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Forsaken Council
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Everything posted by ramonjordan

  1. SMD trying show me up eh? slut horse

  2. ramonjordan


    Oh man tat nab i have hundreds of his skulls lol
  3. I have to give it to Number 6 Emy did a great job not only is it well made it shows what i believe graffiti stands for. Its well made and looks nice this is what you expect to see when graffiti comes to mind.
  4. ramonjordan


    You always have shield 16k's aren't that much considering Lk's BB do about the same on shield. Champs asura can be spammed and along with snap+Tss and Palm push they are pretty good at not getting hit. Coma doesn't work that good ever since the nerf, really only reason sinx hit that much is because of the Irish hat Scarf combo on full str the damage is insane.
  5. A Trick i used to use is with Ifrit Rings when you get fury your crit rate goes up and coupled with the vanberk effect you usually get 300 Crit.
  6. yeah i agree you should be able to provoke your self and i'd put in mind break too it would make more people want to play different classes i'm all for it.
  7. Man the saints had the stage set up perfectly since the beginning of the game i said the saints were going to win Freeney was injured they were letting brees do what he wanted. Peyton gave a good effort he was hitting clark every other pass for huge gains all in all it was a good game
  8. Who dat lol Knew the saints were going to win
  9. what i be in gvg taroting everyone
  10. I'd Suggest Pvp Rental items and Mvp Rental items Example: Pvp Armor: Resistance to Water, Fire, Earth, Elements 10% Hp/Sp +5% Mvp Armor:Less damage from Boss monster 20%, 5% chance to Increase Crit Rate +100 or something along the lines of that Pvp Boots : More damage against demi-human 15%, 10% more MATK Mvp Boots:Agi +10 Vit+10 chance to cast lvl 1 Magnetic Earth when receiving damage Pvp Cloak:Decrease Vit Defense by 30%, 40% Reduction of Neutral Property, Hp/Sp +5% Mvp Cloak:Hp/Sp +5% Flee Rate +25 Pvp Helm:Reduce After Class Delay 20% Enable Lvl 1 Sight and Maya P affect Str+10 Mvp Helm:Maya P affect, Small chance to cast Lvl 1 Beserk while attacking and Str+10 just some ideas off the top of my head
  11. ramonjordan

    Ice Pick

    Can someone please make Ice Pick undroppable i dropped one in euro woe today not fun lol
  12. Tie me down- New Boyz
  13. +1 implement plox
  14. I just have a question about the new year's poring hat, will it be implemented? It cost me alot of vote coupons and it would suck if it was all for nothing. Other then that great jobs GM's thanks for the updates
  15. Replay- Sean Kingston
  16. ramonjordan


    :o nice rant those damn haters lol
  17. Face Hmm a hard one Kill someone or live poor?
  18. Around the world- Daft Punk
  19. Hey huzefa its daze you playing again?

  20. Da Graveyard- Big L
  21. [GM]Flash because i be there in a flash!
  22. This post was when i couldnt log onto my main forums lol you can close it gm's i made a newer one
  23. You can make the dead branch exchanger 700:1 or something idk Just want to give other players who might not have alot of friends or the best gear a chance to Mvp.
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