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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by ramonjordan

  1. I tried to do that lex thing a long time ago but i never got it to work for me lol its part of the game its called strategy! if it really is that much of a problem bring down the probability of it casting. :> oh and hi mike
  2. yeah you dont need a party in pvp to win ladder there are people with 4 pallies in pvp at once so when one dies another one is ready with a fresh set of yggs tell me that isn't abusive you barely have a chance to do any damage to the person laddering.
  3. Roll up- Wiz Khalifa
  4. Words i never said- Lupe Fiasco
  5. eh i can kind of see why you would want to add the buffs but then its true what everyone else is saying how about settle for half? 5% walk speed reduction and 5% increase? that way everyone gets what they want and its not that much of a difference or maybe a 2% hp boost or something small.
  6. O.o
  7. The Rucksack Npc when you click on Drops RuckSack and Poporing Rucksack and you go to make the item but don't have the needed materials there isn't the usual "close" option you can click on, instead you have to relog but the poring rucksack lets you close.
  8. As i drown in my regrets i can't take back the words i never said

  9. yes me too. it also can't write another one and mines is like 2 years old lol
  10. Who's going to watch hard times of RJ burger tonight :O?

    1.  Ita


      Not me o_o;;

    2. Annie ♥

      Annie ♥

      nobody with friends to go out with, or a life.

  11. Nice post +1 Can't wait to see if this is implemented great job again nines keep up with the creativity
  12. ramonjordan

    Mike Rotch

    Thought that was Asher Roth throwing a illuminati sign up lmao how wrong was i
  13. Aah life's a bitch, but i appreciate her.

    1. Masahiro


      of course, shes makes you ck sammitches for lunch LOL

    2. Danny


      Agree. ;3 make a mean sandwich bish!

  14. gay fag jew horse slut bitch lol

  15. first to use the green poring hat that pops when you die :o
  16. no clue woke up and banned lmao my bad luck

  17. ramonjordan

    I Own You

    :0 dude nines my live account is banned lol
  18. ramonjordan

    I Own You

    cough achoo im more betterer
  19. ramonjordan


    Dude sharing the throne is like forbidden lmao nothing good comes of that lol
  20. ramonjordan


    no way you can let them that like breaks the concentration on the task at hand lol and its awkward as hell when that happens i just ignore them and for some reason im always texting or something lol so i keep doing that
  21. kuoch looks geeked up lmfao
  22. The Resistance- Drake
  23. Playing creator recently i noticed that they're not as powerful as the other classes you can basically stop a alchemist with Gtb Rsx+Gr and devs. Messing around with builds i got to a good hybrid but you need to compensate so much int for str that either your doing 1k ad and 1k bolt or your hp is at 170k. Anyways my suggestion is give alchemist a bit more str so they can efficiently put out decent damage with mammo instead of having to rely on pure int.
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