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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by ramonjordan

  1. Rip chris always in our hearts
  2. Just a moment of your time is all i ask for my good friend drax http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/free-ma-nigga-cole/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. coffee break
    3. Genesis


      No. He was warned multiple times. The server isn't his, it is mine. He needs to obey the rules like everyone else.

    4. Veracity


      He was banned for continuously breaking rules, broadcasting a link to an inappropriate website as well as botting. That's just the beginning.

  3. oh man look at that sexy pally in the corner whats that guys name
  4. damn where was i when this happened i could use a new mouse
  5. if i die its lagg
  6. yeah whatever happened to Lms, ND Lms and Tlms miss those events.
  7. Frogger lol loved that game
  8. Lol mike that was mwssed up old school tv's before everone had a flat screen
  9. whoopee cushions
  10. so i heard i died lol

  11. No i do not get it lol, i think you misunderstood to start the quest you need to have done all the quest prior to the new one i proposed. If you had done already the friggs quest then that means you just need to finish the others its not like as you said reducing the cost of the scarf which idk how relates to my suggestion. I was thinking of a quest to unlock a new accessory that takes up both slots. Something that gives like +10 Agi + 10 Pd +5% hp and 10% chance of casting Autoguard or maybe Kyrie Eleison or something along those lines. Maybe class specific idk just throwing out my ideas as i said before im not really creative lol.
  12. Expand on the old quest like the forsaken king and the nd belt npc's make that map useful it seems like everyone forgot about that whole chain quest. Link it up to the frog hats and friggs shield quest make it so you need to complete all the quest's to start ta new super hard quest! Or something like that lol
  13. Parties off in Pvp no more of the "whoever has more pally's in pvp at once wins" i've already seen this abused too much one pally dies another devo's in its place with full yggs and it keeps rotating. or something to stop the excessive devotion abuse. Another suggestion have 2 seperate ladder nd and donation and let nd pvp ladder prizes give out more tokens or whatever it is these days then donation to give new players a real edge over full donation. Put some strategy back into nd pvp you know not just full fset + Fsoldier. Bring back the Sheep hats!!!
  14. Another thing that pvp just isn't what it used to be before people actually pvp'd 1v1 or 1v3 maybe a pally here or there but now its just ridiculous i can see why people don't pvp its not about fun and pride anymore its about who can get the biggest party and most pally's. Non-donation pvp is basically dead now because no one will go in and no new players can compete with the donation pvp room. I don't think pvp will be the same as it was but i sure hope that with suggestions like these we can fix it. D8
  15. cant sleep there's a cricket in my room that wont stop chirping ><

    1. Danny
    2. Nelly


      burn the room down

  16. Well my opinion on this is we need something for pvp to be back like it used to be be it a new set or a new colored wing but in reality all a new wing will do is bring pvp back for what? maybe a month until the hype dies down. i agree on the set and not because of what people say like ace that its powering up the already geared but pvp needs that, something that seems worthy of a person's time something that will captivate the interest of new players and veterans alike. I would change the prices a bit though make them 30 and the aura 50 that way it will take alot of effort. Before when people were in pvp with elite sets and new years hats we went in and pvp'd and were there all day now i don't see anyone at all in pvp. Im all for this suggestion it will bring competition, Excitement, and will provide something for people to do instead of just sit in for fild all day and do nothing. To be honest i don't find joy in playing Fro anymore the atmosphere is stagnant and its just not how it used to be. The gm's are putting hard work, way more then in the past it just seems like something new is needed; A step in a new direction. Ii believe this suggestion is something that is needed to keep fro from becoming just a huge chat room for some people which is what its become to me sadly. /endlongpost
  17. welcome to jamrock - damian marley
  18. It would be a cool addition depending on what skills you get, and it gives you more to play for and would attract alot of new players to this server.
  19. woah nice pic of nines edu jk <3
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