Here are the coordinate suggestions on where you could position the healer in alberta:
alberta 184 150
alberta 184 145
alberta 196 146
alberta 198 153
alberta 187 149
Thanks GM, ^^,
-1 on this :) there's a way to farm better than doing this @ali (multiple loot)
it's a matter of technique and mind blogging strategy to farm / loot :P hehehe
this could be a long process, see coz some items are sold with +10 on it coz of the reason that thana user will rape them down.
then some items are needed refines to make it work more efficient as it has to be.
+1 and -1 on this ^_^
hahaha! LoL on yer comments james !! ef ! xD hahaha
GM here are the coordinate suggestions on where to put the healers in alberta:
alberta 184 150
alberta 184 145
alberta 196 146
alberta 198 153
Please include this on your next update, thanks GM.
I remember getting pissed of with that curse effect xD hahahaha
i used alot of pancea just to get rid of it .. until someone told me just to use /effect .. i was like 0.0 wtf xD hahahaha
Just Try talking with the thief in those 3 warps .. until you encounter those 3 "next" thingy .. you'll not get anything besides you'll have to farm for it :)
I guess +1 on this ^^,
I'm not playing KOE b'coz of that HP and Time matters -_-
Time is too short for that much HP -_-
and that HP is too much for that limited tim -_-
+1 on this ^^,