146 alberta 198 153 alberta 187 149 Thanks GM, ^^,
  8. -1 on this :) there's a way to farm better than doing this @ali (multiple loot) it's a matter of technique and mind blogging strategy to farm / loot :P hehehe -1
  9. this could be a long process, see coz some items are sold with +10 on it coz of the reason that thana user will rape them down. then some items are needed refines to make it work more efficient as it has to be. +1 and -1 on this ^_^ hahahahaha!!
  10. hahaha! LoL on yer comments james !! ef ! xD hahaha GM here are the coordinate suggestions on where to put the healers in alberta: alberta 184 150 alberta 184 145 alberta 196 146 alberta 198 153 Please include this on your next update, thanks GM.
  11. I remember getting pissed of with that curse effect xD hahahaha i used alot of pancea just to get rid of it .. until someone told me just to use /effect .. i was like 0.0 wtf xD hahahaha
  12. hahahaha! got that right :P argh !! +1 on that then -_- hate u alex xD hahahaha
  13. -1 on the suggestion about lessen the number of members in the party .. It's Less fun xD hahaha
  14. there we go :) the pro had spoken :) it is Emp aura which is better :) But still I use both :)) hahahaha xD
  15. Samething here, It's just an IT matter of pre-cautions ^^, I prefer sometimes the wireless than LAN's but I like LAN's eventho... :) ^^,
  16. +1 on this ! This happened to me, but they failed. +1 Still :) hahaha. Ok vicky, I understand your concern :)) good job :)) hahahaha
  17. Wait until all network is Up ^^, Let's Be patient :)
  18. 0.0 my bad -_- then Vicky's Stalker is what best fits in this :)
  19. Server is UP ^^,

    1. sartorius19


      still cant connect nigga=.=

    2. Prince_Jester


      me either -_-

      Just waiting for the netwroks to come back in normal :) i think our server was DDoS attacked -_-

  20. haha! Good Advice there Lofty :3 haha XD
  21. Just Try talking with the thief in those 3 warps .. until you encounter those 3 "next" thingy .. you'll not get anything besides you'll have to farm for it :)
  22. I guess +1 on this ^^, I'm not playing KOE b'coz of that HP and Time matters -_- Time is too short for that much HP -_- and that HP is too much for that limited tim -_- +1 on this ^^,
  23. that suggestion is really for fair Event ^^, Event Novices could win via Strategy :P hehehe
  24. I think most of us will agree xD hahahaha!! End of Topic ^^, Problem Solved :)) haha
  25. Well, we experienced the same problem. What we've done there is that we just re-enter the tower :)) hahaha That doesn't help. I just said it :P
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