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Forsaken Supreme Counselor
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Everything posted by Prince_Jester

  1. +1 on Vicky. She said all of em' hahahha!! xD
  2. Imma outta this topic xD hahahaha Jeezy Soo Woo Deus Squal Leon I've seen this two on the fild .. and yes they're both pretty good :) Target >>>---->>> & l2adius
  3. OP > 1.3k Anycolour Butt aura/ 1k Volouspa .GG hahahaha!!!
  4. hahaha!! Ferth / Immortal Technique / Taeyoung / Independece So far the best for me XD haha
  5. after u saw that boy xD hahahaha :P Peace xD hahahaha
  6. I guess there's a network error again :3

    1. milkypink


      Go to school! haha

    2. Prince_Jester


      I will xD hahaha! imma' post there xD hahaha

  7. hahahaha!! XD La LaLa LaLa! La ! La ! Laaaaaaa !!
  8. I didn't do anyting xD hahaha It just came up to my post :s hahahahaha!! That boy told me that he'll be starring on vicky until this post isn't ending xD hahahahaha
  9. and that's the point ^_^ hahahaha!! well maybe +10's are needed in MVP types.. i guess :P
  10. +1 on Emperium Aurora ! xD hahaha And yes, In your siggy you showed how to use ROP well xD hahahahahahaha
  11. is that it ? o.O hahahahahahahaha
  12. after recieving that item i bet you were like hahahahaha!!! xDDDDDDDDDDD
  13. got it right xD hahaha! Wanna do the honour of putting an end to this topic ? xD ahahaha
  14. Skolls + rings ? what If they don't have that items ??? pissed off to pvp ? ^____^ haha my point is i'm neutral in this topic suggestion :P not gonna debate on pros ^^, i'm new and i still gotta learn alotta stuffs ^^, BTW thanks for correcting me ^^, @nightmare
  15. oopssy! I pressed the "post" button
  16. what do u mean by hunting board? o.O hehehe
  17. yeah ! just keep on following the thief ^^, You'll get it there in no time :)
  18. After an hour of massive killing, LOCK's time has come to an end, he was just given 1hr to do good things but he failed then ...
  19. I'd rather pay for a Good connection rather than using wtffast xD
  20. GM here are the coordinate suggestions on where to put the healers in alberta: alberta 184 150 alberta 184 145 alberta 196 146 alberta 198 153 Please include this on your next update, thanks GM.
  21. Sleep Time ^_^ Good Night fRO fellas :) hehe

    1. sartorius19
    2. Prince_Jester



      all alone again xD hahahaha

  22. Sleep Time ^_^ Good Night fRO fellas :) hehe

  23. +1 on this ^^, Everybody know the reason xD hahaha
  24. I'd Say +1 on this after trying SBK xD hahahah
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